Here are some examples of classification verbal reasoning questions with their answers:

1. Question: Classify the following words into categories:

  • Words: Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Fish, Rose


  • Animals: Dog, Cat, Rabbit, Fish
  • Plant: Rose

2. Question: Choose the odd one out and explain why.

  • Words: Apple, Banana, Carrot, Grapes, Orange

Answer: Carrot

  • Explanation: Carrot is a root vegetable, while the others are fruits.

3. Question: Classify the following professions into categories.

  • Professions: Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Pilot, Engineer


  • Healthcare: Doctor
  • Law: Lawyer
  • Education: Teacher
  • Aviation: Pilot
  • Engineering: Engineer

4. Question: Classify the following words into types of transport.

  • Words: Bus, Train, Bicycle, Airplane, Boat


  • Land Transport: Bus, Train, Bicycle
  • Air Transport: Airplane
  • Water Transport: Boat

5. Question: Classify the following items as either “instruments” or “tools.”

  • Items: Hammer, Piano, Screwdriver, Violin, Chisel


  • Instruments: Piano, Violin
  • Tools: Hammer, Screwdriver, Chisel

6. Question: Classify the following words as either “types of trees” or “types of flowers.”

  • Words: Rose, Oak, Tulip, Pine, Lily


  • Types of Trees: Oak, Pine
  • Types of Flowers: Rose, Tulip, Lily

7. Question: Classify the following words into “living” or “non-living” categories.

  • Words: Dog, Tree, Chair, Cloud, Book


  • Living: Dog, Tree
  • Non-living: Chair, Cloud, Book

8. Question: Classify the following items based on the food groups they belong to.

  • Items: Chicken, Rice, Spinach, Apple, Milk


  • Protein: Chicken
  • Carbohydrates: Rice
  • Vegetables: Spinach
  • Fruits: Apple
  • Dairy: Milk

9. Question: Classify the following shapes into “2D” and “3D” categories.

  • Shapes: Circle, Sphere, Square, Cube, Triangle


  • 2D Shapes: Circle, Square, Triangle
  • 3D Shapes: Sphere, Cube

10. Question: Classify the following words as either “actions” or “objects.”

  • Words: Jump, Table, Sing, Car, Dance


  • Actions: Jump, Sing, Dance
  • Objects: Table, Car

11. Question: Classify the following items based on their use in the kitchen.

  • Items: Knife, Blender, Fork, Oven, Pan


  • Utensils: Knife, Fork
  • Appliances: Blender, Oven
  • Cookware: Pan

12. Question: Classify the following animals as either “mammals” or “birds.”

  • Animals: Whale, Dolphin, Eagle, Penguin


  • Mammals: Whale, Dolphin
  • Birds: Eagle, Penguin

13. Question: Classify the following objects into “electronics” and “furniture.”

  • Objects: Laptop, Sofa, Television, Chair, Microwave


  • Electronics: Laptop, Television, Microwave
  • Furniture: Sofa, Chair

14. Question: Classify the following terms as “fruits” or “vegetables.”

  • Terms: Carrot, Mango, Spinach, Tomato, Cucumber


  • Fruits: Mango, Tomato, Cucumber
  • Vegetables: Carrot, Spinach

15. Question: Classify the following items as “mammals” or “reptiles.”

  • Items: Snake, Whale, Crocodile, Tiger, Lizard


  • Mammals: Whale, Tiger
  • Reptiles: Snake, Crocodile, Lizard

16. Question: Classify the following musical instruments as “string,” “wind,” or “percussion.”

  • Instruments: Violin, Flute, Drum, Guitar, Trumpet


  • String: Violin, Guitar
  • Wind: Flute, Trumpet
  • Percussion: Drum

17. Question: Classify the following animals as “herbivores” or “carnivores.”

  • Animals: Lion, Elephant, Zebra, Tiger, Cow


  • Herbivores: Elephant, Zebra, Cow
  • Carnivores: Lion, Tiger

18. Question: Classify the following weather conditions into “cold” or “warm.”

  • Conditions: Snow, Rain, Sunny, Cloudy, Windy


  • Cold: Snow
  • Warm: Sunny, Rain, Cloudy, Windy

19. Question: Classify the following materials as “natural” or “synthetic.”

  • Materials: Cotton, Nylon, Wool, Polyester, Leather


  • Natural: Cotton, Wool, Leather
  • Synthetic: Nylon, Polyester

20. Question: Classify the following food items into “breakfast” or “dessert.”

  • Food Items: Pancakes, Ice cream, Cereal, Cake, Muffins


  • Breakfast: Pancakes, Cereal, Muffins
  • Dessert: Ice cream, Cake

21. Question: Classify the following actions into “transitive” or “intransitive” verbs.

  • Actions: Eat, Laugh, Write, Sleep, Sing


  • Transitive Verbs (require an object): Eat, Write
  • Intransitive Verbs (do not require an object): Laugh, Sleep, Sing

