138 Non verbal reasoning question on classification

Non verbal reasoning question on classification

Non-verbal reasoning questions on classification typically involve grouping or categorizing objects, shapes, or patterns based on their similarities and differences. Here are some examples of classification-based non-verbal reasoning questions for you:

1. Shape Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • πŸ”Ά Square
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • πŸ”΅ Oval
  • Answer: πŸ”Ά Square (all others are curved shapes, and square is a straight-edged shape).

2. Color Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”΄ Red
  • 🟒 Green
  • πŸ”΅ Blue
  • 🟑 Yellow
  • Answer: 🟑 Yellow (the other colors are primary colors, yellow is a secondary color).

3. Shape and Size Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • ⬛ Large square
  • πŸ”Ά Medium square
  • πŸ”Ί Small triangle
  • πŸ”· Medium square
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Small triangle (all other shapes are squares, while this is a triangle).

4. Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🍏 Green apple
  • 🍌 Yellow banana
  • πŸ’ Red cherry
  • 🍊 Orange
  • Answer: 🍏 Green apple (it’s the only one not a tropical fruit).

5. Shape and Rotation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Rotated square
  • πŸ”· Rotated square
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • πŸ”Ά Square
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (all other shapes are squares or rotated squares).

6. Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”³ Square
  • β¬’ Hexagon
  • πŸ”² Rectangle
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • Answer: β¬’ Hexagon (it does not have the same number of symmetrical sides as the others).

7. Shape with Number of Sides Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • ⬛ Rectangle
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no sides).

8. Shape and Color Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Green square
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟦 Blue circle
  • 🟨 Yellow square
  • Answer: 🟦 Blue circle (it’s the only one that is a circle, while all the others are squares).

9. Shape Classification with Direction:

Choose the odd one out:

  • ⬇️ Downward triangle
  • ⬆️ Upward triangle
  • ⬛ Square
  • ➑️ Rightward triangle
  • Answer: ⬛ Square (it has no direction, while the others have a specific orientation).

10. Number of Shapes Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • ⬛ Square
  • ⬛ Square
  • πŸ”Ά Square
  • ⬛ Square
  • Answer: πŸ”Ά Square (it’s the only one that is a different shape).

11. Shape and Texture Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Solid square
  • 🟨 Dotted circle
  • πŸ”΅ Solid circle
  • 🟩 Solid triangle
  • Answer: 🟨 Dotted circle (it has a different texture compared to the others).

12. Object Classification Based on Function:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ“± Mobile phone
  • πŸ’» Laptop
  • ⌚ Watch
  • πŸ–¨ Printer
  • Answer: ⌚ Watch (it is worn on the body, while the others are electronic devices used for work).

13. Shape and Interior Design Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Rectangle
  • 🟦 Rectangle
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • πŸŸ₯ Rectangle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (all others are rectangles).

14. Time Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • ⏰ Clock
  • ⏳ Hourglass
  • πŸ“… Calendar
  • πŸ“– Book
  • Answer: πŸ“– Book (it does not represent time, while the others are related to time).

15. Shape and Side Length Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”· Equal-sided hexagon
  • πŸ”Ά Equal-sided square
  • πŸ”³ Equal-sided rectangle
  • πŸ”Ί Equilateral triangle
  • Answer: πŸ”³ Equal-sided rectangle (the others have equal sides, but a rectangle doesn’t).

16. Shape and Rotation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ί Rotated triangle
  • πŸ”² Rotated square
  • πŸ”Ά Rotated hexagon
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it is not rotated, while all others are rotated shapes).

17. Shape and Line Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square with 4 lines
  • πŸ”Ά Triangle with 3 lines
  • πŸ”΅ Circle with 1 line
  • πŸ”· Pentagon with 5 lines
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle with 1 line (the others are polygons with multiple sides/lines).

18. Shape and Size Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”· Large triangle
  • πŸ”² Large circle
  • πŸ”Ά Small square
  • Answer: πŸ”² Large circle (the others are polygons, and circle is not a polygon).

