Arduino is one of the most popular open-source electronics platforms that allows you to create a wide variety of projects involving sensors, motors, lights, and other hardware components. It’s based on easy-to-use hardware and software and is widely used in education, research, and DIY electronics.

Introduction to Arduino:

Arduino is a microcontroller platform that can read inputs from sensors (such as light, temperature, or motion) and turn them into outputs, like activating motors, LEDs, or displaying information on a screen. It’s powered by a range of different Arduino boards, such as Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega, and others, which all offer different capabilities for various types of projects.

What You Need to Start:

  1. Arduino Board (e.g., Arduino Uno, Arduino Nano, Arduino Mega)
  2. Breadboard for prototyping
  3. Jumper wires for connecting components
  4. Sensors (temperature, motion, light, etc.)
  5. Actuators (LEDs, motors, buzzers)
  6. Power Supply (usually USB-powered or external battery packs)
  7. Arduino IDE for programming (free and open-source software)

Getting Started with Arduino:

  1. Install Arduino IDE:
    • Download and install the Arduino IDE from the official Arduino website.
    • The IDE allows you to write code and upload it to the Arduino board.
  2. Basic Circuit:
    • For a beginner, try starting with a simple LED blink project. You can connect an LED to the digital pin 13 on the Arduino board and write a simple script to make it blink.
  3. Write Code and Upload:
    • Open the Arduino IDE, select the appropriate board and port from the Tools menu.
    • Write code in the Arduino programming language, which is based on C/C++.
    • Upload the code to your board using the Upload button.

Popular Arduino Project Ideas:

Here are some creative and fun project ideas you can work on using Arduino:

1. LED Blink Project

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Basic programming and digital output control
  • Components: Arduino, LED, resistor
  • Description: Write a simple program that makes an LED blink on and off every second. This is the simplest Arduino project and a great way to start.

2. Temperature and Humidity Monitor

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Using sensors to collect environmental data
  • Components: DHT11 or DHT22 sensor, Arduino, LCD screen
  • Description: Monitor temperature and humidity levels in a room. The readings can be displayed on an LCD or OLED screen.

3. Motion Sensor Alarm

  • Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Using motion sensors (PIR), digital input/output, and sound.
  • Components: PIR sensor, buzzer, Arduino
  • Description: Use a PIR (Passive Infrared) sensor to detect motion. When motion is detected, trigger a buzzer or an LED to alert.

4. RGB LED Color Mixer

  • Skill Level: Beginner to Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Analog input/output and controlling RGB LEDs
  • Components: RGB LED, potentiometers (for adjusting color), Arduino
  • Description: Create an interactive system to change the color of an RGB LED by adjusting potentiometers (rotary knobs).

5. Light Sensitive LED

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Using light sensors and controlling outputs
  • Components: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), LED, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system where the LED’s brightness is controlled by the amount of ambient light detected by the LDR.

6. Ultrasonic Distance Meter

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Ultrasonic sensor usage, working with serial data
  • Components: HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor, Arduino, LCD screen
  • Description: Use an ultrasonic sensor to measure distances and display the result on an LCD screen.

7. Smart Plant Watering System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Working with soil moisture sensors and actuators
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, relay module, water pump, Arduino
  • Description: Use a soil moisture sensor to detect the moisture level of the soil, and then activate a water pump when the plant needs watering.

8. Servo Motor Controlled Arm

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Servo motor control and mechanical movement
  • Components: Servo motor, potentiometer, Arduino
  • Description: Build a small robotic arm that moves based on the input from a potentiometer (rotary knob).

9. Smart Door Lock

  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • What You Learn: Using keypads, servos, and security systems
  • Components: Keypad, servo, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart door lock system where you need to input a passcode to unlock the door. A servo motor can control the locking mechanism.

10. Bluetooth Controlled Car

  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • What You Learn: Bluetooth communication and motor control
  • Components: Bluetooth module (HC-05), DC motors, motor driver (L298N), Arduino
  • Description: Build an RC car that you can control using a smartphone app or Bluetooth controller.

11. LED Matrix Clock

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Using an LED matrix, real-time clock modules, and time management
  • Components: LED matrix, RTC (Real Time Clock) module, Arduino
  • Description: Create a digital clock with an LED matrix display. Use a real-time clock (RTC) module to keep track of the time.

12. Sound Reactive Lights

  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • What You Learn: Sound detection and LED control
  • Components: Microphone sensor, RGB LED, Arduino
  • Description: Create an LED light show that reacts to sound or music. The lights change based on the amplitude or frequency of the sound input.

13. Smart Home Automation System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Wireless communication, IoT, and home automation
  • Components: Arduino, Wi-Fi module (ESP8266), relay, sensors, smartphone app
  • Description: Build a smart home system where you can control lights, fans, and other appliances from your smartphone or remotely over the internet.

14. Weather Station

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Collecting environmental data and displaying it online
  • Components: Temperature, humidity, pressure sensor (DHT22, BMP180), Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a weather station that monitors temperature, humidity, and pressure, and uploads the data to an online dashboard for viewing.

15. Automated Light System (Day/Night Detection)

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Light sensors, automated systems, and actuators
  • Components: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), relay, light bulb, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system that automatically turns on or off a light based on the ambient light level in a room.

16. Voice-Controlled Light System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Voice recognition and integration with Arduino
  • Components: Arduino, microphone, voice recognition module (e.g., Elechouse Voice Recognition), relay module, light bulb
  • Description: Create a system where you can control a light bulb using simple voice commands. You can program specific phrases (like “Turn on” or “Turn off”) to control the relay and light.

