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Finding true life partner is now a business

There is continuous decrease in Female birth rate as compared to male . From a decade women are treated for not as a life partner but as a person who can work and cook food for family. Also divorce case is increasing on alarming rate and finding true life partner is now a business.

Marriage is an important social institution. Moreover it of great importance not only in our country but also in other countries and cultures. But our society is male dominated. Therefore, there is an attempt to tweak the changes coming in the twenty-first century to conform to that manliest thinking.

Things like industrial revolution, expansion of information, facility of education and availability of technology have made women aware and empowered. Likewise the deception towards female is increasing . Also finding true life partner is now a business trend just to collect dowry from bride’s parents.

Dating is a business

Most of today’s dating apps are for fun seekers who are based on appearance and place. In addition estimation of Indian business of online matrimony has tripled in the next three years to about 1,500 crore. Nevertheless, websites available for single people are becoming their own special place. As these sites are giving a unique and interesting option to choose a life partner and there is no imposition of any traditional method. In fact this is a method to capitalize online search to find a partner of 20 and above 30 singles .

These people are getting attraction from new methods of scheme going on . There is pressure on matrimonial websites to ensure a conversation. As a result of giving more preference, there is no destination for the relationships that grow through them. Such services have difficulties with fake profiles, countless invites, calls or messages made for pastime, often hurting the dignity of users.

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Trend of online dating

The trend of dating is still in the early stages and women want complete information about someone before spending time with them. Gated singles group in which the correct and complete information of every member is recorded before admission, is becoming a new way of connecting relations in today’s Indian environment. The organizers appear in the role that was once guardians. They initiate the first step of the relationship according to the wishes of the members, including a cursory examination of their background and creating an environment in which the relationship can flourish.

A meeting is needed when after a few years of marriage or change of place,” friendship starts to fade “and you feel the need to meet new people. Most of the meetings are done through social sites through friends or family. Even if the search is not complete through them, you have no other solution.

Low Security on online dating

Security is a big concern for women in cities like Delhi. There are plenty of men on dating sites who are looking for girlfriends for the night and a certain There are girls by profession.

Demand is increasing day by day

Today, with the girl being educated and working, greed among her in-laws is increasing. Now, expectations have increased from his daughter-in-law. Now it is not only mandatory to be beautiful, efficient in domestic work. Also it is necessary to be well-educated and working.

Many girls are trapped

Many boys and their families do not have to hide their shortcomings, give false information about education and jobs and even lie. Not only this the talented girl wants to step down she should justify her partner and in-laws about the wrong thing. If not quietly accept and keep the salary in in-laws hand every month. Do not protest at all. Foe a working and self sufficient girl it is like betrayal and goes into depression.

In some way, if a girl manages to raise her voice after being overbearing, then she has to fall prey to their oppression. Because even today our society believes that once married girl should somehow adjust. They should forget their dream and fallow the instruction blindly. These people are well aware that if somehow girl comes to know the truth after marriage she cant do anything. For this reason finding true life partner is now a business.

Save yourself from dating scams

Also beware of people who are clearly trying to extract as much of your personal information as possible, but don’t say anything specific about themselves . This could be a sign of a scammer. Experts strongly recommend that you hold your first meeting, not at home, but in a public place . If something goes wrong, you can always leave without losing your dignity.

What we learn from this

Meeting people and connecting with them is a challenge. The relationship between two people starts with this kind of mutual interaction. Many people are willing to meet their own community while taking care of the family. True love is selfless.

The one who truly loves his life-partner tries to keep his partner happier than himself. He does not do that when he wishes, only then express his love. He cares about his partner and realizes that his partner needs and loves him.

Quotes on true life partner

“A true life partner is not just someone who shares your joys and sorrows but someone who understands your soul and accepts you with all your imperfections.” – Unknown

“In the journey of life, a true partner is the one who holds your hand and heart, guiding you through every storm and celebrating every triumph.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is not only your lover but also your best friend, confidant, and biggest supporter in all your dreams and endeavors.” – Unknown

“True love is finding that one person who completes you, accepts you as you are, and makes you a better version of yourself.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is the one who sees the beauty in your scars, the strength in your struggles, and the potential in your soul.” – Unknown

“In the arms of a true life partner, you find home, safety, and the freedom to be your authentic self without judgment.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a mirror, reflecting your best qualities and helping you work on your weaknesses without shattering your self-esteem.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is not someone you find but someone you build a deep connection with, through trust, respect, and unwavering love.” – Unknown

“True happiness is knowing that you have a life partner who cherishes you for who you are and supports your growth and happiness.” – Unknown

“The bond between true life partners is not just based on feelings, but on a mutual commitment to weather the storms of life together.” – Unknown


“A true life partner is like a rare gem – precious, valuable, and irreplaceable in your heart.” – Unknown