19. Shape and Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (infinite lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”² Rectangle (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (1 line of symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle (it has only one line of symmetry, while the others have more).

20. Shape Color Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟦 Blue circle
  • 🟨 Yellow square
  • 🟩 Green triangle
  • Answer: 🟦 Blue circle (it is the only shape that is a circle, while all others are squares or triangles).

21. Shape and Fill Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Filled square
  • πŸŸ₯ Filled circle
  • πŸ”² Unfilled square
  • πŸ”Ά Unfilled triangle
  • Answer: πŸŸ₯ Filled circle (all the other shapes have one that is either filled or unfilled, but not mixed).

22. Shape with Multiple Features Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸŸ₯ Square
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • πŸ”Ά Diamond
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no straight sides, unlike the others).

23. Shape and Function Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Square (used for windows)
  • ⬛ Rectangle (used for books)
  • 🟩 Square (used for tiles)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (used for wheels)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it is a different shape used for different functions compared to squares and rectangles).

24. Object Classification Based on Material:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Wooden box
  • 🟦 Metal sphere
  • 🟩 Plastic cup
  • 🟧 Fabric pillow
  • Answer: 🟦 Metal sphere (it’s made of a different material compared to the others).

25. Shape Color and Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”΄ Red striped circle
  • πŸ”΅ Blue striped circle
  • 🟒 Green plain circle
  • 🟑 Yellow striped circle
  • Answer: 🟒 Green plain circle (it’s the only one with no stripes).

26. Shape and Number of Sides Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Hexagon
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • ⬛ Square
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no sides, unlike the others).

27. Shape and Direction Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • ⬇️ Downward triangle
  • ⬆️ Upward triangle
  • πŸ”³ Leftward square
  • ➑️ Rightward triangle
  • Answer: πŸ”³ Leftward square (it is the only one that is a square).

28. Shape and Texture Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Solid square
  • 🟦 Dotted square
  • 🟩 Solid triangle
  • 🟨 Solid circle
  • Answer: 🟦 Dotted square (it has a different texture compared to the others).

29. Shape with Increasing Number of Sides Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • πŸ”· Square
  • πŸ”Ά Pentagon
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it’s the only one without sides).

30. Shape Rotation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square rotated 90Β°
  • πŸ”· Hexagon rotated 180Β°
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle rotated 180Β°
  • πŸ”Ά Circle rotated 90Β°
  • Answer: πŸ”Ά Circle rotated 90Β° (rotating a circle does not change its appearance).

31. Shape and Color Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟨 Yellow square
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟩 Green square
  • πŸ”Ά Yellow circle
  • Answer: πŸ”Ά Yellow circle (it’s the only circle, while all others are squares).

32. Shape and Line Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square with solid lines
  • πŸ”³ Square with dashed lines
  • πŸ”Ά Triangle with solid lines
  • πŸ”· Square with solid lines
  • Answer: πŸ”Ά Triangle with solid lines (all the others are squares).

33. Shape and Texture Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Solid square
  • 🟦 Dotted square
  • πŸ”Ά Solid circle
  • πŸŸ₯ Dotted circle
  • Answer: 🟩 Solid square (all others have dots, while this is solid).

34. Shape and Size Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”· Medium square
  • πŸ”² Small square
  • πŸ”΅ Large circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Large circle (the others are squares).

35. Shape and Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”΅ Circle (infinite symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”³ Rectangle (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (3 lines of symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”³ Rectangle (it has fewer lines of symmetry compared to the others).

36. Shape and Side Length Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Equilateral triangle
  • πŸ”² Square
  • πŸ”· Pentagon
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no sides, unlike the others).

37. Shape and Rotation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square rotated 90Β°
  • πŸ”· Square rotated 180Β°
  • πŸ”Έ Square rotated 270Β°
  • πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 360Β°
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 360Β° (rotating a circle does not change its appearance).