17. Smart Mirror

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Integrating an Arduino with displays and sensors
  • Components: Raspberry Pi (optional for display), two-way mirror, Arduino, sensors, display screen
  • Description: Build a smart mirror that shows the time, weather, and other useful information. The mirror reflects like a normal mirror, but it also displays digital information on the screen behind it.

18. Gesture-Controlled Robot

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Gesture recognition and wireless communication
  • Components: Accelerometer, Arduino, motors, Bluetooth, robot chassis
  • Description: Use an accelerometer or gyroscope to control the movements of a robot using hand gestures. For example, tilting the hand forward could make the robot move forward.

19. Electronic Voting Machine

  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • What You Learn: Buttons, LCD, and secure input processing
  • Components: Buttons, LCD screen, Arduino, RFID tags (optional), piezo buzzer
  • Description: Build a secure, simple electronic voting system where users can select an option by pressing a button, and the results are displayed on the screen.

20. Automated Pet Feeder

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Motor control, sensors, and automation
  • Components: Servo motor, Arduino, food dispenser, RTC module (Real Time Clock), sensor
  • Description: Set up a system to automatically feed your pet at specific times. The servo motor releases food from a compartment when triggered by the timer (based on RTC).

21. GPS Tracking System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: GPS modules and real-time data collection
  • Components: GPS module (e.g., Neo-6M), Arduino, display (e.g., OLED), GSM module (optional)
  • Description: Create a GPS tracking system that can track the location of an object or vehicle and display the coordinates in real time on a screen or send them via SMS.

22. Home Automation with IoT (Internet of Things)

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Connecting Arduino to the internet, web servers, and IoT protocols
  • Components: ESP8266/ESP32 Wi-Fi module, relay, sensors, smartphone, Arduino
  • Description: Build a home automation system where you can control lights, fans, and other appliances remotely via a web app or mobile app. The ESP8266 or ESP32 allows you to connect the Arduino to the internet for remote control.

23. Heart Rate Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Using sensors to monitor biometric data
  • Components: Pulse sensor, Arduino, LCD display
  • Description: Build a heart rate monitoring system where the pulse sensor reads your heart rate and displays it on an LCD screen.

24. Smart Garden System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • What You Learn: Automation and sensor integration
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, light sensor, water pump, Arduino
  • Description: Set up a system to automatically water plants when the soil gets dry. The system can be enhanced to adjust watering schedules based on light levels, temperature, or even remote input from a smartphone.

25. Interactive LED Floor Tiles

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Controlling LEDs, creating interactive elements
  • Components: LED strips, Arduino, pressure sensors, motion sensors
  • Description: Create a floor or tile system that lights up when you step on it. You can program different patterns or effects, such as lighting up a pathway as you walk across the room.

26. Automatic Plant Growth System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Automation, light control, and environment sensing
  • Components: Light sensor, temperature sensor, water pump, LED grow lights, Arduino
  • Description: Create a system that automatically adjusts the environment for your plants. It can turn on grow lights based on the time of day or the amount of light in the room and water plants when the soil is dry.

27. Voice-Controlled Servo Motors

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Integrating voice control with physical actuators
  • Components: Voice recognition module, servo motors, Arduino
  • Description: Set up a system where you control the movements of a servo motor by issuing simple voice commands. This could be used in projects like robotic arms or interactive displays.

28. Smart Thermostat

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Temperature control and IoT integration
  • Components: DHT11/DHT22 sensor, relay module, temperature sensors, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system that controls the temperature in your home. The thermostat can turn on or off heating or cooling systems based on the temperature readings. You can control it remotely over the internet.

29. Smart Parking System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Object detection, parking management
  • Components: Ultrasonic sensors, Arduino, servo motor, display, LED
  • Description: Create a smart parking system that detects whether a parking spot is free or occupied using ultrasonic sensors. The system can display available spaces and even open/close parking barriers.

30. Traffic Light System with Sensors

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Using sensors to automate a traffic light system
  • Components: LEDs (for traffic lights), infrared sensors, Arduino
  • Description: Design a working traffic light system where the lights change based on sensor input. For example, the green light might turn on when a car approaches, and then the light changes when the car moves away.

31. Smart Sleep Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate to Advanced
  • What You Learn: Biometric monitoring and data analysis
  • Components: Accelerometer, microphone (for sound monitoring), Arduino
  • Description: Build a system that tracks your sleep movements and sounds. It can give you feedback on your sleep quality, such as how often you toss and turn, or alert you when you’re snoring.

32. Electronic Piano

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sound synthesis, controlling outputs (with piezo buzzer)
  • Components: Piezo buzzer, buttons, Arduino
  • Description: Create an electronic piano with a set of buttons or keys. Pressing a button will generate a musical note from the piezo buzzer.

33. Smart Doorbell with Camera

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Camera integration, communication
  • Components: Camera module (e.g., OV7670), relay, Arduino, Wi-Fi module
  • Description: Build a smart doorbell system that uses a camera to capture a visitor’s image and display it on a screen or send it to your phone when someone rings the bell.

34. Smart Wallet

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: RFID, security, and smart systems
  • Components: RFID reader, RFID tags, buzzer, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart wallet that only opens when it recognizes a specific RFID tag. It could be paired with a security system that alerts you if someone tries to access it without the correct tag.

35. Smart Waste Bin

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Object detection and automation
  • Components: Ultrasonic sensor, motor (for lid opening), Arduino
  • Description: Create a waste bin that automatically opens when it detects a hand near the lid. It could also be programmed to sense when the bin is full and send a notification to remind you to empty it.

