If You are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people. Here you are going to know the 208 reasons why Gurukul System is better , than ay other system in whole world ?
Education in ancient civilization
Ancient civilization was filled with technology that we have yet to reach that place again because all our books and encryptions are lost in wars , natural calamities and some was destroyed deliberately like the university of Nalanda (India) and university of Takshashila now called ass taxila in Pakistan .
The ancient scientists like Sushrut (Father of surgery) , Angirasa(Medicine), Patanjali (Yoga and ayurveda), Charaka (Medicine) and many more nearly 5000 scientists that did their hard work. Some got the recognition , and some faded away in the pages of history because no one took the initiative to protect the ancient gems and the books they wrote .
Education in ancient time was vedic education which is divided into three parts
- Vedic period
- Brahmanic period
- Buddhist period
Vedic period
The word scientist which is a new word was later added to english language to give a speciality in their field , During vedic period there was no such recognition as such people get confused and they they are not scientist and call them only rishi ignoring their hard work . The recognination should be given to the work they have done , findings and theories that they suggested . We have seen many times the same theory is depicted by other people and even they are getting recognition which we feel is not fair . Recognination should not be given in a dressing sense . If the person belongs to a rich family and well dressed then only they get the patent and if poor people do some inventions then it is stolen by others and they take the patent in their name.
During this time teachers were known as Acharya . The most educated one were known as pandits ( Pandit is not a caste, it is the recognition that they are educated ). The vedas are seen religiously but in actuality it’s a history so long that we think that it is impossible to exist . Veda is not religion but its record of the way of life that people live with their finding and more that they wanted to pass down to the next generation so they wrote veda. It is a book full of science and scientific theory and proof of how the executions will be and what will be the effect of that education . It’s like a record of all the scientific experiments that took place so early that dates are not prescribed . Well today how people depict the ancient book is like discrimination and hatred and beliefs with crores of gods which is not true .There is only one god which is a energy that no one can see but can feel the existence .
The four ancient books till now available are 4 vedas
- Rigveda
- Samveda
- Yajurveda
- Atharva Veda
Important facts
- Gurukul was free from state control . There was no center so no center control .
- Free education
- Source of income was donation and gurudakshina
- Primary education was known as Vidyarambha Sanskara
- Higher education was known as Upanayana Sanskara
These facts shows reasons why Gurukul System is better than other systems.
Life of student in vedic life
- The entry age to school which was known as gurukul was 10 – 12 years of age . At this age children can understand , listen and learn all the mantras taught by them .
2.. Students were known as vidyarthi and they should not be married because after marriage they have to feed their family for that they need to work so it was very difficult to earn education after marriage so they made rules that students should be unmarried and they can marry after the age of 25.
3.. Students should do their own work like cooking , washing clothes , collecting firewood, cleaning house , planting trees, and watering the plants. - Students need to sleep early at night and wake up early in the morning at 4 o’clock and then take a bath . The time when cock(bird) makes cuckoo sound in the morning was like an alarm to wake them to wake up in the morning.
- They need to remember all the mantras and hymns with their translation . All the education was given orally.
- Gazing the cows in the gurukul, as cows give milk which they need for energy and cow dung were used to keep bacteria and flies away .
- Fees in gurukul were known as gurudakshina (Not in terms of money but any things available in their house , any promise , any favour , any type of help ). Every student has to give guru dakshina as they can afford.
- The language they learned was Sanskrit .
- They used to write on vessel full of rice to learn letters(aksharmala and varnmala )
Education system in modern days
- All the vedics books which were a gem which was removed so it became a barrier for people to understand sanskrit and understand the hidden technology in the vedas.
- Schools are in state control
- Education is not free have to pay high fees
- Schools have to pay taxes.
- Introduced caste system and reservation on it.
- Introduced different types of religions and discrimination on basis of religion is going on which is not fair at all.
- There is no existence of humanity , people fight over religious views , and the poor are not getting enrolled in school because they can’t pay the fees.
- No practical education just how to write the exam and get passing marks . Less importance to discoveries and inventions .
- Students don’t learn to do their work , even their homework properly. People with good intelligence and score get less recognition as compared with other countries .
- Students stay awake all night and sleep late in morning which is not good for health .
Quotes on student life
Here are some beautiful Sanskrit quotes on student life along with their English translations:
- संसारसागरमचिरेण पारयेत्।
विद्या या दीक्षितस्य नयते सदा सुखम्॥- Translation: The knowledge acquired through education helps a student cross the ocean of life’s struggles and leads to lasting happiness.
- विद्या विवादाय धनं मदाय,
पतिं प्रियाय, जनाय शान्ताय,
धर्मार्थकाममोक्षाय च नैतिकं
विद्यायाः कारणम्॥- Translation: Knowledge is the foundation of wisdom, wealth, and virtuous living, leading to the well-being of oneself and society.
- न हि ज्ञानं शमयति सर्व दुःखानि,
धर्मेण युक्तं सदा सुखानि।- Translation: Knowledge, when aligned with righteousness, eradicates all sorrows and ensures eternal happiness.