38. Shape and Direction Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ί Triangle facing up
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle facing down
  • πŸ”Ά Square facing left
  • πŸ”Ά Square facing up
  • Answer: πŸ”Ά Square facing left (the others are triangles).

39. Shape and Interior Color Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Blue square
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟩 Green circle
  • 🟨 Yellow square
  • Answer: 🟩 Green circle (the only circle, all others are squares).

40. Shape and Complexity Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • πŸ”² Square
  • πŸ”Ά Pentagon
  • πŸ”· Hexagon
  • Answer: πŸ”² Square (it has fewer sides compared to the others).

41. Shape and Number of Diagonal Lines Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”³ Square (2 diagonals)
  • πŸ”· Hexagon (2 diagonals)
  • πŸ”Ά Pentagon (2 diagonals)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (no diagonals)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle (it has no diagonals).

42. Shape and Size Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”· Medium square
  • πŸ”³ Small square
  • πŸ”΅ Large circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Large circle (the others are squares).

43. Shape and Angle Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square (90Β° angles)
  • πŸ”Ά Rectangle (90Β° angles)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (90Β° angle)
  • πŸ”· Pentagon (non-90Β° angles)
  • Answer: πŸ”· Pentagon (it has non-90Β° angles, unlike the others).

44. Shape and Type Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square
  • πŸ”³ Rectangle
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (the others are polygons).

45. Shape and Color Progression Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Green square
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟦 Blue square
  • 🟩 Green circle
  • Answer: 🟩 Green circle (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

46. Shape and Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Blue square
  • 🟩 Green square
  • πŸ”Ά Orange square
  • πŸ”΄ Red circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΄ Red circle (it has infinite symmetry, while the others have 4 lines of symmetry).

47. Shape and Interior Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸŸ₯ Solid red square
  • 🟦 Solid blue square
  • 🟩 Solid green square
  • 🟧 Striped orange square
  • Answer: 🟧 Striped orange square (it has a pattern, while the others are solid).

48. Shape and Perimeter Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square (4 sides)
  • πŸ”Ά Triangle (3 sides)
  • πŸ”· Hexagon (6 sides)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (infinite sides)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has infinite perimeter, unlike the others with a fixed number of sides).

49. Shape and Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”³ Square with diagonal stripes
  • πŸ”Ά Square with vertical stripes
  • πŸ”· Square with horizontal stripes
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle with diagonal stripes
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle with diagonal stripes (it’s the only triangle, while the others are squares).

50. Shape and Size Comparison Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”· Medium square
  • πŸ”² Small square
  • πŸ”΅ Medium circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Medium circle (it is a different shape, while the others are squares).

51. Shape and Color Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟨 Yellow square
  • 🟩 Green square
  • 🟦 Blue square
  • πŸ”΅ Red circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Red circle (it is a circle, while the others are squares).

52. Shape and Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ά Equilateral triangle (3 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”· Hexagon (6 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Isosceles triangle (1 line of symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Isosceles triangle (it has only one line of symmetry).

53. Shape and Orientation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square facing upwards
  • πŸ”· Square facing downwards
  • πŸ”² Square facing to the left
  • πŸ”΅ Circle facing up
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle facing up (it has no orientation, unlike the squares).

54. Shape and Border Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Square with solid border
  • πŸŸ₯ Square with dashed border
  • 🟩 Circle with solid border
  • 🟨 Circle with dashed border
  • Answer: 🟩 Circle with solid border (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

55. Shape and Fill Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Green square (solid fill)
  • 🟦 Blue square (solid fill)
  • 🟨 Yellow square (solid fill)
  • 🟩 Green square (hollow)
  • Answer: 🟩 Green square (hollow) (it is the only hollow square).

56. Shape and Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square with diagonal stripes
  • πŸ”· Square with vertical stripes
  • πŸ”Ά Square with no stripes
  • πŸ”΅ Circle with stripes
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle with stripes (it’s the only circle, the rest are squares).

57. Shape and Direction of Rotation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”· Square rotated 90Β°
  • πŸ”Ά Square rotated 180Β°
  • πŸ”³ Square rotated 270Β°
  • πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 360Β°
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 360Β° (rotating a circle does not change its appearance).