36. Smart Fridge Temperature Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Temperature sensors, data logging, and alert systems
  • Components: Temperature sensor (e.g., DS18B20), Arduino, LCD/OLED display
  • Description: Create a system that monitors the temperature inside your fridge and displays it on an LCD screen. The system can trigger an alarm if the temperature goes above a certain threshold, helping to keep food safe.

37. Light and Sound Reactive LED Strip

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sound analysis, controlling LED patterns
  • Components: LED strip, microphone sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system where an LED strip lights up and reacts to music or sounds. The LEDs will change color and pattern based on the volume and frequency of the sounds it detects.

38. Digital Dice

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Random number generation, LED control
  • Components: 7-segment display or LED matrix, Arduino
  • Description: Create a digital dice that rolls a random number between 1 and 6 each time a button is pressed, displaying the result on a 7-segment display or LED matrix.

39. Automated Book Sorting System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Motor control, sorting algorithms
  • Components: DC motors, sensors, Arduino, conveyor belt (optional)
  • Description: Create a system where books or objects are automatically sorted based on size or category. The system could be used in a library or any other sorting task, using motors and sensors to determine the appropriate place for each item.

40. Biometric Fingerprint Scanner

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Biometric recognition, data security
  • Components: Fingerprint sensor, Arduino, relay module, motor (optional)
  • Description: Build a security system that uses a fingerprint scanner to grant access to a secure area or system. The system can be expanded to control doors, locks, or even computers.

41. Automated Light Dimming System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Light control, dimming, and automation
  • Components: LDR (Light Dependent Resistor), relay, Arduino, dimmable LED bulb
  • Description: Create a system that automatically dims or brightens the light based on the ambient light detected by an LDR. This can help optimize energy usage based on the natural light available in a room.

42. Voice-Controlled Home Automation System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Voice recognition, IoT, home automation
  • Components: Voice recognition module, Wi-Fi module (ESP8266/ESP32), relay modules, Arduino
  • Description: Build a voice-activated home automation system to control lights, fans, or other appliances by simply speaking commands. You can integrate with Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa for more advanced features.

43. Smart Water Quality Monitoring System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Water quality sensors, data analysis, and alert systems
  • Components: pH sensor, TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) sensor, Arduino, Wi-Fi module
  • Description: Create a system that monitors the quality of water by measuring pH levels, turbidity, and TDS. The system can send alerts when water quality is unsafe or outside the recommended parameters.

44. Automated Pet Door

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Motor control, sensors, automation
  • Components: Servo motor, RFID tags, sensors, Arduino
  • Description: Build a pet door that only opens when it detects a specific RFID tag on your pet’s collar. This ensures that only your pets can enter or exit, keeping other animals or intruders out.

45. Smart Door Lock System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Security, keypads, and encryption
  • Components: Keypad, servo or solenoid lock, Arduino
  • Description: Build an electronic lock system that uses a keypad to enter a PIN code and unlock a door. You can also add additional layers of security with RFID or biometric options.

46. Smart Health Monitoring System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Biometric data collection, real-time monitoring, IoT
  • Components: Heart rate sensor, temperature sensor, accelerometer, Arduino, Wi-Fi module
  • Description: Create a smart wearable health device that tracks your heart rate, body temperature, and physical activity, and sends the data to your phone or a cloud service for real-time monitoring.

47. Smart Traffic Light Control System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Traffic simulation, control systems
  • Components: LEDs (for traffic lights), sensors (for cars), Arduino
  • Description: Design a smart traffic light system that can adjust light timing based on traffic flow. Use sensors to detect the presence of vehicles at each intersection and adjust the traffic light accordingly.

48. IoT-Based Smart Gardening System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: IoT, automation, sensor integration
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, temperature sensor, water pump, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build an IoT-powered gardening system that monitors your garden remotely. The system can water plants based on soil moisture levels and send real-time updates about the garden’s health via a mobile app.

49. Smart Helmet with Safety Features

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Wearable devices, safety monitoring
  • Components: Accelerometer, gyroscope, Bluetooth module, LED, Arduino
  • Description: Design a smart helmet for cyclists or motorcyclists that monitors their head movement. If an accident is detected, the system can trigger an alert or send an emergency signal via Bluetooth to a smartphone.

50. Environmental Air Quality Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Air quality sensing, data visualization
  • Components: MQ series air quality sensors, temperature and humidity sensors, Arduino, LCD screen
  • Description: Build a system that monitors environmental air quality by measuring levels of gases like CO2, CO, or smoke. The system can display air quality data and even trigger alarms for unsafe levels.

51. Smart Mirror with Interactive Features

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Integration of physical and digital interfaces
  • Components: Raspberry Pi (or Arduino with display), mirror, LCD screen, sensors
  • Description: Create a smart mirror that displays useful information such as time, weather, news, or calendar events while still functioning as a regular mirror. The system could even be touch-sensitive for more interactive functionality.

52. 3D Printed Robotic Arm

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: 3D printing, robotics, and motor control
  • Components: Stepper motors, servo motors, 3D printed parts, Arduino, motor driver
  • Description: Build a robotic arm using 3D printed parts that can perform tasks like picking up objects or drawing. Control it with an Arduino and program it for specific movements.

53. Voice-Controlled LED Lights

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Voice control, LED control
  • Components: Voice recognition module, Arduino, LEDs
  • Description: Create a system that allows you to control LED lights using voice commands. For example, you can say “turn on the lights” or “change the color to red” to control the LEDs in your room.

54. Smart Solar Panel Tracker

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Solar energy tracking, motor control
  • Components: Solar panel, servo motors, light sensors (photoresistors), Arduino
  • Description: Design a solar panel tracker that adjusts the panel’s position based on the intensity of the sunlight throughout the day to maximize energy absorption.