- यस्य बुद्धिरपि लोके सदा च प्रकटिता,
सोऽधिगच्छति सर्वं वाणि विद्या समं न हि।- Translation: A person who is always guided by wisdom and knowledge will achieve everything they desire, for wisdom is incomparable.
- शिक्षायाः सौम्या हि वर्धयति वृद्धयाम्,
नम्रता हि विकासयति ज्ञानम्।- Translation: Education nurtures growth and maturity, while humility fosters the development of knowledge.
- विद्यां प्रपद्ये न हि विद्या न हि भूति,
न हि दीनं न पयोज्यं सुखं विना स्वाधीनम्।- Translation: Knowledge is the true wealth of life, and without it, no happiness or freedom can be truly attained.
- विद्यया जीवनमिष्टं,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे विष्णुर्भवेत् रत्नं,
अर्थे विद्याया पतिः॥- Translation: Life is enriched by education, and knowledge brings peace. In all endeavors, wisdom is the supreme treasure, and knowledge is the ruler of wealth.
- आत्मज्ञानं समृद्ध्यर्थं,
विद्या सम्पूर्णं सुखाय।
सम्पूर्णं न हि लभ्यं,
ज्ञानशक्तिं व्यर्थं यः॥- Translation: Self-knowledge and education lead to prosperity and happiness. Without wisdom, nothing can be achieved, and the power of knowledge is never wasted.
- न हि ज्ञानं शमयति सर्व दुःखानि,
साध्यं प्राप्यं सुखं।- Translation: Knowledge, when followed by action and discipline, eradicates all sorrows and leads one to success and happiness.
- विद्या धर्मसम्पन्ना,
धर्मो विद्या समर्थः।
धर्मविद्या संगच्छन्,
विजयः सदा संप्राप्ता॥
- Translation: Knowledge that is aligned with righteousness is the true form of wisdom. When both are together, victory is always attained.
- यः पश्यति विद्यानं,
न पश्यति महां धनम्।
यः पश्यति धर्मेण,
स सदा प्राप्तो महाम्।
- Translation: The one who seeks knowledge and wisdom over material wealth and gains is the true achiever of greatness.
- शिक्षा नित्यं समृद्ध्यर्थं,
न हि ज्ञानं नैतिकं।
विद्यायाः पथ्यमाणं,
धर्मेण युक्तं सदा॥
- Translation: Education is the eternal path to growth and prosperity, and knowledge, when coupled with righteousness, leads to a prosperous life.
- विद्या माया समृद्धं,
धर्मपथं यशस्विनं।
शिक्षा ते वर्धयति,
विद्यां च समृद्धयेत्॥
- Translation: Education is the foundation of success, and the righteous path is always elevated by it, leading to wisdom and prosperity.
Quotes on reasons why Gurukul System is better
- विद्या ददाति विनयं, विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्।
पात्रत्वात् धनमाप्नोति, धनात् धर्मं ततः सुखम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge bestows humility, humility leads to worthiness, and from worthiness comes wealth. From wealth comes righteousness, and from righteousness, happiness.
- न हि ज्ञानेन सदृशं पवित्रमिह विद्यते।
तत् स्वयं योगसिद्धिं च, क्रोधं परमं शान्तिम्॥
- Translation: There is nothing more purifying than knowledge. Through it, one attains self-realization, supreme calm, and the highest peace.
- शिक्षा धर्मस्य पुण्यस्य,
ज्ञानं जीवनस्य उन्नतं।
विद्या ऐश्वर्यसम्पन्ना,
सर्वं साधयति जीवनम्॥
- Translation: Education is the foundation of virtue and piety. Knowledge elevates life, and wisdom, when attained, brings all prosperity to life.
- न हि ज्ञानेन सुखं लभ्यं,
न हि सुखं धर्मेण विना।
विद्यायाः परमं शान्तिम्,
सुखदं जीवनं प्राप्तम्॥
- Translation: Happiness is not attained without knowledge, and knowledge without righteousness does not bring peace. The highest peace and bliss in life are attained through education.
- विद्या जीवनसारथी,
धर्मेण युक्तो महाशक्तिम्।
न हि ज्ञानसमृद्धो लोके,
कदाचन जीवेद सुखं॥
- Translation: Knowledge is the charioteer of life, and when coupled with righteousness, it bestows great strength. A person endowed with wisdom will always live a life of happiness.
- शिक्षायाः सर्वोत्तमं मार्गं,
नहि अन्यत्र सुखं भवेत्।
ज्ञानं साध्यं संप्राप्तं,
धर्मेण युक्तं सर्वदा॥
- Translation: The highest path is through education, as no happiness can be attained elsewhere. Knowledge, when achieved with righteousness, brings ultimate fulfillment.
- यस्य विद्या सदा धर्मेण,
स एव भाग्यवृद्धिम्।
ज्ञानं दारिद्र्यम् नयेत्,
धनं सुखं च लभ्यते॥
- Translation: A person whose knowledge is always aligned with righteousness will find fortune and prosperity. Knowledge removes poverty and brings both wealth and happiness.