58. Shape and Size Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Small square
  • πŸ”· Medium square
  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”΅ Large circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Large circle (the others are squares).

59. Shape and Angle Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square (right angles)
  • πŸ”Ά Rectangle (right angles)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (acute angle)
  • πŸ”· Pentagon (obtuse angles)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle (it has an acute angle, while the others have right or obtuse angles).

60. Shape and Shape Type Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • πŸ”Ά Square
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • πŸ”² Rectangle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it is not a polygon, while the others are).

61. Shape and Interior Color Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Green square
  • 🟨 Yellow square
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟩 Green circle
  • Answer: 🟩 Green circle (it’s the only circle, the others are squares).

62. Shape and Size Comparison Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”· Medium square
  • πŸ”² Small square
  • πŸ”΅ Medium circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Medium circle (it’s a different shape compared to the squares).

63. Shape and Border Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟨 Yellow square with solid border
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square with dotted border
  • 🟩 Green square with solid border
  • 🟦 Blue circle with solid border
  • Answer: 🟦 Blue circle with solid border (it’s a circle, while the others are squares).

64. Shape and Number of Sides Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Hexagon (6 sides)
  • πŸ”· Square (4 sides)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (3 sides)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (no sides)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no sides, unlike the others).

65. Shape and Reflection Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square (vertical symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ά Square (horizontal symmetry)
  • πŸ”· Pentagon (no symmetry)
  • πŸ”³ Rectangle (vertical symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”· Pentagon (it has no symmetry, while the others do).

66. Shape and Line Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square with horizontal stripes
  • πŸ”· Square with vertical stripes
  • 🟩 Square with diagonal stripes
  • πŸ”΅ Circle with stripes
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle with stripes (it’s the only circle, the others are squares).

67. Shape and Color Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟩 Green square
  • 🟨 Yellow square
  • πŸ”΅ Blue triangle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Blue triangle (it’s the only triangle, the others are squares).

68. Shape and Texture Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Solid square
  • 🟦 Dotted square
  • 🟨 Solid triangle
  • 🟩 Solid circle
  • Answer: 🟦 Dotted square (it has a different texture compared to the others).

69. Shape and Size Comparison Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Large square
  • 🟦 Small square
  • 🟩 Medium square
  • 🟧 Medium triangle
  • Answer: 🟧 Medium triangle (it’s a triangle, while the others are squares).

70. Shape and Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square
  • πŸ”· Rectangle
  • πŸ”² Rhombus
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle (it has less symmetry than the other shapes).

71. Shape and Rotation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square rotated 90Β°
  • πŸ”³ Square rotated 180Β°
  • πŸ”Ά Square rotated 270Β°
  • πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 360Β°
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 360Β° (a circle looks the same no matter how it’s rotated).

72. Shape and Fill Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Solid square
  • 🟩 Solid circle
  • πŸŸ₯ Dotted square
  • 🟨 Dotted circle
  • Answer: 🟦 Solid square (it’s the only solid square, while the others are dotted).

73. Shape and Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”· Circle (infinite symmetry)
  • πŸ”² Rectangle (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (1 line of symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle (it has only one line of symmetry, while the others have more).

74. Shape and Size Comparison Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”· Small square
  • πŸ”² Medium square
  • πŸ”΅ Medium circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Medium circle (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

75. Shape and Complexity Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square
  • πŸ”² Triangle
  • πŸ”· Pentagon
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it is the simplest shape with no sides or vertices).

Also read : Non verbal reasoning Analogy question

76. Shape and Direction Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square facing up
  • πŸ”Ά Square facing down
  • πŸ”· Square facing left
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle facing up
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle facing up (all the others are squares).

77. Shape and Number of Angles Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 right angles)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (4 right angles)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (3 angles)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (no angles)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no angles, while the others have angles).