55. Real-Time Stock Market Tracker

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: API integration, data visualization
  • Components: Arduino, Wi-Fi module (ESP8266/ESP32), LCD display, API for stock data
  • Description: Create a real-time stock market tracker that retrieves stock data from an API and displays live updates on an LCD screen. You can also add features to track multiple stocks at once.

56. Smart Traffic Control System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Traffic simulation, real-time control, IoT
  • Components: Arduino, ultrasonic sensors, LED lights, servo motors
  • Description: Build a traffic light system that can adjust based on traffic flow using ultrasonic sensors to detect the presence of vehicles. The system could dynamically change light durations to optimize traffic flow.

57. Smart Wristband for Fitness Tracking

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Wearable technology, sensors, real-time monitoring
  • Components: Accelerometer, heart rate sensor, OLED display, Arduino
  • Description: Create a wristband that tracks physical activity like steps, heart rate, and calories burned, and displays the information on a small OLED display or sends it to a mobile app.

58. Gesture-Controlled Light System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Gesture recognition, control systems
  • Components: Accelerometer/gyroscope sensor, Arduino, relay, light bulb
  • Description: Use an accelerometer or gyroscope to control a light with hand gestures. For example, a wave of the hand could turn the light on or off or dim it.

59. Smart Trash Can with Object Detection

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Object detection, automation
  • Components: Ultrasonic sensor, motor, Arduino, servo
  • Description: Build a trash can that automatically opens when it detects an object (like your hand) nearby. The trash can’s lid can open, and after a while, it closes automatically.

60. Automatic Cat Feeder

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Time-based automation, servo motors
  • Components: Servo motor, RTC module (Real-Time Clock), food dispenser, Arduino
  • Description: Create an automated pet feeder that dispenses food for your cat or dog at specific times of the day. The system could even allow you to set up feeding schedules based on your pet’s needs.

61. Ultrasonic Distance Measurement System

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Ultrasonic sensors, distance measurement
  • Components: Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04), Arduino, LCD screen
  • Description: Measure the distance to an object using an ultrasonic sensor and display the distance on an LCD screen. This can be useful for building range-finding systems or obstacle detectors.

62. Soil Moisture Sensor for Plants

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Environmental sensing, data analysis
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, relay, water pump, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system that monitors soil moisture levels and automatically waters plants when the soil gets dry. This can be useful for indoor plants, especially in environments where frequent manual watering is difficult.

63. Wi-Fi Controlled LED Matrix

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Wireless communication, LED control
  • Components: ESP8266/ESP32, LED matrix, Arduino
  • Description: Build a Wi-Fi-controlled LED matrix that can display custom messages or graphics. You can control the LED matrix via a web interface, sending messages from your phone or computer.

64. Arduino-Powered Home Security System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Security systems, sensors, data logging
  • Components: PIR sensor, camera module, GSM module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a simple home security system with motion detection (via PIR sensors) and an optional camera module to capture images when movement is detected. You can also integrate a GSM module to send alerts or even a picture to your phone.

65. Smart Mirror with Voice Interaction

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Voice recognition, interactive displays
  • Components: Raspberry Pi or Arduino with screen, two-way mirror, microphone
  • Description: Create a mirror that displays useful information like time, weather, and news while still functioning as a regular mirror. Add voice commands for even more interactivity, like asking it about the weather or your calendar.

66. Arduino-Powered CNC Plotter

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: CNC technology, motor control
  • Components: Servo motors, stepper motors, Arduino, pen holder
  • Description: Build a simple CNC plotter that can draw or write based on commands. The system uses stepper motors for precise movement and can be programmed to create various drawings and patterns.

67. Automated Plant Growth Chamber

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Environment monitoring, automation
  • Components: Temperature sensor, humidity sensor, water pump, LED grow lights, Arduino
  • Description: Design an automated environment for growing plants where you can control factors such as temperature, humidity, and light intensity. This is ideal for indoor gardening or controlled plant research.

68. Arduino-Powered Smart Light System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Light control, automation
  • Components: Light sensor, relay, Arduino, LED light bulb
  • Description: Create a smart lighting system that automatically turns on or off based on ambient light levels. For example, the lights can turn off during the day when sunlight is abundant, and turn on at night when it’s dark.

69. Heartbeat-Detecting Wearable System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Biometric sensing, wearable technology
  • Components: Pulse sensor, Arduino, OLED display
  • Description: Design a small wearable device that detects your heart rate using a pulse sensor. It can display the real-time heart rate on an OLED screen and alert you if your heart rate exceeds a set threshold.

70. Smart Air Conditioner Control

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: IoT, automation, temperature control
  • Components: Wi-Fi module, temperature sensor, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Control your air conditioner remotely using an Arduino system integrated with Wi-Fi. Set up temperature sensors in your room and turn the air conditioner on/off based on the current temperature or your personal preferences.

71. Automated Fish Tank System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Environmental monitoring, automation
  • Components: pH sensor, water temperature sensor, water pump, Arduino
  • Description: Create an automated fish tank that monitors parameters like pH, temperature, and water levels. The system can trigger automatic actions, such as adjusting the temperature or pH, or even notify you if the water level gets too low.

72. AI-Based Face Recognition System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Machine learning, facial recognition, security
  • Components: Camera module (e.g., OV7670), Raspberry Pi (or Arduino with a camera), facial recognition software
  • Description: Build a face recognition system that can identify individuals and trigger certain actions based on their identity. For example, it can unlock a door, send an alert, or log a timestamp for security purposes.