22. Question: Classify the following animals as either “nocturnal” or “diurnal.”

  • Animals: Owl, Dog, Bat, Eagle, Lion


  • Nocturnal (active at night): Owl, Bat
  • Diurnal (active during the day): Dog, Eagle, Lion

23. Question: Classify the following animals into “mammals” and “birds.”

  • Animals: Kangaroo, Ostrich, Dolphin, Penguin, Bat


  • Mammals: Kangaroo, Dolphin, Bat
  • Birds: Ostrich, Penguin

24. Question: Classify the following words as “synonyms” or “antonyms.”

  • Words: Happy, Joyful, Sad, Angry, Elated


  • Synonyms: Happy, Joyful, Elated
  • Antonyms: Sad, Angry

25. Question: Classify the following words as “adjectives” or “nouns.”

  • Words: Beautiful, House, Strong, Cat, Tall


  • Adjectives: Beautiful, Strong, Tall
  • Nouns: House, Cat

26. Question: Classify the following elements as either “metals” or “non-metals.”

  • Elements: Oxygen, Iron, Carbon, Gold, Nitrogen


  • Metals: Iron, Gold
  • Non-metals: Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen

27. Question: Classify the following items as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Items: Tree, Pen, Dog, Chair, Bird


  • Living: Tree, Dog, Bird
  • Non-living: Pen, Chair

28. Question: Classify the following vehicles as “land,” “water,” or “air” transport.

  • Vehicles: Car, Boat, Airplane, Bicycle, Helicopter


  • Land Transport: Car, Bicycle
  • Water Transport: Boat
  • Air Transport: Airplane, Helicopter

29. Question: Classify the following fruits as “citrus” or “non-citrus.”

  • Fruits: Orange, Apple, Lemon, Banana, Grapefruit


  • Citrus: Orange, Lemon, Grapefruit
  • Non-citrus: Apple, Banana

30. Question: Classify the following words as “abstract” or “concrete.”

  • Words: Love, Chair, Happiness, Tree, Courage


  • Abstract: Love, Happiness, Courage
  • Concrete: Chair, Tree

31. Question: Classify the following terms into “types of computers” or “types of software.”

  • Terms: Desktop, Spreadsheet, Laptop, Browser, Server


  • Types of Computers: Desktop, Laptop, Server
  • Types of Software: Spreadsheet, Browser

32. Question: Classify the following animals as “domestic” or “wild.”

  • Animals: Dog, Elephant, Cat, Tiger, Horse


  • Domestic: Dog, Cat, Horse
  • Wild: Elephant, Tiger

33. Question: Classify the following words as “positive” or “negative” traits.

  • Words: Honest, Arrogant, Generous, Lazy, Kind


  • Positive: Honest, Generous, Kind
  • Negative: Arrogant, Lazy

34. Question: Classify the following words into “colors” and “shapes.”

  • Words: Red, Circle, Square, Green, Blue


  • Colors: Red, Green, Blue
  • Shapes: Circle, Square

35. Question: Classify the following words into “furniture” and “appliances.”

  • Words: Refrigerator, Sofa, Table, Washing machine, Lamp


  • Furniture: Sofa, Table, Lamp
  • Appliances: Refrigerator, Washing machine

36. Question: Classify the following words as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Words: Flower, Stone, Dog, Mountain, Fish


  • Living: Flower, Dog, Fish
  • Non-living: Stone, Mountain

37. Question: Classify the following objects into “things that float” and “things that sink.”

  • Objects: Wood, Stone, Plastic bottle, Metal, Paper


  • Things that float: Wood, Plastic bottle, Paper
  • Things that sink: Stone, Metal

38. Question: Classify the following animals into “herbivores,” “carnivores,” or “omnivores.”

  • Animals: Panda, Lion, Cow, Bear, Deer


  • Herbivores: Cow, Deer
  • Carnivores: Lion
  • Omnivores: Panda, Bear

39. Question: Classify the following books into “fiction” and “non-fiction.”

  • Books: Biography of Einstein, Harry Potter, Encyclopedia, Sherlock Holmes, Cookbook