78. Shape and Color Comparison Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Green square
  • 🟦 Blue square
  • 🟨 Yellow square
  • 🟩 Green circle
  • Answer: 🟩 Green circle (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

79. Shape and Size Difference Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”· Medium square
  • πŸ”² Small square
  • πŸ”΅ Large circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Large circle (it is a circle, while the others are squares).

80. Shape and Texture Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Solid square
  • 🟦 Dotted square
  • πŸŸ₯ Solid triangle
  • 🟨 Solid circle
  • Answer: 🟦 Dotted square (it has a different texture compared to the others).

81. Shape and Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Square with vertical stripes
  • 🟩 Square with horizontal stripes
  • 🟧 Square with diagonal stripes
  • πŸ”΅ Circle with vertical stripes
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle with vertical stripes (it is the only circle, the others are squares).

82. Shape and Number of Sides Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • πŸ”² Square
  • πŸ”Ά Hexagon
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no sides, while the others do).

83. Shape and Border Style Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Square with a solid border
  • 🟩 Square with a dashed border
  • 🟨 Circle with a solid border
  • 🟩 Circle with a dashed border
  • Answer: 🟦 Square with a solid border (it is the only square with a solid border, while others have dashed borders).

84. Shape and Color Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟨 Yellow square
  • 🟩 Green square
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • πŸ”΅ Blue circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Blue circle (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

85. Shape and Symmetry Line Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ά Rectangle (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Equilateral triangle (3 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”· Rhombus (2 lines of symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”· Rhombus (it has only 2 lines of symmetry, while the others have more).

86. Shape and Pattern Style Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸŸ₯ Square with solid fill
  • 🟩 Square with stripes
  • 🟦 Circle with solid fill
  • 🟨 Circle with stripes
  • Answer: 🟦 Circle with solid fill (it is the only circle, the others are squares).

87. Shape and Shape Type Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle
  • πŸ”΅ Circle
  • πŸ”² Rectangle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it is the only non-polygon, the others are polygons).

88. Shape and Arrangement Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square arranged in a grid
  • πŸ”Ά Triangle arranged in a grid
  • 🟩 Square arranged in a circle
  • πŸ”· Square arranged in a grid
  • Answer: 🟩 Square arranged in a circle (it is the only one arranged differently compared to the grid).

89. Shape and Line Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”· Square with horizontal lines
  • πŸ”Ά Square with vertical lines
  • 🟦 Square with diagonal lines
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle with vertical lines
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle with vertical lines (it is the only triangle, while the others are squares).

90. Shape and Pattern of Interior Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟨 Square with diagonal stripes
  • 🟩 Square with solid color
  • πŸŸ₯ Square with solid color
  • πŸ”΅ Circle with stripes
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle with stripes (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

91. Shape and Number of Edges Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Triangle (3 edges)
  • πŸ”² Square (4 edges)
  • πŸ”· Pentagon (5 edges)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (no edges)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no edges, while the others have edges).

92. Shape and Texture Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Solid square
  • 🟦 Solid circle
  • 🟨 Dotted square
  • πŸŸ₯ Dotted circle
  • Answer: 🟩 Solid square (it is the only shape with a solid fill, the others are dotted).

93. Shape and Color Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Blue square
  • 🟩 Green square
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟨 Yellow circle
  • Answer: 🟨 Yellow circle (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

94. Shape and Size Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”² Small square
  • πŸ”· Medium square
  • πŸ”΅ Small circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Small circle (it is a circle, while the others are squares).

95. Shape and Angle Type Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (90Β° angles)
  • πŸ”² Rectangle (90Β° angles)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (acute angles)
  • πŸ”· Hexagon (no right angles)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle (it is the only one with acute angles, while the others have right angles or no right angles).

96. Shape and Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ά Circle (infinite lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (no lines of symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle (it has no lines of symmetry, while the others have at least one).

97. Shape and Position Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square placed upright
  • πŸ”² Square placed upside down
  • πŸ”· Square placed on its side
  • πŸ”΅ Circle placed on its side
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle placed on its side (it doesn’t have a specific orientation like the squares).