73. Solar-Powered Arduino System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Solar energy integration, low-power systems
  • Components: Solar panel, battery, Arduino, solar charge controller
  • Description: Design a system that is powered by solar energy. You can use this setup for outdoor projects, such as a weather station or surveillance camera, where traditional power sources may not be available.

74. Smart Bed with Sleep Monitoring

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Biometric sensors, data analysis
  • Components: Pressure sensors, accelerometer, heart rate sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart bed system that monitors your sleep quality based on movement, heart rate, and pressure. The system could give feedback on your sleep patterns and help you improve your rest.

75. Arduino-Powered Handwriting Robot

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Robotics, motor control, pattern recognition
  • Components: Servo motors, pens, stepper motors, Arduino
  • Description: Create a robotic arm that can replicate handwriting or draw predefined patterns. Using motors and precise movement, it can mimic the writing of any letter or word you input into the system.

76. Smart Home Temperature & Humidity Control

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Environmental control, automation, sensor integration
  • Components: DHT11/DHT22 sensor (temperature and humidity), relay, fans, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system that monitors the temperature and humidity in a room and automatically adjusts the environment. For example, it could turn on a fan when the room becomes too hot or humid.

77. IoT Weather Station with Real-Time Monitoring

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Data logging, IoT, weather monitoring
  • Components: Temperature, humidity, barometric pressure sensors, Wi-Fi module (ESP8266/ESP32), Arduino
  • Description: Create an IoT-enabled weather station that collects environmental data and sends it to the cloud. You can display the weather data in real-time on a website or app.

78. Plant Care Assistant with Watering Notifications

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: IoT, sensor-based notifications
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, Wi-Fi module, Arduino, smartphone app
  • Description: Create a plant care assistant that notifies you when it’s time to water your plants based on the moisture levels in the soil. You can integrate notifications with your smartphone to remind you when to water your plants.

79. Voice-Controlled Fan

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Voice control, actuator integration
  • Components: Voice recognition module, relay, fan, Arduino
  • Description: Build a voice-controlled fan where you can turn the fan on or off by saying commands like “turn on the fan” or “turn off the fan.” This can be expanded to control speed or rotation direction.

80. Sound-Activated Light System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sound detection, light control
  • Components: Microphone sensor, LEDs, Arduino
  • Description: Design a system that reacts to sound by controlling lights. For instance, the lights could flash or change colors in sync with music or other sounds.

81. Smart Refrigerator Inventory System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Inventory management, RFID technology
  • Components: RFID tags, scanner, Arduino, database
  • Description: Create an inventory management system for your refrigerator. Using RFID technology, the system can track the items you put in the fridge and alert you when supplies are low or expire.

82. Multi-zone Home Automation System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: IoT, multi-zone control
  • Components: Multiple relays, sensors, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a home automation system that allows you to control different areas or zones of your home (like lights, fans, or appliances) individually. You could control each zone through a mobile app or web interface.

83. Smart Mirror with Calendar and News

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Interactive displays, real-time information
  • Components: Raspberry Pi or Arduino with a screen, two-way mirror, internet connection
  • Description: Create a smart mirror that not only displays your reflection but also shows useful information such as your calendar, weather, and the latest news. Add touch or voice controls to make the interaction more dynamic.

84. Arduino-Powered Smart Lock

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Security, motor control, automation
  • Components: Servo motor, keypad, Arduino
  • Description: Build a secure smart lock that uses a keypad to enter a PIN to unlock. You can also integrate RFID for more security, allowing only authorized users to gain access.

85. Autonomous Delivery Robot

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Robotics, motion control, sensor integration
  • Components: DC motors, wheels, ultrasonic sensor, Arduino, camera module (optional)
  • Description: Design a robot that can autonomously deliver small objects from one location to another. It uses ultrasonic sensors to avoid obstacles and navigate the environment.

86. Digital Countdown Timer

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Real-time clock, timekeeping, display control
  • Components: RTC module, LEDs, Arduino
  • Description: Build a digital countdown timer that counts down from a specific time and displays it on a 7-segment display or an LCD screen. This project could be useful for timing events or activities.

87. Gesture-Controlled Drone

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Gesture recognition, drone control
  • Components: Accelerometer/gyroscope sensor, drone, Arduino
  • Description: Build a drone that can be controlled by hand gestures. For example, you could use a specific hand position to make the drone take off, land, or change direction.

88. Digital Camera with Motion Detection

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Motion detection, camera interfacing
  • Components: PIR sensor, camera module, Arduino
  • Description: Design a camera system that captures images or video when motion is detected. This could be used as a security camera or for automated photography.

89. Arduino-Powered Smart Waste Bin

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sensor integration, object detection
  • Components: Ultrasonic sensor, servo motor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart waste bin that automatically opens its lid when it detects an object nearby (such as your hand). It could also alert you when it’s full and needs to be emptied.

90. IoT Garage Door Opener

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: IoT, remote control, automation
  • Components: Wi-Fi module (ESP8266/ESP32), relay, motor, Arduino
  • Description: Design a garage door opener that can be controlled remotely through a smartphone or web interface. It could send you a notification when the door is opened or closed.

91. Smart Toilet Paper Dispenser

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Automation, sensor integration
  • Components: Servo motor, proximity sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a hands-free toilet paper dispenser that automatically dispenses a set amount of toilet paper when it detects the presence of a hand nearby.

92. Dynamic LED Ticker Display

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: LED matrix, scrolling text
  • Components: LED matrix, Arduino
  • Description: Create a dynamic LED ticker that displays scrolling text or messages. This could be used for real-time updates like news, stock prices, or personal reminders.