  • Fiction: Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes
  • Non-fiction: Biography of Einstein, Encyclopedia, Cookbook

40. Question: Classify the following items into “indoor” and “outdoor” activities.

  • Items: Reading, Swimming, Skiing, Hiking, Watching TV


  • Indoor Activities: Reading, Watching TV
  • Outdoor Activities: Swimming, Skiing, Hiking

41. Question: Classify the following words as “things that can be written with” or “things that cannot be written with.”

  • Words: Pen, Chalk, Paper, Chair, Marker


  • Things that can be written with: Pen, Chalk, Marker
  • Things that cannot be written with: Paper, Chair

42. Question: Classify the following animals as “domestic” or “wild.”

  • Animals: Dog, Lion, Horse, Elephant, Cat


  • Domestic: Dog, Horse, Cat
  • Wild: Lion, Elephant

43. Question: Classify the following items into “natural” and “man-made.”

  • Items: River, Building, Tree, Car, Mountain


  • Natural: River, Tree, Mountain
  • Man-made: Building, Car

44. Question: Classify the following items into “living” and “non-living” things.

  • Items: Apple, Car, Fish, Computer, Flower


  • Living: Apple, Fish, Flower
  • Non-living: Car, Computer

45. Question: Classify the following metals into “ferrous” and “non-ferrous.”

  • Metals: Iron, Copper, Steel, Aluminum, Zinc


  • Ferrous: Iron, Steel
  • Non-ferrous: Copper, Aluminum, Zinc

46. Question: Classify the following sports as “team sports” or “individual sports.”

  • Sports: Football, Tennis, Basketball, Swimming, Volleyball


  • Team Sports: Football, Basketball, Volleyball
  • Individual Sports: Tennis, Swimming

47. Question: Classify the following words as “vowels” or “consonants.”

  • Words: A, E, I, O, P


  • Vowels: A, E, I, O
  • Consonants: P

48. Question: Classify the following materials as “natural” or “synthetic.”

  • Materials: Cotton, Silk, Nylon, Leather, Wool


  • Natural: Cotton, Silk, Leather, Wool
  • Synthetic: Nylon

49. Question: Classify the following items as “cold” or “hot” beverages.

  • Items: Coffee, Ice tea, Hot chocolate, Lemonade, Water


  • Cold Beverages: Ice tea, Lemonade, Water
  • Hot Beverages: Coffee, Hot chocolate

50. Question: Classify the following musical instruments as “string,” “wind,” or “percussion.”

  • Instruments: Harp, Trumpet, Violin, Drum, Flute


  • String: Harp, Violin
  • Wind: Trumpet, Flute
  • Percussion: Drum

51. Question: Classify the following fruits into “tropical” and “temperate.”

  • Fruits: Mango, Pineapple, Apple, Banana, Peach


  • Tropical: Mango, Pineapple, Banana
  • Temperate: Apple, Peach

52. Question: Classify the following words as “positive” or “negative” adjectives.

  • Words: Generous, Lazy, Optimistic, Angry, Courageous


  • Positive: Generous, Optimistic, Courageous
  • Negative: Lazy, Angry

53. Question: Classify the following animals as “mammals” or “reptiles.”

  • Animals: Crocodile, Dog, Snake, Lizard, Whale


  • Mammals: Dog, Whale
  • Reptiles: Crocodile, Snake, Lizard

54. Question: Classify the following vehicles as “land,” “air,” or “water” transport.

  • Vehicles: Car, Airplane, Boat, Bicycle, Helicopter


  • Land Transport: Car, Bicycle
  • Air Transport: Airplane, Helicopter
  • Water Transport: Boat

55. Question: Classify the following fruits into “berries” and “citrus.”

  • Fruits: Strawberry, Orange, Blueberry, Lemon, Raspberry


  • Berries: Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry
  • Citrus: Orange, Lemon

56. Question: Classify the following countries as either “Asian” or “European.”

  • Countries: Japan, Italy, China, France, India


  • Asian: Japan, China, India
  • European: Italy, France

57. Question: Classify the following items as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Items: Sun, Dog, Car, Tree, Book