98. Shape and Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Square with stripes
  • 🟨 Circle with dots
  • πŸŸ₯ Square with solid color
  • 🟩 Square with dots
  • Answer: πŸŸ₯ Square with solid color (it has no pattern, while the others have patterns).

99. Shape and Border Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Square with a dashed border
  • 🟨 Square with a solid border
  • 🟦 Circle with a dashed border
  • πŸŸ₯ Circle with a solid border
  • Answer: 🟨 Square with a solid border (it is the only square with a solid border, while the others have dashed borders).

100. Shape and Rotation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square rotated 90Β°
  • πŸ”· Square rotated 180Β°
  • πŸ”² Square rotated 270Β°
  • πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 90Β°
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 90Β° (a circle looks the same no matter how it’s rotated).

101. Shape and Size Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Large square
  • 🟩 Medium square
  • 🟨 Small square
  • πŸ”΅ Large circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Large circle (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

102. Shape and Orientation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square facing up
  • πŸ”· Square facing down
  • πŸ”² Square facing left
  • πŸ”΅ Circle facing up
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle facing up (it does not have a clear orientation, while the squares do).

103. Shape and Symmetry Type Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”² Rhombus (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (1 line of symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle (it has only 1 line of symmetry, while the others have more).

104. Shape and Position Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”· Square at the top
  • πŸ”² Square at the bottom
  • πŸ”Ά Square in the middle
  • πŸ”΅ Circle in the middle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle in the middle (it’s the only circle, while the others are squares).

105. Shape and Border Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Square with solid border
  • 🟦 Square with dotted border
  • πŸŸ₯ Square with dashed border
  • πŸ”΅ Circle with solid border
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle with solid border (it’s the only circle, while the others are squares).

106. Shape and Texture Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Solid square
  • 🟦 Striped square
  • 🟨 Striped circle
  • πŸŸ₯ Solid circle
  • Answer: 🟩 Solid square (it is the only solid square, while the others have stripes or are circles).

107. Shape and Color Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Green square
  • 🟦 Blue square
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟨 Yellow circle
  • Answer: 🟨 Yellow circle (it’s the only circle, while the others are squares).

108. Shape and Pattern Style Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Square with stripes
  • 🟩 Square with dots
  • 🟨 Circle with dots
  • πŸŸ₯ Circle with solid color
  • Answer: πŸŸ₯ Circle with solid color (it has no pattern, while the others have stripes or dots).

109. Shape and Number of Angles Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 right angles)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (4 right angles)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (3 angles)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (no angles)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no angles, while the others have angles).

110. Shape and Size Comparison Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”· Medium square
  • πŸ”² Small square
  • πŸ”΅ Large circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Large circle (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

111. Shape and Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ά Circle (infinite lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Isosceles triangle (1 line of symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Isosceles triangle (it has only 1 line of symmetry, while the others have more).

112. Shape and Interior Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Square with vertical stripes
  • 🟩 Square with horizontal stripes
  • 🟨 Square with diagonal stripes
  • πŸŸ₯ Circle with vertical stripes
  • Answer: πŸŸ₯ Circle with vertical stripes (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

113. Shape and Size Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Small square
  • πŸ”Ά Medium square
  • πŸ”· Large square
  • 🟩 Medium circle
  • Answer: 🟩 Medium circle (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

114. Shape and Shape Count Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square with 4 corners
  • πŸ”Ά Triangle with 3 corners
  • πŸ”· Pentagon with 5 corners
  • πŸ”΅ Circle with 0 corners
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle with 0 corners (it has no corners, while the others do).

115. Shape and Angle Type Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 right angles)
  • πŸ”² Rectangle (4 right angles)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (acute angles)
  • πŸ”· Pentagon (no right angles)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Triangle (it has acute angles, while the others have right or no right angles).

116. Shape and Rotation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square rotated 90Β°
  • πŸ”· Square rotated 180Β°
  • πŸ”² Square rotated 270Β°
  • πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 45Β°
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 45Β° (a circle looks the same no matter how it’s rotated, unlike squares).

