More Jokes

More Jokes the stress reliever

Jokes are mood changer for everyone . Even a sad person feel relieved after laughing on jokes. Therefore in this more jokes the stress reliever will try to remove stress . Also they can find little peace and happiness.

Laughter is the best mood changer

A good sense of humor can’t cure all ailments. In fact data is mounting about the positive things laughter can do. When a person is angry or sad people sit alone in a corner . In order to revive the mood jokes are always helpful. Therefore jokes plays an important role in changing the mood of person.

Physical changes in body

A good laugh has great short-term effects. It’s also good for you over the long term. Actually laughing makes you feel positive. When you start to laugh, it doesn’t just lighten your load mentally. But also it induces physical changes in your body. This physical changes provides you energy .

Laughter stimulates organs

Certainly laughing can stimulate many organs. Also laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air. Above all laughter helps to stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles. Indeed it increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.

Feel relax while laughing

Jokes helps you to activate and relieve your stress response. Furthermore a rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response. Moreover it can increase and then decrease your heart rate and blood pressure. The result is always a good and will feel relax.

Removes tension

In addition laughing can soothe tension. Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation. Both of this factors can help to reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress. Therefore jokes can be a good remedy to remove tension.

Also Read – Quotes on Raksha Bandhan.

Improve your immune system.

We all are aware that negative thoughts manifest into chemical reactions. This negative thoughts can affect your body by bringing more stress into your system and decreasing your immunity. By contrast, positive thoughts can actually release neuropeptides that help fight stress. Not only stress also fights potentially more-serious illnesses.

Pain reliever

Laughter may ease pain by causing the body to produce its own natural painkillers. So when a people is laughing they may not feel the pain. With the help of jokes laugher can increase personal satisfaction. Additionally laughter can also make it easier to cope with difficult situations. It also helps you connect with other people.

Removes depression

Many people experience depression, sometimes due to chronic illnesses. Laughter can help lessen your depression and anxiety and may make you feel happier. after all depression is the house of all illness. Therefore More Jokes the stress reliever is a place where you can find variety of jokes.

Improve your sense of humor

Are you afraid you have an underdeveloped — or nonexistent — sense of humor? No problem. Humor can be learned. In fact, developing or refining your sense of humor may be easier than you think.

Put humor on your horizon. Find a few simple items, such as photos, greeting cards or comic strips, that make you chuckle. Then hang them up at home or in your office. Keep funny movies, books, magazines or comedy videos on hand for when you need an added humor boost. Look online at joke websites. Go to a comedy club.

Laughter Yoga

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Find a way to laugh about your own situations and watch your stress begin to fade away. Even if it feels forced at first, practice laughing. It does your body good. Consider trying laughter yoga. In laughter yoga, people practice laughter as a group. Laughter is forced at first, but it can soon turn into spontaneous laughter.

Share a laugh. Make it a habit to spend time with friends who make you laugh. And then return the favor by sharing funny stories or jokes with those around you. Share pictures of More Jokes the stress reliever where good jokes are available .

Where to find Jokes

Browse through your local bookstore or library’s selection of joke books and add a few jokes to your list that you can share with friends. Also more Jokes the stress reliever perfect place to find jokes that will make you laugh out loud.

Know what isn’t funny. Don’t laugh at the expense of others. Some forms of humor aren’t appropriate. Use your best judgment to discern a good joke from a bad or hurtful one.


Pappu: What is this ?
Cook – This is dahi .
Pappu : What is dahi ?
Cook : Milk sleep at night and morning become tight.

Marriage and government both are in same category.
Everyone wants good news in one year .
Any good news ??

Salesman: Sir, do you want this powder ?
Pappu: For what ?
Salesman: For ants
Pappu: No. If I give powder today, they will ask lipstick tomorrow!!

Pappu : Is Google male or female?
Duppu: Female, because it doesn’t let you finish a sentence before making a suggestion .

Interviewer: What is a skeleton?
Pappu: Sir, skeleton is a person who started dieting,
but forgot to stop it!!