  • Living: Dog, Tree
  • Non-living: Sun, Car, Book

58. Question: Classify the following animals as “nocturnal” or “diurnal.”

  • Animals: Owl, Bear, Bat, Deer, Squirrel


  • Nocturnal: Owl, Bat
  • Diurnal: Bear, Deer, Squirrel

59. Question: Classify the following shapes into “2D” and “3D.”

  • Shapes: Square, Cube, Circle, Rectangular prism, Triangle


  • 2D Shapes: Square, Circle, Triangle
  • 3D Shapes: Cube, Rectangular prism

60. Question: Classify the following professions as “science” or “art.”

  • Professions: Scientist, Artist, Engineer, Musician, Doctor


  • Science: Scientist, Engineer, Doctor
  • Art: Artist, Musician

61. Question: Classify the following words as “adjectives” or “verbs.”

  • Words: Run, Happy, Eat, Tall, Sing


  • Adjectives: Happy, Tall
  • Verbs: Run, Eat, Sing

62. Question: Classify the following items as “hard” or “soft.”

  • Items: Stone, Cotton, Pillow, Wood, Rubber


  • Hard: Stone, Wood
  • Soft: Cotton, Pillow, Rubber

63. Question: Classify the following foods as “sweet” or “savory.”

  • Foods: Cake, Sandwich, Candy, Soup, Ice cream


  • Sweet: Cake, Candy, Ice cream
  • Savory: Sandwich, Soup

64. Question: Classify the following animals as “herbivores” or “carnivores.”

  • Animals: Deer, Lion, Giraffe, Wolf, Cow


  • Herbivores: Deer, Giraffe, Cow
  • Carnivores: Lion, Wolf

65. Question: Classify the following materials as “natural” or “synthetic.”

  • Materials: Silk, Plastic, Wool, Rubber, Wood


  • Natural: Silk, Wool, Wood
  • Synthetic: Plastic, Rubber

66. Question: Classify the following items as “dangerous” or “safe.”

  • Items: Scissors, Knife, Pencil, Ladder, Fire


  • Dangerous: Scissors, Knife, Fire
  • Safe: Pencil, Ladder

67. Question: Classify the following items as “vegetables” or “fruits.”

  • Items: Tomato, Potato, Cucumber, Lettuce, Carrot


  • Vegetables: Potato, Lettuce, Carrot
  • Fruits: Tomato, Cucumber

68. Question: Classify the following instruments as “string,” “wind,” or “percussion.”

  • Instruments: Violin, Flute, Piano, Drum, Trumpet


  • String: Violin, Piano
  • Wind: Flute, Trumpet
  • Percussion: Drum

69. Question: Classify the following items as “public” or “private” places.

  • Items: Library, School, Home, Park, Office


  • Public: Library, Park, School
  • Private: Home, Office

70. Question: Classify the following items into “living” or “non-living.”

  • Items: Tree, Rock, Fish, Chair, Bird


  • Living: Tree, Fish, Bird
  • Non-living: Rock, Chair

Also read – 138 questions on Analogy

71. Question: Classify the following colors as “primary” or “secondary.”

  • Colors: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Purple


  • Primary Colors: Red, Blue, Yellow
  • Secondary Colors: Green, Orange, Purple

72. Question: Classify the following objects as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Objects: Tree, Chair, Cat, Rock, Bird


  • Living: Tree, Cat, Bird
  • Non-living: Chair, Rock

73. Question: Classify the following activities as “indoor” or “outdoor.”

  • Activities: Reading, Gardening, Jogging, Painting, Swimming


  • Indoor Activities: Reading, Painting
  • Outdoor Activities: Gardening, Jogging, Swimming