93. Automated Candle Lighting System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Light control, automation
  • Components: Servo motor, Arduino, LED candles
  • Description: Build a system that automatically lights up candles at a set time, perfect for setting the mood during events or as part of a home automation system.

94. Smart Shower System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Flow control, sensor integration
  • Components: Water flow sensor, temperature sensor, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Design a shower system that regulates water flow and temperature based on your preferences. The system can also alert you when the water reaches a specific temperature.

95. Intelligent Parking System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sensor integration, automation, data visualization
  • Components: Ultrasonic sensors, LCD, motors, Arduino
  • Description: Create a smart parking system that detects whether parking spaces are occupied and displays available spots on an LCD screen. You can also integrate it into a larger building or city-wide parking system.

96. Automated Pet Water Dispenser

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Automation, water dispensing
  • Components: Water pump, float switch, Arduino
  • Description: Build an automated water dispenser that provides water to your pet when the water level is low. This system can be used for dogs, cats, or even small animals like rabbits and guinea pigs.

97. Digital Clock with Weather Display

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Real-time clock, weather APIs, display control
  • Components: RTC module, Wi-Fi module (ESP8266/ESP32), LCD screen, sensors
  • Description: Create a digital clock that also shows real-time weather data from an online API, displaying the current temperature, humidity, and other weather metrics on an LCD screen.

98. Automated Smart Fan

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Environmental sensing, actuator control
  • Components: Temperature sensor, relay, fan, Arduino
  • Description: Design a fan that automatically turns on when the temperature exceeds a preset threshold, keeping your room cool without needing manual intervention.

99. Arduino-Powered Smart Wallet

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: RFID, security, IoT
  • Components: RFID module, Arduino, battery
  • Description: Build a smart wallet that alerts you when it’s out of reach or when you forget it at home, using RFID and a small notification system connected to your phone or Bluetooth.

100. Automated Paper Towel Dispenser

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Automation, sensor detection
  • Components: IR sensor, servo motor, paper towel, Arduino
  • Description: Build an automatic paper towel dispenser that dispenses a specific length of paper when a hand is detected. Ideal for bathrooms or kitchens where you want to reduce waste and maintain hygiene.

101. Smart Doorbell with Camera and Motion Detection

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Security, camera integration, motion detection
  • Components: PIR sensor, camera module, Arduino, Wi-Fi module
  • Description: Build a smart doorbell that captures an image of visitors and sends it to your phone or a connected device. It can also notify you when someone is at the door via motion detection.

102. Automated Pet Feeder with Portion Control

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Motors, time-based automation
  • Components: Servo motor, RTC (real-time clock), Arduino, food dispenser
  • Description: Design an automated pet feeder that dispenses food for your pets at specific times, with the option to control the portion size and feeding schedule.

103. Smart Light with Ambient Light Sensing

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Light sensing, automation
  • Components: Light sensor (photoresistor), relay, LED lights, Arduino
  • Description: Create a smart light system that automatically turns on or off depending on the ambient light in the room, such as turning on when it gets dark.

104. Automated Seed Planting System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Robotics, actuator control, automation
  • Components: Servo motors, soil moisture sensor, water pump, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system that automatically plants seeds and waters them based on pre-set intervals. It could work for a garden or small-scale farming project.

105. IoT Smart Garden

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: IoT, environmental sensing, mobile app integration
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, temperature sensor, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a garden monitoring system that lets you check soil moisture, temperature, and humidity levels from your mobile device or computer via a web app.

106. IoT-Controlled Electric Bicycle

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Electric vehicles, IoT control
  • Components: Wi-Fi or Bluetooth module, motor controller, Arduino, sensors
  • Description: Design a system to control an electric bicycle through IoT. The system can adjust power levels, track speed, and even monitor the battery level via your smartphone.

107. Arduino-Based Smoke Detector

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Safety, sensor integration
  • Components: MQ-2 smoke sensor, relay, buzzer, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smoke detection system that sounds an alarm when smoke is detected. This can be useful for home safety or as an early warning system in any location.

108. Smart Fridge Inventory System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: RFID, inventory management
  • Components: RFID tags, RFID reader, Arduino, database system
  • Description: Develop a smart fridge that keeps track of the items inside using RFID tags. It can alert you when you’re running low on supplies or suggest recipes based on available ingredients.

109. Digital Audio Equalizer

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Audio processing, user interface
  • Components: Audio input, potentiometers, LEDs, Arduino
  • Description: Create a digital audio equalizer where users can adjust the bass, midrange, and treble frequencies. Visual feedback can be provided with LEDs that light up according to the audio levels.

110. Arduino-Controlled Smart Thermostat

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Temperature control, sensors
  • Components: Temperature sensor, relay, LCD, Arduino
  • Description: Design a thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature of a room based on preset conditions. It could be controlled via a mobile app or a touchscreen interface.

Also read: Different types of Micro:bit projects

111. Wearable Heart Rate Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Biometric sensing, wearable technology
  • Components: Pulse sensor, Arduino, Bluetooth module, smartphone app
  • Description: Create a wearable heart rate monitor that transmits real-time heart rate data to your smartphone or a remote device for tracking fitness or medical purposes.

112. Automated Coffee Maker

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Time-based control, motor control
  • Components: Servo motor, relay, Arduino, water pump
  • Description: Build an automated coffee maker that brews coffee at set times. The system can also control the strength of the coffee, depending on user preferences.

113. Intelligent Parking Assistant

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Sensors, robotics, data processing
  • Components: Ultrasonic sensors, Arduino, motors
  • Description: Design a system that helps park cars by guiding them into parking spaces. The system could use ultrasonic sensors to detect available space and steer the car into position.