117. Shape and Color Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Green square
  • 🟦 Blue square
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟨 Yellow circle
  • Answer: 🟨 Yellow circle (it’s the only circle, while the others are squares).

118. Shape and Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Square with stripes
  • 🟩 Square with dots
  • 🟨 Circle with dots
  • πŸŸ₯ Circle with solid fill
  • Answer: πŸŸ₯ Circle with solid fill (it has no pattern, while the others have stripes or dots).

119. Shape and Direction Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”· Square facing up
  • πŸ”Ά Square facing down
  • πŸ”² Square facing left
  • πŸ”΅ Circle facing right
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle facing right (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

120. Shape and Number of Sides Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 sides)
  • πŸ”· Triangle (3 sides)
  • πŸ”² Hexagon (6 sides)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (no sides)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no sides, while the others have sides).

121. Shape and Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”· Circle (infinite lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”² Rectangle (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Equilateral triangle (3 lines of symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”² Rectangle (it has only 2 lines of symmetry, while the others have more).

122. Shape and Interior Fill Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Square with diagonal stripes
  • 🟦 Square with solid color
  • πŸŸ₯ Square with vertical stripes
  • 🟨 Circle with horizontal stripes
  • Answer: 🟦 Square with solid color (it has no pattern, while the others have stripes).

123. Shape and Arrangement Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square in the center
  • πŸ”Ά Square on the left
  • πŸ”· Square on the right
  • πŸ”΅ Circle in the center
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle in the center (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

124. Shape and Texture Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Solid square
  • 🟩 Dotted square
  • πŸŸ₯ Solid triangle
  • 🟨 Dotted circle
  • Answer: 🟦 Solid square (it is the only solid square, while the others are dotted or have different shapes).

125. Shape and Color Intensity Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Dark blue square
  • 🟩 Light green square
  • πŸŸ₯ Dark red square
  • 🟨 Light yellow square
  • Answer: 🟩 Light green square (it is the only square with light color, while the others are darker).

126. Shape and Side Length Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square with equal sides
  • πŸ”Ά Rectangle with unequal sides
  • πŸ”· Square with equal sides
  • 🟨 Rectangle with unequal sides
  • Answer: 🟨 Rectangle with unequal sides (it is the only rectangle among squares with equal sides).

127. Shape and Size Comparison Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Large square
  • πŸ”· Medium square
  • πŸ”² Small square
  • πŸ”΅ Small circle
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Small circle (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

128. Shape and Orientation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square upright
  • πŸ”· Square rotated 90Β°
  • πŸ”Ά Square rotated 180Β°
  • πŸ”΅ Circle upright
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle upright (it has no orientation, while the squares do).

129. Shape and Number of Angles Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 angles)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (4 angles)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (3 angles)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (no angles)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no angles, while the others have angles).

130. Shape and Position Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square on the top
  • πŸ”· Square on the left
  • πŸ”² Square on the right
  • πŸ”΅ Circle on the bottom
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle on the bottom (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

131. Shape and Orientation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square placed horizontally
  • πŸ”Ά Square placed vertically
  • πŸ”· Square placed diagonally
  • πŸ”΅ Circle placed vertically
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle placed vertically (it has no orientation, while the squares do).

132. Shape and Border Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Square with solid border
  • 🟦 Square with dashed border
  • 🟨 Circle with solid border
  • πŸŸ₯ Circle with dashed border
  • Answer: 🟩 Square with solid border (it is the only square with a solid border, while the others have dashed borders).

133. Shape and Symmetry Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ά Circle (infinite lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Scalene triangle (no lines of symmetry)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Scalene triangle (it has no lines of symmetry, while the others have symmetry).

134. Shape and Texture Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Square with solid color
  • 🟦 Square with stripes
  • πŸŸ₯ Circle with solid color
  • 🟨 Circle with stripes
  • Answer: 🟩 Square with solid color (it’s the only shape with solid color, while the others have stripes or are different shapes).