74. Question: Classify the following seasons as “cold” or “warm.”

  • Seasons: Winter, Summer, Spring, Autumn


  • Cold Seasons: Winter
  • Warm Seasons: Summer, Spring, Autumn

75. Question: Classify the following animals as “amphibians” or “mammals.”

  • Animals: Frog, Whale, Elephant, Salamander, Dolphin


  • Amphibians: Frog, Salamander
  • Mammals: Whale, Elephant, Dolphin

76. Question: Classify the following countries as “Asia,” “Africa,” or “Europe.”

  • Countries: Japan, Egypt, Germany, India, Kenya


  • Asia: Japan, India
  • Africa: Egypt, Kenya
  • Europe: Germany

77. Question: Classify the following items as “solid,” “liquid,” or “gas.”

  • Items: Water, Oxygen, Ice, Steam, Milk


  • Solid: Ice
  • Liquid: Water, Milk
  • Gas: Oxygen, Steam

78. Question: Classify the following materials as “conductors” or “insulators.”

  • Materials: Wood, Copper, Rubber, Iron, Glass


  • Conductors: Copper, Iron
  • Insulators: Wood, Rubber, Glass

79. Question: Classify the following words as “positive” or “negative” emotions.

  • Words: Joy, Anger, Sadness, Happiness, Fear


  • Positive Emotions: Joy, Happiness
  • Negative Emotions: Anger, Sadness, Fear

80. Question: Classify the following professions as “medical” or “non-medical.”

  • Professions: Nurse, Teacher, Doctor, Lawyer, Pharmacist


  • Medical: Nurse, Doctor, Pharmacist
  • Non-medical: Teacher, Lawyer

81. Question: Classify the following animals as “wild” or “domestic.”

  • Animals: Cow, Elephant, Dog, Cat, Lion


  • Wild: Elephant, Lion
  • Domestic: Cow, Dog, Cat

82. Question: Classify the following items as “natural” or “man-made.”

  • Items: Mountain, Car, Plastic bottle, River, Building


  • Natural: Mountain, River
  • Man-made: Car, Plastic bottle, Building

83. Question: Classify the following items as “fruits” or “vegetables.”

  • Items: Spinach, Carrot, Apple, Broccoli, Potato


  • Fruits: Apple
  • Vegetables: Spinach, Carrot, Broccoli, Potato

84. Question: Classify the following items as “organic” or “inorganic.”

  • Items: Wood, Plastic, Leather, Metal, Cotton


  • Organic: Wood, Leather, Cotton
  • Inorganic: Plastic, Metal

85. Question: Classify the following shapes as “2D” or “3D.”

  • Shapes: Square, Cube, Triangle, Sphere, Rectangle


  • 2D Shapes: Square, Triangle, Rectangle
  • 3D Shapes: Cube, Sphere

86. Question: Classify the following fruits as “tropical” or “temperate.”

  • Fruits: Pineapple, Mango, Pear, Apple, Papaya


  • Tropical: Pineapple, Mango, Papaya
  • Temperate: Pear, Apple

87. Question: Classify the following items as “hard” or “soft.”

  • Items: Ice, Rubber, Steel, Cotton, Wood


  • Hard: Steel, Wood
  • Soft: Ice, Rubber, Cotton

88. Question: Classify the following colors as “warm” or “cool.”

  • Colors: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Orange, Violet


  • Warm Colors: Red, Yellow, Orange
  • Cool Colors: Blue, Green, Violet

89. Question: Classify the following foods as “vegetarian” or “non-vegetarian.”

  • Foods: Tofu, Chicken, Fish, Spinach, Eggs


  • Vegetarian: Tofu, Spinach
  • Non-vegetarian: Chicken, Fish, Eggs

90. Question: Classify the following items as “electric” or “non-electric.”

  • Items: Refrigerator, Toothbrush, Fan, Fork, Lamp


  • Electric: Refrigerator, Fan, Lamp
  • Non-electric: Toothbrush, Fork

91. Question: Classify the following sports as “indoor” or “outdoor.”

  • Sports: Basketball, Football, Badminton, Tennis, Table Tennis


  • Indoor Sports: Badminton, Table Tennis
  • Outdoor Sports: Basketball, Football, Tennis

92. Question: Classify the following animals as “carnivores,” “herbivores,” or “omnivores.”

  • Animals: Bear, Tiger, Elephant, Rabbit, Fox


  • Carnivores: Tiger
  • Herbivores: Elephant, Rabbit
  • Omnivores: Bear, Fox

93. Question: Classify the following materials as “conductors” or “insulators.”

  • Materials: Copper, Glass, Iron, Wood, Rubber


  • Conductors: Copper, Iron
  • Insulators: Glass, Wood, Rubber

94. Question: Classify the following professions as “artistic” or “technical.”

  • Professions: Artist, Engineer, Architect, Actor, Mechanic


  • Artistic: Artist, Architect, Actor
  • Technical: Engineer, Mechanic

95. Question: Classify the following items as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Items: Bird, Computer, Tree, Phone, Fish


  • Living: Bird, Tree, Fish
  • Non-living: Computer, Phone

96. Question: Classify the following fruits as “tropical” or “non-tropical.”

  • Fruits: Banana, Mango, Pear, Papaya, Orange


  • Tropical: Banana, Mango, Papaya
  • Non-tropical: Pear, Orange

97. Question: Classify the following animals as “marine” or “terrestrial.”

  • Animals: Shark, Whale, Tiger, Elephant, Dolphin


  • Marine: Shark, Whale, Dolphin
  • Terrestrial: Tiger, Elephant

98. Question: Classify the following words as “nouns” or “verbs.”

  • Words: Run, Cat, Jump, Chair, Sleep


  • Nouns: Cat, Chair
  • Verbs: Run, Jump, Sleep

99. Question: Classify the following items as “hot” or “cold” drinks.

  • Items: Tea, Ice Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Water, Lemonade