- विद्या आयुरधिका,
धनं धर्मं सुखं समम्।
ज्ञानं जीवनसारं हि,
सर्वपद्मं समृद्धिं च॥
- Translation: Education extends life, wealth, and happiness equally. Knowledge is the essence of life, bringing prosperity and fulfillment in all forms.
- शिक्षायाः फलमधिगच्छति,
ज्ञानं सर्वश्रेष्ठं सुखम्।
न हि धनं न पत्तिं,
विद्यायाः समं सुखं॥
- Translation: The fruit of education is supreme knowledge, and the greatest happiness comes from learning. Wealth and position are not equal to the joy of wisdom.
- विद्या मित्रं सदा धर्मं,
ज्ञानं सुखं जीवनम्।
विद्या विमुक्तिम् अर्पणं,
धनं समृद्धिं च सदा॥
- Translation: Knowledge is a constant companion of righteousness, and wisdom brings happiness and fulfillment in life. Education offers liberation and prosperity in all circumstances.
- शिक्षां हि जीवनं प्रक्षालितं,
ज्ञानं सर्वश्रेष्ठं वर्धितं।
संसारमार्गे विवेकं,
विद्या तस्य सर्वोत्तमा॥
- Translation: Education purifies life, and knowledge is the greatest asset to nurture it. Wisdom is the guiding force on the path of life, and education is its highest form.
- सिद्धि विद्या प्रवर्धन्ति,
सिद्धिः ज्ञानस्य यत्नतः।
ज्ञानं धर्मस्य वृत्तं,
साधुता शान्तिमायुषम्॥
- Translation: Success flourishes with knowledge, and success is achieved by diligent effort in learning. Knowledge is the foundation of righteousness, and it leads to peace and longevity.
- यत्र विद्या प्रतिष्ठिता,
तत्र धर्मः सदा स्थितः।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
ज्ञानं सर्वश्रेष्ठं सुखम्॥
- Translation: Where education is established, righteousness always prevails. Everyone attains prosperity, and knowledge is the ultimate source of happiness.
- ज्ञानं धैर्यसमर्पितं,
विद्या धर्मेण संयुक्ता।
धर्मः सुखं समर्पयति,
सर्वेभ्यः लाभं यान्ति॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with courage, and education, when aligned with righteousness, brings joy and leads to success for everyone.
- विद्या सर्वेषु क्षेत्रेषु,
वर्धयति विवेकं सदा।
ज्ञानं सुखं शान्ति च,
विद्यायाः फलमुत्तमं॥
- Translation: Education enhances wisdom in all fields and brings perpetual clarity. Knowledge gives peace, happiness, and is the supreme fruit of learning.
- ज्ञानं गह्वरं याति,
दर्शनं शान्तिमायुषि।
विद्या धर्मेण सन्नद्धा,
सर्वे जीवनं कृतं सुखम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge penetrates deeply and leads to vision, peace, and a long life. Education, when bound by righteousness, makes every life filled with happiness and success.
- वृत्तिर्विज्ञानसम्पन्ना,
ज्ञानवृद्धि सुखप्रदं।
विद्या सन्मार्गदर्शिका,
धर्मं जीवितमाधरा॥
- Translation: The conduct of life, enriched by wisdom, brings joy and growth. Education is the guide to the righteous path and the foundation of a meaningful life.
- विद्या पतेर्नमः शान्तिः,
विद्या धर्मस्य सुतम्।
यस्य विद्या परं ब्रह्म,
तस्य सर्वं समृद्धिम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge is the path to peace, and education is the son of righteousness. For one who has knowledge of the Supreme Truth, all prosperity follows.
- विद्या वृद्धिं धत्ते च,
सर्वसिद्धिं च बन्धने।
ज्ञानं धर्ममायुषं,
प्राप्तवृद्धि सुखं यथा॥
- Translation: Education grants growth and leads to all forms of success. Knowledge brings righteousness, long life, and prosperity, just as it grants joy.
- न हि ज्ञानेन समं पवित्रं,
ज्ञानं निर्वेदं सुखं प्रपद्यते।
यत्र विद्या पुमान् पश्येत्,
सुखस्य हि सदा समृद्धिम्॥
- Translation: There is nothing more purifying than knowledge. Knowledge brings serenity, happiness, and when a person observes life with wisdom, they find success and everlasting joy.
- विद्या धर्मेण सन्नद्धा,
धर्मो विद्या युज्यते।
सर्वे सुखं यान्ति सदा,
ध्यानं ज्ञानेन साध्यते॥
- Translation: Education, combined with righteousness, leads to ultimate happiness. When knowledge and wisdom are united with virtue, they guide to eternal peace and prosperity.
- सर्वे सुखं यान्ति यत्र,
ध्यानं शान्तिप्रदं समम्।
विद्या समृद्धिमाप्नोति,
ज्ञानेन जीवितं सुखम्॥
- Translation: All those who engage in meditation, leading to peace, find happiness. Knowledge brings prosperity, and a life full of wisdom is a life of happiness.