“Finding a true life partner is like discovering the missing piece to your puzzle – everything falls into place.” – Unknown

“In the presence of a true life partner, you feel a profound sense of belonging and unconditional love.” – Unknown

“True life partners are not just compatible; they complement each other, creating a harmonious and balanced relationship.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who knows how to wipe away your tears, heal your wounds, and make you smile again.” – Unknown

“The love between true life partners is a flame that burns brightly, lighting up even the darkest paths of life.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a shelter from the storm, providing comfort, safety, and peace in turbulent times.” – Unknown

“True life partners share not only laughter and joy but also the weight of life’s burdens, making them easier to bear.” – Unknown

“In the eyes of a true life partner, you see your future, and in their heart, you find your home.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone you can be your most vulnerable self with, knowing they will hold your heart with tenderness and care.” – Unknown


“A true life partner is someone who sees your scars as a roadmap of where you’ve been and loves you even more for the journey you’ve taken.” – Unknown

“True love is not about finding the perfect person, but about seeing an imperfect person perfectly.” – Sam Keen

“A true life partner is not only the one you love deeply but also the one you like and admire as a person.” – Unknown

“In the arms of a true life partner, you find solace in a chaotic world, and their presence feels like coming home.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is the one who knows how to turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories.” – Unknown

“True life partners are like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly together, creating a beautiful picture of love and togetherness.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is not someone who completes you, but someone who complements your journey of self-discovery.” – Unknown

“In the company of a true life partner, you experience the magic of being loved for who you are, without any pretenses.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is the one who believes in you when you doubt yourself and reminds you of your strength when you feel weak.” – Unknown

“True love is knowing each other’s flaws and choosing to love fiercely despite them.” – Unknown


“A true life partner is a companion in laughter, a shoulder in tears, and a hand to hold through every challenge.” – Unknown

“In the embrace of a true life partner, you find a sanctuary where you can be vulnerable, genuine, and unapologetically yourself.” – Unknown

“True love is not about finding someone perfect, but about learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” – Angelita Lim

“A true life partner is someone who makes you a priority, listens without judgment, and loves without conditions.” – Unknown

“True love is not just a feeling; it’s a choice you make every day to cherish and nurture the bond with your life partner.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a mirror that reflects your best qualities and helps you grow in compassion and understanding.” – Unknown

“True life partners stand strong together, weathering the storms of life with grace and resilience.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who knows your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.” – Unknown

“In the heart of a true life partner, you find acceptance, forgiveness, and a love that never wavers.” – Unknown

“True love is a partnership where both souls intertwine, creating a beautiful dance of love, trust, and respect.” – Unknown


“A true life partner is not just someone you can live with; it’s someone you cannot live without.” – Unknown

“True love is not about finding someone perfect, but about finding someone who perfectly complements your life.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is the one who brings out the best in you and makes you want to be a better person every day.” – Unknown

“In the arms of a true life partner, you find strength in vulnerability and courage in facing life’s uncertainties.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a rare treasure – once found, it is cherished and valued for a lifetime.” – Unknown

“True love is not measured by how much you say ‘I love you,’ but by how much you prove it through your actions.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is not someone who completes you, but someone who complements and enhances your completeness.” – Unknown

“In the journey of love, a true life partner is the one who holds your hand and heart through every twist and turn.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and loves you unconditionally in the present.” – Unknown

“True love is not about finding perfection but embracing imperfections with an open heart.” – Unknown


“A true life partner is the one who stands by your side not only during the sunny days but also in the darkest nights.” – Unknown

“In the presence of a true life partner, you feel a sense of belonging that goes beyond the confines of time and space.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a melody that resonates in your heart, bringing harmony and joy to your soul.” – Unknown

“True love is not just a fleeting emotion; it’s a deep connection that withstands the test of time.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who sees the beauty in your flaws and loves you even more for your vulnerabilities.” – Unknown

“In the eyes of a true life partner, you see a reflection of your own soul and find a profound understanding.” – Unknown

“True love is not about finding someone perfect but about finding someone who embraces your imperfections perfectly.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a beacon of light, guiding you through life’s challenges with love and unwavering support.” – Unknown

“In the heart of a true life partner, you find a love that knows no boundaries, a love that transcends all obstacles.” – Unknown

“True love is not about finding someone you can live with, but about finding someone you can’t live without.” – Unknown


“A true life partner is the one who sees your scars as a testament to your strength and resilience.” – Unknown

“True love is about finding someone who loves you not in spite of your flaws but because of them.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a warm embrace, enveloping you in love and understanding.” – Unknown

“In the arms of a true life partner, you find a safe haven where you can be your authentic self.” – Unknown