  • Hot Drinks: Tea, Hot Chocolate
  • Cold Drinks: Ice Coffee, Water, Lemonade

100. Question: Classify the following shapes as “polygon” or “non-polygon.”

  • Shapes: Triangle, Circle, Square, Hexagon, Ellipse


  • Polygon: Triangle, Square, Hexagon
  • Non-polygon: Circle, Ellipse

101. Question: Classify the following materials as “natural” or “synthetic.”

  • Materials: Wool, Silk, Polyester, Nylon, Cotton


  • Natural: Wool, Silk, Cotton
  • Synthetic: Polyester, Nylon

102. Question: Classify the following items as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Items: Mushroom, Grass, Rock, Cloud, Flower


  • Living: Mushroom, Grass, Flower
  • Non-living: Rock, Cloud

103. Question: Classify the following modes of transportation as “land,” “water,” or “air.”

  • Modes of Transportation: Train, Ship, Helicopter, Boat, Bus


  • Land: Train, Bus
  • Water: Ship, Boat
  • Air: Helicopter

104. Question: Classify the following musical instruments as “string,” “wind,” or “percussion.”

  • Instruments: Violin, Trumpet, Drum, Harp, Flute


  • String: Violin, Harp
  • Wind: Trumpet, Flute
  • Percussion: Drum

105. Question: Classify the following items as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Items: Flower, Plastic Bottle, Cat, Chair, Tree


  • Living: Flower, Cat, Tree
  • Non-living: Plastic Bottle, Chair

106. Question: Classify the following words as “singular” or “plural.”

  • Words: Dog, Cats, Child, Cars, House


  • Singular: Dog, Child, House
  • Plural: Cats, Cars

107. Question: Classify the following objects as “solid,” “liquid,” or “gas.”

  • Objects: Ice, Water, Air, Steam, Oil


  • Solid: Ice
  • Liquid: Water, Oil
  • Gas: Air, Steam

108. Question: Classify the following items as “fiction” or “non-fiction.”

  • Items: Novel, Dictionary, Biography, Cookbook, Science Fiction


  • Fiction: Novel, Science Fiction
  • Non-fiction: Dictionary, Biography, Cookbook

109. Question: Classify the following words as “adverbs” or “adjectives.”

  • Words: Quickly, Tall, Beautiful, Slowly, Happy


  • Adverbs: Quickly, Slowly
  • Adjectives: Tall, Beautiful, Happy

110. Question: Classify the following professions as “artistic” or “scientific.”

  • Professions: Painter, Biologist, Sculptor, Chemist, Writer


  • Artistic: Painter, Sculptor, Writer
  • Scientific: Biologist, Chemist

111. Question: Classify the following colors as “primary” or “secondary.”

  • Colors: Red, Orange, Green, Blue, Yellow, Purple


  • Primary Colors: Red, Blue, Yellow
  • Secondary Colors: Orange, Green, Purple

112. Question: Classify the following animals as “mammals,” “birds,” or “reptiles.”

  • Animals: Eagle, Lizard, Dolphin, Penguin, Crocodile


  • Mammals: Dolphin
  • Birds: Eagle, Penguin
  • Reptiles: Lizard, Crocodile

113. Question: Classify the following terms as “positive” or “negative” qualities.

  • Terms: Kind, Arrogant, Helpful, Angry, Compassionate


  • Positive: Kind, Helpful, Compassionate
  • Negative: Arrogant, Angry

114. Question: Classify the following as “domestic animals” or “wild animals.”

  • Animals: Dog, Elephant, Tiger, Rabbit, Lion


  • Domestic Animals: Dog, Rabbit
  • Wild Animals: Elephant, Tiger, Lion

115. Question: Classify the following as “land animals” or “sea animals.”

  • Animals: Camel, Shark, Dolphin, Elephant, Whale


  • Land Animals: Camel, Elephant
  • Sea Animals: Shark, Dolphin, Whale

116. Question: Classify the following as “man-made” or “natural.”

  • Objects: River, Chair, Mountain, Car, Plastic bottle


  • Man-made: Chair, Car, Plastic bottle
  • Natural: River, Mountain

117. Question: Classify the following as “two-dimensional” or “three-dimensional” shapes.

  • Shapes: Circle, Square, Sphere, Rectangle, Cube


  • Two-dimensional: Circle, Square, Rectangle
  • Three-dimensional: Sphere, Cube

118. Question: Classify the following as “hot” or “cold” beverages.

  • Beverages: Coffee, Ice water, Tea, Hot chocolate, Lemonade


  • Hot Beverages: Coffee, Tea, Hot chocolate
  • Cold Beverages: Ice water, Lemonade