- विद्या तपः समृद्धिम्,
धर्मेण सुकृतीं व्रजेत्।
ज्ञानं जीवनधारिणं,
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति॥
- Translation: Education is the greatest form of austerity, and righteousness is the path to success. Knowledge sustains life, and it is the key to prosperity for all.
- विद्यायाः कस्य न लाभः,
सर्वे ज्ञानसमृद्धया।
ध्यानं योगसमं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं प्राप्तुमर्हति॥
- Translation: Who does not benefit from knowledge? All gain through wisdom. Meditation and disciplined living, aligned with wisdom, are the means to attaining prosperity.
- ज्ञानं नक्षत्रसंपन्नं,
विद्या शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
धर्मं सुखं समर्पयति,
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति॥
- Translation: Knowledge is like the starry sky, vast and radiant. Education brings peace and righteousness, leading all towards prosperity.
- विद्या जीवनसम्पन्नं,
धर्मेण शान्तिमायुषम्।
ज्ञानं सर्वदृश्यं यं,
यस्य चित्तं सदा सुखम्॥
- Translation: Education fills life with fulfillment and peace, and knowledge keeps the mind clear and calm. Through wisdom, one attains eternal happiness.
- विद्यां च पौरुषं यान्ति,
ज्ञानं धर्मं समृद्धयेत्।
धर्मेण समृद्धिं हि,
ज्ञानं जीवनं सुखं यथा॥
- Translation: Wisdom and strength come through education, and knowledge leads to prosperity and righteousness. With virtue, one achieves wealth and happiness, and life becomes truly fulfilled.
Quotes on life of education
- विद्या जीवनरूपिण्याः,
समृद्धिः सुखदायिनी।
ज्ञानं धर्मवर्धनं,
शान्तिपथं प्रसीदत॥
- Translation: Education is the form of life itself, bringing prosperity and joy. Knowledge nurtures righteousness and leads to the path of peace and contentment.
- यस्य ज्ञानसमृद्धिः,
सदा सुखमयी भवेत्।
विद्या सर्वेषु श्रेष्ठा,
समृद्धिं यत्र पश्यते॥
- Translation: One who is rich in knowledge always lives a life of happiness. Education is the highest form of wealth, and where it is found, prosperity follows.
- विद्या च कांतारं नयति,
धर्मं शान्तिं प्रपद्यते।
ज्ञानं मार्गं सशक्तं,
सर्वं जीवनं सुखं यथा॥
- Translation: Knowledge leads one through the dark forest of ignorance and guides them to righteousness and peace. It is the powerful path that makes life fulfilling and joyous.
- विना ज्ञानं धर्मेण,
सुखं शान्ति न लभ्यते।
विद्या शान्ति समृद्धिं,
प्रदानं सुखदायकम्॥
- Translation: Without knowledge and righteousness, one cannot attain happiness and peace. Education provides peace, prosperity, and is a source of lasting joy.
- विद्या धर्मस्य संयोग,
ज्ञानं जीवनसाधनं।
धर्मेण युक्तं सुखप्रदं,
विद्या यत्र समृद्धयेत्॥
- Translation: Knowledge is the union of virtue and wisdom. Knowledge sustains life and, when combined with righteousness, it bestows prosperity and happiness.
- न हि ज्ञानमुपेक्षितं,
सर्वे धर्मेण युक्तं च।
विद्या सुखदा समृद्धि,
शान्तिं योगं च लभ्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when followed by righteousness, is never wasted. It brings happiness, prosperity, peace, and the harmony of yoga into life.
- विद्यां पत्यां यथा धर्मं,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं।
शान्तिं जीवनसाध्यं च,
वर्धयति समृद्धयेत्॥
- Translation: Just as righteousness is the foundation of a good life, knowledge is the source of happiness. It nurtures peace, growth, and ultimately leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदाता।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं सुखदं भवेत्॥
- Translation: Education nourishes righteousness, and knowledge is the giver of happiness. When life is guided by righteousness, it becomes prosperous and full of joy.
- न हि ज्ञानसमृद्ध्या,
धर्मेण सुखं लभ्यते।
विद्या शान्तिप्रदा,
जीवनं समृद्धिं यान्ति॥
- Translation: Through wisdom and righteousness, happiness is attained. Education brings peace, and when one follows its path, life becomes prosperous and fulfilling.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
समृद्धिं शान्तिम् आयुषं,
विद्यायाः प्रभावं यान्ति॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when aligned with righteousness, brings joy and peace. It leads to prosperity, long life, and harmony, showcasing the powerful effect of education.
Quotes on importance of education
- विद्या विना मृत्युम् अर्पयेत्,
धर्मेण ज्ञानं समृद्धयेत्।
सर्वे सुखं लभन्ति यत्र,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Without knowledge, one may face ignorance, but through righteousness and wisdom, one achieves prosperity. Where education is united with virtue, all attain happiness.