114. Automatic Curtain System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Motor control, light sensing
  • Components: Servo motor, light sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Create an automatic curtain system that opens and closes based on the amount of sunlight in the room. You can also set a schedule for when the curtains should open and close.

115. Gesture-Controlled Car

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Gesture sensing, motor control
  • Components: Accelerometer/gyroscope sensor, motors, Arduino
  • Description: Design a remote-controlled car that moves based on hand gestures. For example, tilting your hand could make the car move forward, backward, or turn.

116. Arduino-Based Soil Quality Tester

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Environmental sensing, data logging
  • Components: pH sensor, moisture sensor, temperature sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a soil testing system that measures the pH, moisture, and temperature of soil, providing insights into its quality. The data can be displayed on an LCD or sent to a mobile app.

117. Digital Diary with Time-Stamped Entries

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Timekeeping, data logging, user input
  • Components: RTC module, keypad, LCD, Arduino
  • Description: Create a digital diary system where you can record daily entries with time stamps. The system could also allow you to browse past entries and store them on an SD card.

118. Automated Litter Box for Cats

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Motion detection, robotics
  • Components: Servo motors, IR sensors, Arduino
  • Description: Design a self-cleaning cat litter box that automatically scoops the litter when the cat leaves the box. It uses motion sensors to detect when the cat has finished using the litter box.

119. Smart Refrigerator Temperature Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Temperature sensing, alert systems
  • Components: Temperature sensor, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system that monitors the temperature inside your refrigerator or freezer. If the temperature goes above or below safe levels, it sends you an alert via your smartphone.

120. Intelligent Trash Sorting System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Machine learning, object detection, robotics
  • Components: Cameras, ultrasonic sensors, motors, Arduino
  • Description: Create an intelligent trash sorting system that uses cameras and sensors to detect recyclable items. It can automatically sort trash into separate bins for recycling and disposal.

121. Smart Umbrella

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Weather sensors, automation
  • Components: Rain sensor, servo motor, Arduino
  • Description: Create an umbrella that automatically opens when it detects rain. The system can be triggered by a rain sensor and can be controlled via a button or remotely.

122. Home Automation with Voice Assistant

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Voice recognition, IoT, automation
  • Components: Voice recognition module, Wi-Fi module, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Build a voice-activated home automation system that allows you to control lights, fans, or other devices with voice commands. You can use a microphone and connect it to your Arduino for voice recognition.

123. Wireless Power Transmission

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Wireless energy transfer, electromagnetic fields
  • Components: Coil, Arduino, power transmitter and receiver
  • Description: Create a simple wireless power transmission system where power is transmitted through an electromagnetic field and used to charge small devices.

124. Arduino-Based Smart Bike

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Motion sensing, IoT, GPS
  • Components: GPS module, accelerometer, LEDs, Arduino
  • Description: Design a smart bike system that tracks your bike’s location, speed, and provides visual feedback on road conditions or turns via LEDs or an app.

125. IoT-Enabled Smart Pet Collar

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: IoT, GPS, pet tracking
  • Components: GPS module, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a pet collar that allows you to track your pet’s location in real-time. The collar can send data to your smartphone app to alert you if your pet moves too far.

126. Automated Smart Blinds

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Servo motor control, light sensing, automation
  • Components: Servo motor, light sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Build an automated system that opens or closes your window blinds based on the amount of natural light entering the room. This project adds convenience to your smart home setup.

127. Arduino-Powered Smart Bed

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Automation, sensors
  • Components: Pressure sensors, servo motors, Arduino
  • Description: Design a smart bed that adjusts its position for comfort based on sensor data (like your body pressure) or on user input. It could adjust to your preferred sleeping position.

128. Motion-Activated Security Camera System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Motion detection, camera integration
  • Components: PIR sensor, camera module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a security system that automatically records video when motion is detected. This system could send alerts to your phone or store footage for later review.

129. Smart Trash Bin with Recycling Detection

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Object detection, waste sorting
  • Components: IR sensors, camera, Arduino
  • Description: Create a trash bin that sorts waste into different categories (recyclables, compost, or trash) by using sensors or camera recognition. It can send an alert when it’s full.

130. Arduino-Powered Remote-Controlled Fan

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Wireless control, motor control
  • Components: Infrared receiver, fan, Arduino
  • Description: Build a remote-controlled fan system using infrared communication. You can control the fan’s speed, power, or direction with a remote control or a mobile app.

131. Automated Egg Incubator

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Temperature and humidity control, automation
  • Components: Temperature and humidity sensors, heating pad, fan, Arduino
  • Description: Design an incubator that maintains optimal temperature and humidity for hatching eggs. It can include features such as automated turning of eggs and notifications for care.

132. Sound-Activated Light Show

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sound analysis, LED control
  • Components: Microphone sensor, LEDs, Arduino
  • Description: Create a sound-activated light system that reacts to music or any sound. The lights can flash or change colors based on the beat of the music or sound frequency.

133. Arduino-Powered Smart Door Lock

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Security, motor control, automation
  • Components: Servo motor, keypad, RFID module, Arduino
  • Description: Design a smart door lock that can be unlocked using a passcode or RFID tag. Add a security feature like an alarm or notification if an unauthorized access attempt is made.

134. Solar-Powered Arduino Weather Station

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Renewable energy, weather monitoring, data logging
  • Components: Solar panel, weather sensors, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a weather station powered by solar energy that collects data about the weather (temperature, humidity, pressure) and sends it to a cloud platform for real-time tracking.

135. Smart Thermostat with Mobile App Control

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: IoT, temperature control
  • Components: Temperature sensor, Wi-Fi module, relay, mobile app, Arduino
  • Description: Create a smart thermostat that can be controlled from your phone via a mobile app. It adjusts the temperature based on user preferences or time of day.