Pappu and Duppu participates in 100 m race
Referee – ‘1,2,3 GO!’…
Everybody started running except Pappu.
Referee – Why are you not running…?
Pappu – My number is 4.

Pappu: Two tickets.Let’s go for movie.
Duppu: Shit, I’ve got a doctor’s appointment today..
Santa: Just cancel it,Tell him you’re sick.

A teacher asked her to use the word “beans” in sentence.
Shalu said : “My father grows beans,”
Duppu said : “My mother cooks beans,”
Pappu said : “We are all human beans.”. ???

Funny Jokes

Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!

I asked the gym instructor if he could teach me to do the splits. He replied, “How flexible are you?” I said, “I can’t make it on Tuesdays.”

Why don’t skeletons fight each other? They don’t have the guts!

Why couldn’t the bicycle stand up by itself? It was two-tired!

Why don’t eggs tell jokes? Because they might crack up!

Why don’t scientists trust stairs? Because they’re always up to something!

I used to be a baker, but I couldn’t make enough dough, so I kneaded a change.

How do you catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut!

What’s the best time to go to the dentist? Tooth-hurty!

Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them!

Daily Jokes

Why don’t scientists trust atoms anymore? Because they make up everything!

I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. It’s impossible to put down!

Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

How do you organize a space party? You planet!

I used to be a baker until I realized I kneaded dough.

What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!

Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything!

Why did the bicycle fall over? Because it was two-tired!

How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it!

What do you call a pile of cats? A meowtain!

Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing!

What did one wall say to the other wall? “I’ll meet you at the corner!”

Jokes of the day

I got a job at a bakery because I kneaded dough.

What do you call a snowman with a six-pack? An abdominal snowman!

I bought shoes from a drug dealer. I don’t know what he laced them with, but I’ve been tripping all day!

What do you call a bear with no teeth? A gummy bear!

I asked the librarian if they had any books on paranoia. She whispered, “They’re right behind you!”

Did you hear about the mathematician who’s afraid of negative numbers? He’ll stop at nothing to avoid them!

Why don’t eggs tell jokes? Because they might crack up!

What do you get when you cross a snowman and a vampire? Frostbite!

I used to play piano by ear, but now I use my hands.

How does a penguin build its house? Igloos it together!

Why did the scarecrow win an award? Because he was outstanding in his field!

How do you catch a squirrel? Climb a tree and act like a nut!

Jokes on Toys

Why did the teddy bear say “No” to dessert? Because it was already stuffed!

What did one doll say to the other doll at the tea party? “Pour me another cup, Barbie!”

Why did the toy go to school? To get “play”-ducation!

How do toys communicate with each other? By using “doll”-phones!

What do you call a toy that can sing and dance? A “play”-erform!

Why did the toy go to the doctor? It had a case of “action figure”!

How do toys stay in shape? They “exercise” their imaginations!

What’s a toy’s favorite kind of music? “Rock”-and-roll!

What do you call a toy that can do magic tricks? A “hocus pocus” plush!

Why did the toy car go to the mechanic? It had a “wheel”-ignment issue!

Funny toy Jokes

Why did the toy robot go on a diet? It had too many “byte”-sized snacks!

What did the toy say to the other toy while playing hide-and-seek? “You’ve got to be “kid”-ding me!”

Why did the teddy bear skip dessert? It didn’t want to become a “jelly” bear!

What’s a toy’s favorite type of dance? The “robot”!

Why did the toy bring a ladder to the party? It wanted to “reach” the high shelves!

How do toys get around? They take the “play”-ne!

What do you call a toy that’s always getting into trouble? A “mis-“chief!

Why did the toy become a comedian? It wanted to “play” on people’s funny bones!

What do you call a toy that’s full of energy? A “batteried” toy!

Why did the toy car go to school? It wanted to get a “toy”-tion!

Jokes that will make you smile

Why did the teddy bear say it was stuffed? Because it had too much “plush” food!

What kind of toy can you eat? A “gummy” bear!

What do you call a toy that takes a lot of naps? A “snooze” doll!