- न हि विद्यां सुखदायिनीं,
धर्मं च सम्प्रदायिनीं।
विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, brings happiness. Education aligned with virtue leads all to prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मेण समं युक्ता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
सर्वे धनं लभन्ति यत्र,
विद्याया धर्मशक्तिता॥
- Translation: Knowledge united with righteousness and wisdom leads to eternal happiness. Wherever education and virtue coexist, all attain wealth and success.
- ज्ञानं जीवनसिद्धिं यच्छ,
धर्मेण वर्धितं सुखम्।
विद्या समृद्धिं प्राप्य,
जीवितं यत्र सदा सुखम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge grants fulfillment in life and, when guided by righteousness, brings joy. Education, leading to prosperity, ensures that life remains constantly filled with happiness.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धि च,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं।
सर्वे पथ्यं जीवनं यं,
विद्या धर्मेण संगम्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge brings prosperity and righteousness, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. The path of life, when guided by education and virtue, leads to fulfillment and peace.
- विद्या धर्मसम्पन्ना,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे विष्णुर्भवेत् रत्नं,
विद्यायाः कारणं महत्॥
- Translation: Education, which is rich in righteousness, is the giver of happiness. Knowledge is the supreme treasure, and education is the key to greatness.
- विद्यां धर्मेण युक्तं च,
सुखं समृद्धि लभ्यते।
ज्ञानं सर्वेषु श्रेष्ठं,
सम्पन्नं पथ्यमाणकं॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, brings happiness and prosperity. Wisdom is the highest virtue, guiding all to the best possible path.
- शिक्षायाः फलमाहात्म्यम्,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
विद्या धर्मेण समं च,
जीवनं समृद्धिम् यान्ति॥
- Translation: The fruit of education is great, and knowledge brings peace. When education is aligned with righteousness, life is filled with prosperity and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मप्रेरिता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं।
सर्वे यत्र समृद्धिं यान्ति,
विद्यायाः शरणं व्रजेत्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, driven by righteousness, is the giver of happiness. Wherever education is sought, prosperity and success follow.
- विद्या तु जीवनस्य आधार,
धर्मेण प्रतिपन्ना।
ज्ञानं सर्वस्वं सुखं,
शान्तिं वर्धयति सदा॥
- Translation: Education is the foundation of life, and when combined with righteousness, it leads to all forms of happiness and peace. Wisdom nurtures the mind and sustains joy.
- विद्याः परमं धर्मं,
धर्मेण सुखमायुषम्।
ज्ञानं संसारमोक्षं,
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति॥
- Translation: Knowledge is the highest form of righteousness, and through righteousness, one attains happiness and long life. Wisdom leads to liberation from worldly suffering, and all find prosperity through it.
- विद्यायाः सर्वोत्तमं पथ्यम्,
धर्मेण युक्तं सदा।
ज्ञानं सुखदं शान्तिपथं,
वर्धयति समृद्धयेत्॥
- Translation: The highest path is through education, which is always aligned with righteousness. Knowledge leads to peace and happiness, and it continuously nurtures prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धयः,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे जीवनमर्पयन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge brings prosperity and righteousness, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. All lives are enriched through the fruits of education.
- विद्या सर्वश्रेष्ठं धनं,
ज्ञानं तु जीवनं सुखम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं तत्त्वं,
सर्वे समृद्धिं प्राप्यते॥
- Translation: Education is the greatest wealth, and knowledge is the true happiness of life. When knowledge is aligned with righteousness, prosperity is attained by all.
- विद्यायाः परमं शान्तिं,
धर्मेण युक्तं सदा।
ज्ञानं जीवनप्रदं,
सर्वे समृद्धिं यान्ति॥
- Translation: Knowledge leads to supreme peace, and when it is always united with righteousness, it becomes the source of happiness. Wisdom grants life, and everyone finds prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मं समृद्धयेत्,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनं।
सम्पन्नं जीवनं यं,
विद्याया धर्मशक्तिता॥
- Translation: Education promotes righteousness, and knowledge is the giver of happiness. When life is guided by wisdom, it becomes prosperous and harmonious.
- सर्वे धर्मेण युक्तं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
विद्या समृद्धिं प्राप्य,
धर्मेण सुखं यान्ति॥
- Translation: When one is united with righteousness, knowledge always leads to happiness. Education brings prosperity, and through righteousness, one finds lasting joy.
- विद्या धर्मप्रणीतं च,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं।
सर्वे विद्या समृद्धिं,
धर्मेण सुखं लभन्ति॥
- Translation: Education, when guided by righteousness, becomes the giver of happiness. Knowledge brings prosperity, and through virtue, everyone attains peace and joy.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं जीवनधारणम्।
शान्तिं सम्पन्नं जीवनं,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, combined with righteousness, sustains life. Education brings peace and fulfillment, and the fruits of wisdom guide towards prosperity.