119. Question: Classify the following as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Items: Tree, Rock, Bird, Table, Fish


  • Living: Tree, Bird, Fish
  • Non-living: Rock, Table

120. Question: Classify the following as “soft” or “hard” materials.

  • Materials: Steel, Wool, Cotton, Rubber, Wood


  • Soft: Wool, Cotton, Rubber
  • Hard: Steel, Wood

121. Question: Classify the following as “herbivores” or “carnivores.”

  • Animals: Deer, Bear, Cow, Lion, Tiger


  • Herbivores: Deer, Cow
  • Carnivores: Bear, Lion, Tiger

122. Question: Classify the following as “spring” or “autumn” fruits.

  • Fruits: Cherry, Peach, Apple, Pear, Plum


  • Spring Fruits: Cherry, Peach
  • Autumn Fruits: Apple, Pear, Plum

123. Question: Classify the following as “mammals” or “birds.”

  • Animals: Kangaroo, Bat, Ostrich, Eagle, Penguin


  • Mammals: Kangaroo, Bat
  • Birds: Ostrich, Eagle, Penguin

124. Question: Classify the following as “primary colors” or “secondary colors.”

  • Colors: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Orange, Purple


  • Primary Colors: Red, Yellow, Blue
  • Secondary Colors: Green, Orange, Purple

125. Question: Classify the following as “natural” or “artificial” sweeteners.

  • Sweeteners: Honey, Aspartame, Maple syrup, Stevia, Saccharin


  • Natural Sweeteners: Honey, Maple syrup, Stevia
  • Artificial Sweeteners: Aspartame, Saccharin

126. Question: Classify the following as “chemical elements” or “compounds.”

  • Items: Water, Oxygen, Hydrogen, Salt, Carbon dioxide


  • Chemical Elements: Oxygen, Hydrogen
  • Compounds: Water, Salt, Carbon dioxide

127. Question: Classify the following as “countries in Africa” or “countries in Asia.”

  • Countries: India, Egypt, Kenya, Japan, South Africa


  • Countries in Africa: Egypt, Kenya, South Africa
  • Countries in Asia: India, Japan

128. Question: Classify the following as “public transport” or “private transport.”

  • Transport: Bus, Bicycle, Train, Car, Taxi


  • Public Transport: Bus, Train
  • Private Transport: Bicycle, Car, Taxi

129. Question: Classify the following as “hot” or “cold” deserts.

  • Deserts: Sahara, Gobi, Sonoran, Kalahari, Atacama


  • Hot Deserts: Sahara, Sonoran, Kalahari
  • Cold Deserts: Gobi, Atacama

130. Question: Classify the following as “art” or “science.”

  • Subjects: Painting, Biology, Sculpture, Chemistry, Music


  • Art: Painting, Sculpture, Music
  • Science: Biology, Chemistry

131. Question: Classify the following as “mobile phone accessories” or “home appliances.”

  • Items: Headphones, Fridge, Phone case, Toaster, Charger


  • Mobile Phone Accessories: Headphones, Phone case, Charger
  • Home Appliances: Fridge, Toaster

132. Question: Classify the following as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Items: Plant, Rock, Dog, Spoon, Flower


  • Living: Plant, Dog, Flower
  • Non-living: Rock, Spoon

133. Question: Classify the following as “organic” or “inorganic.”

  • Items: Plastic, Wood, Glass, Metal, Leather


  • Organic: Wood, Leather
  • Inorganic: Plastic, Glass, Metal

134. Question: Classify the following animals as “invertebrates” or “vertebrates.”

  • Animals: Shark, Spider, Worm, Lion, Octopus


  • Invertebrates: Spider, Worm, Octopus
  • Vertebrates: Shark, Lion

135. Question: Classify the following items as “wet” or “dry.”

  • Items: Sand, Mud, Towel, Beach, Snow


  • Wet: Mud, Beach, Snow
  • Dry: Sand, Towel

136. Question: Classify the following items as “fruits” or “vegetables.”

  • Items: Cucumber, Banana, Carrot, Tomato, Spinach


  • Fruits: Banana, Tomato
  • Vegetables: Cucumber, Carrot, Spinach

137. Question: Classify the following as “hard” or “soft” materials.

  • Materials: Glass, Leather, Wood, Paper, Marble


  • Hard: Glass, Wood, Marble
  • Soft: Leather, Paper

138. Question: Classify the following as “reptiles” or “amphibians.”

  • Animals: Frog, Lizard, Crocodile, Snake, Salamander


  • Reptiles: Lizard, Crocodile, Snake
  • Amphibians: Frog, Salamander

139. Question: Classify the following as “single-celled organisms” or “multi-celled organisms.”

  • Organisms: Amoeba, Bacteria, Human, Yeast, Paramecium


  • Single-celled Organisms: Amoeba, Bacteria, Paramecium
  • Multi-celled Organisms: Human, Yeast