How does a toy get around town? It rides on a “toy”cycle!

Why did the toy go to the doctor? It had a case of the “action figure”!

What do you call a toy that has excellent manners? A “polite”-on!

Why did the toy dog sit in the shade? It didn’t want to become a “hot” dog!

What’s a toy’s favorite kind of music? “Rock” and roll!

How does a toy organize its party? It “play”-ns it carefully!

What did the toy train say to the other train? “I think I can, I think I can!”

Jokes on phone

Why did the smartphone go to therapy? It had too many apps-sessions!

Why did the phone go to school? To become “smart”er!

How did the phone propose to its partner? It gave them a ringtone!

Why did the phone need glasses? It had lost all its contacts!

What did the phone say to the Wi-Fi? “You complete me!”

Why did the phone go to the bank? It wanted to check its “mobile” balance!

How does a phone greet its owner? With a “cell” phone!

Why did the phone go on a diet? It had too many “junk” messages!

Why did the phone take a vacation? It needed to recharge its battery!

What do you call a phone that doesn’t share? Selfie-ish!

Laughable jokes on phone

Why was the math book sad when it tried to call the phone? It couldn’t find the right “cell” number!

What do you call a phone that can sing? A “ringtone”!

Why did the phone bring a pencil to the party? It wanted to take “notes”!

Why did the smartphone go to therapy? It had too many “hang-ups”!

What did one iPhone say to the other iPhone at the party? “You light up my screen!”

Why did the phone need an attorney? It was charged with battery!

Why did the smartphone bring a jacket to the desert? It heard it could get “no signal” there!

How did the phone apologize to its owner? It sent a “text” saying sorry!

Why did the phone visit the bakery? It wanted to download some “cookies”!

What did the cellphone say to the pillow? “Stop pillow talking, you’re interrupting my charging time!

Phone is smart but funny

Why did the smartphone bring a map to the party? Because it couldn’t find a good “connection”!

What did one phone say to the other phone? “I feel so appy when I’m with you!”

Why did the phone go to the doctor? It was feeling a bit “mobile”-ncholy!

What did the cell phone say to the pillow? “I need my beauty sleep, please put me on silent!”

Why was the phone cold? It left its “iJacket” at home!

What do you call a phone that floats in water? A “cell” phone!

Why did the phone need therapy? It had a lot of unresolved “app”-tions!

How did the phone propose to its charger? “You charge me up and complete me, will you be my power partner?”

Why did the phone bring a ladder to the concert? It wanted to get a better “signal”!

What do you call a phone that sings country music? A “ring”tone!

Jokes on Pillow

Why did the pillow go to school? It wanted to learn how to cushion the blows!

Why did the pillow go to the therapist? It had too many dreams and needed to sort them out!

What did one pillow say to the other pillow? “I think we make a great bed!”

Why did the pillow refuse to fight? It didn’t want to start any pillowcases!

How do you make a pillow laugh? Tickle its feathers!

Why did the pillow bring a flashlight to bed? It wanted to read a “pillow” book!

What do you call a pillow with a bad attitude? A “sour dream”!

How do pillows greet each other? “Rest” assured, they give a soft “hello”!

What did the pillow say when it fell in love? “I’ve got butterflies in my fluff!”

Why was the pillow happy? Because it had a “dreamy” disposition!

Do you laugh on Pillow ?

Why did the pillow need a vacation? It was tired of getting “pillow-fied” in the same place all the time!

What do you call a pillow that tells jokes? A “comfornian”!

Why did the pillow join the band? It wanted to be a “soft” drummer!

What did the pillow say to the blanket? “You’re my perfect “cover” and I can’t sleep without you!”

Why did the pillow bring a camera to bed? It wanted to capture “pillow”-fect moments!

How do pillows play games? They use “pillow”-low latency controllers!

What do you call a pillow with a great sense of humor? A “laughing cushion”!

Why did the pillow go to the doctor? It was feeling a little “deflated”!

How does a pillow apologize? It says, “I’m sorry for being so cushion-y!”