- विद्यां धर्मेण संगच्छन्,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
सम्पन्नं सुखमायुषं,
जीवनं समृद्धयेत्॥
- Translation: Education, when associated with righteousness, becomes the source of peace and happiness. Wisdom enriches life, leading to prosperity and long-lasting fulfillment.
- विद्यायाः फलमधिगच्छति,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे धर्मेण युक्तं च,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते जीवनम्॥
- Translation: The fruit of education is knowledge, which brings peace. Life, when aligned with righteousness, always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या विनयसम्पन्ना,
सदा सुखं यशस्विनी।
ज्ञानं धर्मनिष्ठं च,
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति॥
- Translation: Education, when coupled with humility, brings eternal happiness and glory. Knowledge, rooted in righteousness, grants prosperity to all.
- विद्यायाः समृद्धि पथं,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे सुखं लभन्ति यत्र,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education is the path to prosperity, and knowledge is the giver of peace. Wherever wisdom is united with righteousness, happiness follows.
- विद्या धर्मप्रेरिता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं यत्र पश्यते॥
- Translation: Education is inspired by righteousness, and knowledge brings happiness. A life guided by virtue leads to prosperity and success.
- सर्वे जीवनसिद्धिं प्राप्य,
ज्ञानं धर्मेण समं।
विद्यायाः फलमुद्धृतं,
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति॥
- Translation: All who attain success in life gain wisdom, which is always aligned with righteousness. The fruits of education lead to prosperity for all.
- विद्या धर्मनिष्ठा च,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे सुखं समृद्धिं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखदायकं॥
- Translation: Education, founded in righteousness, brings peace and joy. Knowledge leads to happiness and prosperity, and life becomes fulfilling where wisdom prevails.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धनं,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
शान्तिं वर्धयति सदा॥
- Translation: Knowledge enhances righteousness, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue increases peace and prosperity.
- विद्यां धर्मप्रणेतारं,
ज्ञानं सुखमायुषम्।
सम्पन्नं जीवनं यं,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education, which is the foundation of righteousness, leads to long-lasting happiness. Life, enriched by the fruits of wisdom, remains fulfilling and prosperous.
- न हि ज्ञानं शमयति सर्व दुःखानि,
धर्मेण युक्तं सदा सुखम्।
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, alleviates all sorrows and leads to eternal happiness.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः कारणं महत्॥
- Translation: Education, when combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. The great cause of prosperity is wisdom and its application in life.
- विद्यया संसारमोक्षं,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति॥
- Translation: Knowledge leads to liberation from the cycle of worldly existence, and wisdom brings peace. A life guided by righteousness leads to prosperity for all.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
शान्तिं सुखं च लभ्यते,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education, combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. It brings peace and joy, and its fruits lead to a prosperous and fulfilling life.
- विद्या पत्यां धर्मसम्पन्ना,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति यत्र,
विद्या धर्मेण संगम्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when rooted in virtue, always brings happiness. Wherever education is united with righteousness, prosperity and success follow.
- शिक्षायाः फलमाहात्म्यम्,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सम्पन्नं जीवनं यं,
विद्याया धर्मशक्तिता॥
- Translation: The greatness of education lies in its power to give wisdom, which brings peace and happiness. A life enriched by knowledge and righteousness becomes prosperous and joyful.
- विद्या धर्मेण युक्तं च,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखमायुषम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, united with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. It brings peace and prosperity to life, and life becomes fulfilled when guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मस्य साधनं,
ज्ञानं सुखमायुषम्।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education is the means of attaining righteousness, and knowledge is the giver of happiness. Prosperity is attained by all who align education with virtue.
- विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तं,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे सुखं लभन्ति यत्र,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: The fruits of education, when united with knowledge, lead to peace and happiness. Where education is joined with righteousness, prosperity follows for all.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं यत्र पश्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. A life governed by virtue leads to prosperity and fulfillment.
- विद्या ज्ञानसमृद्ध्या,
धर्मेण सन्नद्धा सदा।
सर्वे सुखं समृद्धिं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education, enriched by wisdom and always aligned with righteousness, brings happiness and prosperity. Life becomes joyful and fulfilling where wisdom prevails.
- विद्या धर्मसमं युक्ता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं यत्र पश्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. A life guided by virtue leads to prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं शान्ति समृद्धि च।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education, when combined with righteousness, leads to knowledge, peace, and prosperity. All attain prosperity where wisdom is united with virtue.
- विद्या धर्मस्य साधना,
ज्ञानं शान्ति दायकम्।
सम्पन्नं जीवनं यं,
विद्याया धर्मशक्तिता॥
- Translation: Education is the practice of righteousness, and knowledge brings peace. A life enriched by education and righteousness becomes prosperous and joyful.
- विद्या धर्मस्य पथं यः,
ज्ञानं सुखमायुषम्।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
सर्वे विद्यया युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge shows the path of righteousness and brings long-lasting happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by all who are guided by education.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिः,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभ्यते,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education is the source of righteousness, and knowledge is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity follow those who are guided by the fruits of wisdom.