“True love is not about finding someone to complete you, but someone to complement and enrich your life.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who knows your deepest fears and still believes in your dreams.” – Unknown

“In the journey of love, a true life partner is the one who encourages you to spread your wings and soar.” – Unknown

“True love is not just about loving each other on the good days, but about supporting each other through the bad ones.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a rare gem, cherished for its uniqueness and valued for its beauty.” – Unknown

“In the eyes of a true life partner, you find a reflection of your soul and a love that transcends time.” – Unknown


“True love is not a fairytale ending; it’s a lifelong commitment to grow and evolve together.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is the one who embraces your quirks and idiosyncrasies, making you feel truly accepted.” – Unknown

“In the heart of a true life partner, you find the strength to face life’s challenges with courage and grace.” – Unknown

“True love is not about grand gestures but about the small, everyday acts of kindness and thoughtfulness.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who knows your weaknesses but focuses on your strengths.” – Unknown

“In the company of a true life partner, you find a love that grows deeper and stronger with each passing day.” – Unknown

“True love is not about perfection; it’s about embracing imperfections and finding beauty in them.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a rock in the storm, providing stability and unwavering support.” – Unknown

“In the arms of a true life partner, you find comfort in the midst of chaos and strength in moments of weakness.” – Unknown

“True love is not about completing each other; it’s about complementing and enriching each other’s lives.” – Unknown


“A true life partner is the one who knows the song of your heart and can sing it back to you when you forget the words.” – Unknown

“True love is not about possession, but about appreciation and gratitude for the person who chooses to be with you.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a mirror that reflects your true self and helps you grow into the best version of you.” – Unknown

“In the presence of a true life partner, you feel a sense of calmness and completeness that words cannot describe.” – Unknown

“True love is not about seeking perfection in each other, but about creating a perfect harmony together.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who celebrates your successes as if they were their own and supports you through every failure.” – Unknown

“In the eyes of a true life partner, you find a love that transcends the boundaries of time and space.” – Unknown

“True love is not just about saying ‘I love you,’ but about showing it through actions and kindness.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like the anchor in a storm, providing stability and strength during life’s toughest challenges.” – Unknown

“In the heart of a true life partner, you find a love that is unconditional and stands the test of time.” – Unknown


“True love is not about changing someone, but about accepting them as they are and growing together.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is the one who knows your weaknesses but helps you build on your strengths.” – Unknown

“In the company of a true life partner, you find a deep connection that transcends the superficial aspects of life.” – Unknown

“True love is not about finding someone perfect, but about finding someone who makes your heart feel at home.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a gentle breeze that refreshes your soul and brings joy to your heart.” – Unknown

“In the arms of a true life partner, you find a love that is genuine, sincere, and unwavering.” – Unknown

“True love is not about being infatuated with each other, but about staying committed and loyal even when the initial spark fades.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who supports your dreams and encourages you to reach for the stars.” – Unknown

“In the eyes of a true life partner, you see not just a reflection but a shared vision of a beautiful future together.” – Unknown

“True love is not just about passion, but about the deep and profound connection of two souls.” – Unknown


“A true life partner is the one who sees the beauty in your soul and makes you feel cherished every day.” – Unknown

“True love is not about perfection, but about accepting each other’s imperfections with love and understanding.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a lifeline, keeping you grounded while encouraging you to reach for your dreams.” – Unknown

“In the embrace of a true life partner, you find comfort, safety, and a love that knows no boundaries.” – Unknown

“True love is not about finding someone to complete you, but about sharing your completeness with each other.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who brings laughter to your tears and joy to your heart.” – Unknown

“In the eyes of a true life partner, you see not just love but a reflection of your shared dreams and aspirations.” – Unknown

“True love is not about needing someone but choosing someone every day with all your heart.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a beacon of light, guiding you through the darkest nights of life.” – Unknown

“In the heart of a true life partner, you find a love that is patient, forgiving, and endlessly understanding.” – Unknown


“True love is not about finding someone to complete you, but about sharing your completeness with each other.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who knows your fears but helps you find courage to overcome them.” – Unknown

“In the presence of a true life partner, you feel a sense of contentment that comes from being deeply understood and appreciated.” – Unknown

“True love is not about changing someone, but about growing and evolving together.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is like a mirror that reflects your true self and helps you become the best version of yourself.” – Unknown

“In the arms of a true life partner, you find a love that feels like home, no matter where you are.” – Unknown

“True love is not about finding someone to fill the emptiness within you, but about sharing your fullness with another.” – Unknown

“A true life partner is someone who stands by your side not only in the good times but especially in the tough times.” – Unknown

“In the eyes of a true life partner, you find acceptance, validation, and a love that never fades.” – Unknown

“True love is not just about words, but about the actions and effort put into nurturing the relationship.” – Unknown

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