What do you call a pillow that’s an expert at karate? A “chop-pillow”!

Talkative pillow who is funny

Why did the pillow go to the therapist? It had trouble dealing with nightmares and needed to “rest” its mind!

What did one pillow say to the other pillow during an argument? “Let’s not make a mountain out of a fluff hill!”

Why did the pillow become a detective? It wanted to solve the mystery of the missing dreams!

How do pillows stay in shape? They do “pillow”ates!

Why did the pillow get in trouble at school? It was caught “rest”-ing during class!

What’s a pillow’s favorite exercise? Pillow “fighting”!

How did the pillow win the talent show? It gave a “cushion”-ary performance!

What do you call a pillow that sings lullabies? A “dreamy” crooner!

Why did the pillow run for president? It believed in promoting a peaceful “sleep” of mind!

How does a pillow navigate through traffic? It uses its “pillow”t navigation system!

Jokes on Spoon and fork

Why did the spoon go to school? Because it wanted to become a “ladle”!

What did the fork say to the knife? “Let’s cut to the chase!”

Why did the knife break up with the spoon? They just couldn’t “cut” it together!

How did the spoon greet the bowl? “I’m glad we’re in this together, we make a great “pair”!

What did the knife say to the vegetable peeler? “You’re really sharp!”

Why did the spoon go to the doctor? It was feeling a little “stir” crazy!

What did the spoon say to the plate? “You’re looking quite dishy today!”

Why did the fork join the gym? It wanted to get “toned”!

What did the spoon say to the napkin? “You’re the fold to my soup!”

Why did the utensils go to the party? They heard it was going to be a “fork-tastic” time!

Funny fork and kidding spoon

Why did the fork go to the doctor? It had a tine infection!

What do you call a spoon that tells jokes? A “soup”er comedian!

How did the knife propose to the fork? With a ring of spaghetti!

Why did the spoon get a promotion at work? It was always stirring things up!

What do you call a group of spoons playing music together? A jam session!

Why did the knife always win at poker? It had the sharpest “cards”!

What did the fork say to the plate? “Dinner’s on me!”

Why did the spoon go on a diet? It wanted to be a little soup-er!

How did the spoon and the knife settle their argument? They agreed to have a “cutlery” contest!

What do you call a fancy fork? A “four-kay”!

Jokes on ant

What do you call an ant that likes to be alone? An “independ-ant”!

Why did the ant go to the dance? It heard it was going to be a “picnic”!

What do you get if you cross an ant with a bear? Very small picnic baskets!

Why did the ant bring a map to the party? It didn’t want to get “dis-ant-ed”!

What do you call an ant who can sing? A “croak-ant”!

How do ants send messages to each other? By “ant-tenna”!

Why did the ant get hired as a dishwasher? It was great at handling “plate”-s!

What do you call an ant with musical talent? A “brilli-ant” musician!

How do ants solve problems? They “brain-storm”!

What did the mama ant say to her naughty child? “Stop bugging me!”

Ant is marching and laughing

What do you call an ant that can sing and dance? A performer-ant!

Why did the ant get into acting? It wanted to be in the “ant-ertainment” industry!

What did one ant say to the other ant at the picnic? “Pass the “ant”-ipasto!”

Why did the ant go to school? To improve its ant-telligence!

What do you call an ant that won’t stop talking? A chit-chatter!

Why did the ant bring a ladder to the beach? It wanted to go in the “surf-ant”!

What do you call an ant with a good sense of direction? A navig-ant!

How do ants communicate with each other? Through their “insect-ernet”!

What did the ant say when it accidentally bumped into another ant? “Oops, ant-sorry!”

Why did the ant go to the party? It heard there would be a lot of “ant-ticipation”!

What we learned from this ?

Laughter is the best medicine. Go ahead and give it a try. Turn the corners of your mouth up into a smile and then give a laugh, even if it feels a little forced. Once you’ve had your chuckle, take stock of how you’re feeling. Are your muscles a little less tense? Do you feel more relaxed or buoyant? That’s the natural wonder of laughing at work.

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