- विद्यायाः सम्पत्ति शान्तिं,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education brings tranquility and wisdom that gives eternal happiness. A life aligned with righteousness leads to prosperity and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मस्य सहिता,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
समृद्धिं सुखं प्राप्तं,
जीवनं विद्यया युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, coupled with righteousness, is the source of peace. Prosperity and happiness are attained by those who live a life enriched by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मनिष्ठा,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education, rooted in righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. Prosperity is attained by those who unite knowledge with virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
शान्तिं प्राप्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं यत्र पश्यते॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and knowledge is the giver of happiness. Life becomes peaceful and prosperous when guided by wisdom and virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं यत्र पश्यते॥
- Translation: Education, combined with righteousness, is the source of happiness. A life guided by virtue leads to prosperity and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धयः,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति यत्र,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge brings prosperity and is the giver of happiness. Where education is united with righteousness, prosperity is attained by all.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. All who align education with virtue attain prosperity.
- विद्यायाः फलमधिगच्छति,
ज्ञानं शान्ति समृद्धि च।
सर्वे सुखं लभन्ति यत्र,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: The fruit of education leads to knowledge, peace, and prosperity. Where education is united with righteousness, happiness follows.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
सम्पन्नं जीवनं यं,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education is the path to righteousness, and knowledge is the eternal giver of happiness. A life guided by wisdom leads to prosperity and fulfillment.
- विद्यायाः शान्तिमायुषं,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education brings peace and long life, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. A life guided by righteousness leads to prosperity and joy.
- विद्या धर्मसमं युक्तं,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं यत्र पश्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue leads to prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मेण युक्तं च,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
समृद्धिं शान्ति प्राप्य,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when aligned with righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained in a life guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मप्रेरिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education, driven by righteousness, is the eternal giver of happiness. Those who are guided by knowledge attain peace and prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मस्य साधनं,
ज्ञानं सुखमायुषम्।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education is the means to righteousness, and knowledge grants long-lasting happiness. All who unite education with virtue attain prosperity.
- विद्या समृद्धि सुखप्रदा,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे सुखं लभन्ति यत्र,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education is the source of prosperity and joy, and wisdom is the giver of peace. Where wisdom prevails, prosperity and happiness are found.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. A life guided by virtue leads to prosperity and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. All attain prosperity when education is aligned with virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धि च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and knowledge is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained when wisdom is the guiding force.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue leads to prosperity and success.
- विद्यायाः फलमधिगच्छति,
ज्ञानं शान्ति समृद्धि च।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति॥
- Translation: The fruit of education is knowledge, leading to peace and prosperity. A life guided by righteousness leads to prosperity for all.
- विद्या धर्मेण युक्तं च,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained in a life guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always gives happiness. A life aligned with virtue leads to prosperity and well-being.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. All attain prosperity where education is united with virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धी च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity and knowledge gives eternal happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं यत्र पश्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when aligned with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. A life guided by virtue leads to prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मप्रेरिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education, inspired by righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. Those who are guided by the fruits of knowledge attain peace and prosperity.
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- विद्यायाः शान्तिपथं यान्ति,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Knowledge leads to the path of peace, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. A life aligned with righteousness leads to prosperity and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिः,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं सम्पन्नं जीवनं,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education is the source of prosperity, and knowledge is the giver of happiness. A life enriched by the fruits of wisdom leads to peace and prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मेण युक्तं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
समृद्धिं शान्ति प्राप्तं,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education, combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. A life that attains peace and prosperity through wisdom becomes fulfilling and joyful.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धनी,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education nourishes righteousness, and wisdom is always the giver of happiness. All who unite their education with virtue attain prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. All attain prosperity when education is guided by virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education, when combined with righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
सम्पन्नं जीवनं यं,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity and knowledge gives eternal happiness. A life enriched by the fruits of wisdom leads to fulfillment and success.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धनं,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education enhances righteousness, and wisdom is always the giver of happiness. All who unite education with virtue attain prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्ध्यं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
शान्तिं सम्पन्नं जीवनं,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education and righteousness together lead to prosperity, and wisdom brings happiness. A life enriched by wisdom leads to peace and prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसम्पन्नं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Knowledge, combined with righteousness, always brings happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained by those who live a life guided by wisdom and virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue leads to prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धनं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सम्पन्नं जीवनं यं,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education fosters righteousness, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. A life enriched by the fruits of education leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by education.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धयः,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
शान्तिं सम्पन्नं जीवनं,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. A life that is guided by wisdom and virtue leads to peace and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. A life guided by virtue always leads to prosperity and fulfillment.