140. Question: Classify the following as “types of rocks” or “types of minerals.”

  • Items: Quartz, Granite, Marble, Diamond, Limestone


  • Types of Rocks: Granite, Marble, Limestone
  • Types of Minerals: Quartz, Diamond

141. Question: Classify the following as “types of weather” or “types of natural disasters.”

  • Items: Hurricane, Rain, Tornado, Snow, Earthquake


  • Types of Weather: Rain, Snow
  • Types of Natural Disasters: Hurricane, Tornado, Earthquake

142. Question: Classify the following as “elements” or “compounds.”

  • Items: Sodium, Water, Nitrogen, Carbon dioxide, Oxygen


  • Elements: Sodium, Nitrogen, Oxygen
  • Compounds: Water, Carbon dioxide

143. Question: Classify the following as “landmarks” or “artifacts.”

  • Items: Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Pottery, Great Wall of China, Pyramids of Giza


  • Landmarks: Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Great Wall of China, Pyramids of Giza
  • Artifacts: Pottery

144. Question: Classify the following as “primary colors” or “secondary colors.”

  • Colors: Green, Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Purple


  • Primary Colors: Red, Yellow, Blue
  • Secondary Colors: Green, Orange, Purple

145. Question: Classify the following as “types of trees” or “types of flowers.”

  • Items: Rose, Pine, Sunflower, Maple, Tulip


  • Types of Trees: Pine, Maple
  • Types of Flowers: Rose, Sunflower, Tulip

146. Question: Classify the following as “states of matter” or “forms of energy.”

  • Items: Solid, Liquid, Heat, Plasma, Kinetic energy


  • States of Matter: Solid, Liquid, Plasma
  • Forms of Energy: Heat, Kinetic energy

147. Question: Classify the following as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Items: Mushroom, Desk, Dog, Rock, Flower


  • Living: Mushroom, Dog, Flower
  • Non-living: Desk, Rock

148. Question: Classify the following as “sports” or “games.”

  • Items: Chess, Football, Cricket, Tennis, Ludo


  • Sports: Football, Cricket, Tennis
  • Games: Chess, Ludo

149. Question: Classify the following as “types of music” or “musical instruments.”

  • Items: Violin, Pop, Jazz, Piano, Rock


  • Types of Music: Pop, Jazz, Rock
  • Musical Instruments: Violin, Piano

150. Question: Classify the following as “primary colors” or “complementary colors.”

  • Colors: Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Violet


  • Primary Colors: Red, Blue, Yellow
  • Complementary Colors: Green, Orange, Violet

151. Question: Classify the following as “instruments of measurement” or “tools for construction.”

  • Items: Hammer, Ruler, Tape measure, Screwdriver, Thermometer


  • Instruments of Measurement: Ruler, Tape measure, Thermometer
  • Tools for Construction: Hammer, Screwdriver

152. Question: Classify the following as “precious metals” or “common metals.”

  • Metals: Gold, Silver, Copper, Iron, Platinum


  • Precious Metals: Gold, Silver, Platinum
  • Common Metals: Copper, Iron

153. Question: Classify the following as “vegetarian” or “non-vegetarian” foods.

  • Foods: Tofu, Chicken, Lettuce, Fish, Potato


  • Vegetarian: Tofu, Lettuce, Potato
  • Non-vegetarian: Chicken, Fish

154. Question: Classify the following as “living” or “non-living.”

  • Items: Cloud, Fish, Tree, Rock, Dog


  • Living: Fish, Tree, Dog
  • Non-living: Cloud, Rock

155. Question: Classify the following as “historical landmarks” or “modern structures.”

  • Items: Eiffel Tower, Burj Khalifa, Colosseum, Great Wall of China, Leaning Tower of Pisa


Modern Structures: Burj Khalifa

Historical Landmarks: Eiffel Tower, Colosseum, Great Wall of China, Leaning Tower of Pisa

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