135. Shape and Number of Sides Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 sides)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (4 sides)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (3 sides)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (no sides)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no sides, while the others have sides).

136. Shape and Fill Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Square with horizontal stripes
  • 🟩 Square with diagonal stripes
  • πŸŸ₯ Circle with horizontal stripes
  • 🟨 Circle with solid fill
  • Answer: 🟨 Circle with solid fill (it has no pattern, while the others have stripes).

137. Shape and Color Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Blue square
  • 🟩 Green square
  • πŸŸ₯ Red square
  • 🟨 Yellow triangle
  • Answer: 🟨 Yellow triangle (it’s the only triangle, while the others are squares).

138. Shape and Angle Type Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 right angles)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (4 right angles)
  • πŸ”Ί Equilateral triangle (60Β° angles)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (no angles)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no angles, while the others have angles).

139. Shape and Size Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Small square
  • 🟩 Medium square
  • πŸŸ₯ Large square
  • 🟨 Medium circle
  • Answer: 🟨 Medium circle (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

140. Shape and Symmetry Line Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square (4 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (2 lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ά Circle (infinite lines of symmetry)
  • πŸ”Ί Scalene triangle (no symmetry lines)
  • Answer: πŸ”Ί Scalene triangle (it has no symmetry lines, while the others do).

141. Shape and Rotation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square rotated 90Β°
  • πŸ”· Square rotated 180Β°
  • πŸ”² Square rotated 270Β°
  • πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 180Β°
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle rotated 180Β° (a circle looks the same no matter how it’s rotated).

142. Shape and Side Length Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”² Square with equal sides
  • πŸ”Ά Rectangle with unequal sides
  • πŸ”· Square with equal sides
  • 🟨 Circle with equal diameter
  • Answer: 🟨 Circle with equal diameter (it’s the only circle, while the others are squares or rectangles).

143. Shape and Arrangement Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square placed at the top
  • πŸ”· Square placed at the bottom
  • πŸ”² Square placed in the center
  • πŸ”΅ Circle placed at the top
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle placed at the top (it’s the only circle, while the others are squares).

144. Shape and Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Square with stripes
  • 🟦 Circle with dots
  • πŸŸ₯ Circle with solid color
  • 🟨 Square with diagonal stripes
  • Answer: πŸŸ₯ Circle with solid color (it has no pattern, while the others have stripes or dots).

145. Shape and Color Intensity Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Dark blue square
  • 🟩 Light green square
  • πŸŸ₯ Dark red square
  • 🟨 Light yellow square
  • Answer: 🟩 Light green square (it is the only light-colored square, while the others are darker).

146. Shape and Texture Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟦 Square with solid texture
  • 🟩 Square with dotted texture
  • πŸŸ₯ Circle with striped texture
  • 🟨 Circle with solid texture
  • Answer: 🟦 Square with solid texture (it is the only one with a solid texture, while the others have dotted or striped textures).

147. Shape and Angle Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square (4 right angles)
  • πŸ”· Rectangle (4 right angles)
  • πŸ”Ί Triangle (3 angles)
  • πŸ”΅ Circle (no angles)
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle (it has no angles, while the others have angles).

148. Shape and Orientation Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square facing up
  • πŸ”· Square facing down
  • πŸ”² Square facing left
  • πŸ”΅ Circle facing right
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle facing right (it has no orientation, while the others are squares).

149. Shape and Position Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • πŸ”Ά Square on top
  • πŸ”· Square on left
  • πŸ”² Square on right
  • πŸ”΅ Circle on top
  • Answer: πŸ”΅ Circle on top (it is the only circle, while the others are squares).

150. Shape and Texture Pattern Classification:

Choose the odd one out:

  • 🟩 Square with striped texture
  • 🟦 Square with solid texture
  • 🟨 Circle with dotted texture
  • πŸŸ₯ Circle with striped texture
  • Answer: 🟦 Square with solid texture (it is the only one without a pattern, while the others have textures).

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