- विद्यायाः शान्तिपथं यान्ति,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Knowledge leads to the path of peace, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. A life aligned with righteousness leads to prosperity and joy.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, is the giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity follow those whose lives are guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
शान्तिं सम्पन्नं जीवनं,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity and wisdom gives eternal happiness. A life enriched by the fruits of knowledge brings peace and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकं सदा।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. All attain prosperity where education is guided by virtue.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education enhances righteousness, and knowledge brings eternal happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and success are attained by those who are guided by knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always leads to happiness. A life guided by virtue always attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
समृद्धिं सुखमायुषं,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Knowledge, combined with righteousness, brings peace and happiness. Prosperity and long life are attained by those whose life is guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, brings eternal happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिः,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and success are attained by those who are guided by knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धनं,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education nourishes righteousness, and wisdom is always the giver of happiness. All attain prosperity who unite education with virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and knowledge gives eternal happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained by those whose lives are guided by wisdom and virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकं सदा।
शान्तिं सम्पन्नं जीवनं,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. A life that is enriched by wisdom leads to peace and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always gives happiness. A life aligned with virtue attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education fosters righteousness, and wisdom brings eternal happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and success are attained by those who are guided by knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always leads to happiness. A life guided by virtue always attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदायकम्।
समृद्धिं सुखमायुषं,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Knowledge, combined with righteousness, brings peace and happiness. Prosperity and long life are attained by those whose life is guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, brings eternal happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिः,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and success are attained by those who are guided by knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धनं,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education nourishes righteousness, and wisdom is always the giver of happiness. All attain prosperity who unite education with virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and knowledge gives eternal happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained by those whose lives are guided by wisdom and virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकं सदा।
शान्तिं सम्पन्नं जीवनं,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. A life that is enriched by wisdom leads to peace and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always gives happiness. A life aligned with virtue attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मनिष्ठा,
ज्ञानं शान्तिप्रदं सदा।
समृद्धिं सुखमायुषं,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education is rooted in righteousness, and wisdom is the eternal giver of peace. Prosperity and long life are attained by those whose lives are guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is always the giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue leads to fulfillment and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always leads to happiness. A life guided by virtue is forever prosperous and successful.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, brings eternal happiness. All who align their education with virtue attain prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धि च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. A life guided by virtue always leads to prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धि च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is always the giver of happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained by those whose lives are guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, brings eternal happiness. A life guided by virtue always attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education, when combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by the fruits of knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education nourishes righteousness, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धि च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always leads to happiness. A life guided by virtue always attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by the fruits of wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. A life guided by virtue always leads to prosperity and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धनं,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education nurtures righteousness, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. All attain prosperity who align their education with virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. A life guided by virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education enhances righteousness, and wisdom brings eternal happiness. A life aligned with virtue leads to lasting prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained by those whose lives are guided by wisdom and righteousness.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by the fruits of wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always leads to happiness. A life aligned with virtue attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Education nurtures righteousness, and wisdom is always the giver of happiness. All attain prosperity who unite their education with virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those guided by the fruits of knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those whose lives are guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always leads to happiness. A life guided by virtue always leads to prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education enhances righteousness, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained by those whose lives are guided by wisdom and virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity and fulfillment.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, is always the giver of happiness. A life guided by virtue always attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
सर्वे समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्या धर्मेण युज्यते॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when united with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. All attain prosperity who align their education with virtue.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धनं च,
ज्ञानं सुखदायकं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education nourishes righteousness, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained by those whose lives are guided by knowledge and virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always leads to happiness. A life guided by virtue always attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education enhances righteousness, and wisdom brings eternal happiness. A life aligned with virtue leads to lasting prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by the fruits of wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained by those whose lives are guided by wisdom and virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always gives happiness. A life guided by virtue leads to prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those guided by knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those whose lives are guided by wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education enhances righteousness, and wisdom brings eternal happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते यथा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always leads to happiness. A life guided by virtue always attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education nurtures righteousness, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
समृद्धिं शान्तिप्रदं च,
जीवनं यत्र सुखप्रदं॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. Prosperity and peace are attained by those whose lives are guided by knowledge and virtue.
- विद्या धर्मसमन्विता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदायकम्।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Knowledge, when combined with righteousness, is the giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those guided by the fruits of wisdom.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education leads to prosperity, and wisdom is the eternal giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by the fruits of knowledge.
- विद्या धर्मसमर्थिता,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education, supported by righteousness, always brings happiness. A life guided by virtue always attains prosperity and success.
- विद्या धर्मवर्धिनी,
ज्ञानं सुखदायिनी।
धर्मेण युक्तं जीवनं,
समृद्धिं लभ्यते सदा॥
- Translation: Education enhances righteousness, and wisdom brings eternal happiness. A life aligned with virtue always leads to prosperity.
- विद्या धर्मसमृद्धिं च,
ज्ञानं सुखप्रदं सदा।
शान्तिं समृद्धिं लभन्ति,
विद्यायाः फलेन युक्तम्॥
- Translation: Education brings prosperity, and wisdom is the giver of happiness. Peace and prosperity are attained by those who are guided by knowledge.
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