136. Multi-Sensor Home Automation Hub

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: IoT, sensor integration
  • Components: Temperature, humidity, motion sensors, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a home automation hub that collects data from multiple sensors (e.g., temperature, humidity, motion) and takes actions like turning on lights or heating, based on sensor data.

137. IoT-Based Smart Greenhouse

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Environmental control, IoT, data logging
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, temperature sensor, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Create an IoT-based greenhouse system that monitors soil moisture, temperature, and humidity. The system can send data to the cloud and adjust the environment automatically for optimal plant growth.

138. Arduino-Powered Light Following Robot

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Light sensing, robotics, motor control
  • Components: Light sensor, motors, Arduino
  • Description: Build a robot that automatically follows a light source. The robot moves toward the light based on the readings from its light sensors, which detect the light intensity in different directions.

139. Home Energy Monitoring System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Energy monitoring, data visualization
  • Components: Energy meter, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Design a system that monitors the energy usage of devices in your home. It could send real-time energy consumption data to a cloud service or a mobile app.

140. Arduino-Powered Interactive Music Box

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Audio output, user interaction
  • Components: Speaker, buttons, Arduino
  • Description: Create an interactive music box that plays different melodies or sounds when you press buttons. You can add various features like volume control or the ability to upload new melodies.

141. Heartbeat Monitoring System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Biometric sensing, data visualization
  • Components: Pulse sensor, display (LCD/OLED), Arduino
  • Description: Build a simple heartbeat monitor that displays your heart rate on an LCD or OLED screen. You can enhance the project by adding an alarm for high heart rates or storing the data for analysis.

142. Wi-Fi Controlled Aquarium Light

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Wi-Fi control, automation
  • Components: Wi-Fi module, relay, LED strip, Arduino
  • Description: Create a system that allows you to control the lighting in your aquarium via Wi-Fi, either through an app or a web interface. You can set the light schedule and brightness levels to mimic natural day-night cycles.

143. Arduino Smart Smoke Alarm with SMS Alerts

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Fire detection, SMS notifications, sensor integration
  • Components: MQ-2 smoke sensor, GSM module, Arduino
  • Description: Design a smoke alarm that sends SMS alerts to your phone when smoke is detected, making it more reliable for emergencies. You could also add a buzzer for immediate alerts in the area.

144. Interactive Digital Clock with Alarm

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Timekeeping, user interface
  • Components: RTC module, buzzer, LED or 7-segment display, Arduino
  • Description: Build a digital clock with a built-in alarm function. Users can set the time and alarm through buttons, and the system will alert them with a buzzer when the alarm time is reached.

145. Arduino-Controlled Light Curtain for Privacy

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Motor control, privacy automation
  • Components: Servo motors, light sensors, Arduino
  • Description: Create a curtain system that automatically adjusts based on light intensity outside, giving you privacy when it’s needed most. The curtain will open or close depending on the surrounding light levels.

146. Autonomous Trash Collection Robot

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Robotics, sensors, navigation
  • Components: Ultrasonic sensors, motors, servo, Arduino
  • Description: Build a robot that moves around your house or garden, collecting trash or unwanted items using a mechanical arm. The robot uses ultrasonic sensors for navigation and avoids obstacles.

147. Arduino-Based Smart Window

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Automation, environmental control
  • Components: Motor, temperature sensor, light sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart window that opens and closes based on the room’s temperature or the amount of sunlight. This could help with energy efficiency in a smart home system.

148. Gesture-Controlled Lighting System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Gesture sensing, automation
  • Components: Accelerometer, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Create a gesture-controlled lighting system where you can turn the lights on and off by waving your hand or making specific gestures, using an accelerometer to detect movement.

149. Smart Home Energy Usage Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Energy monitoring, data visualization
  • Components: Energy meter, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Monitor your home’s energy usage and display it on a mobile app or web dashboard. You can track each device’s energy consumption and even set up alerts for high usage.

150. Soil Moisture and pH Sensor for Smart Gardening

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Soil sensing, automation
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, pH sensor, water pump, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system that monitors soil moisture and pH levels, sending the data to an app or display. It can also trigger a water pump to water plants when moisture levels are low.

151. Arduino-Based Air Quality Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Air quality sensing, data visualization
  • Components: MQ-135 sensor, display, Arduino
  • Description: Create a system that measures the air quality in your environment and displays the results. You could add features like SMS alerts or automatic ventilation if air quality drops.

152. Automated Fish Feeder with Timer

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Time-based automation, motor control
  • Components: Servo motor, RTC module, food dispenser, Arduino
  • Description: Build an automated fish feeder that dispenses food at specific times of the day. The system will use an RTC (real-time clock) to schedule feeding times, and a servo motor will dispense food.

153. Bluetooth-Controlled RGB LED Strip

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Bluetooth communication, LED control
  • Components: Bluetooth module, RGB LED strip, Arduino
  • Description: Control the color and brightness of an RGB LED strip from your phone or Bluetooth-enabled device. You can create color effects or customize the lighting based on your needs.

154. Arduino-Powered Smart Plant Watering System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sensor integration, automation
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, water pump, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Design a plant watering system that uses a soil moisture sensor to determine when the plants need water. The system can automatically activate a water pump to irrigate the plants.

155. Smart Refrigerator Temperature Regulator

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Temperature control, automation
  • Components: Temperature sensor, relay, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart refrigerator regulator that keeps your fridge or freezer at the optimal temperature by monitoring and adjusting it remotely via an app or web interface.

156. Wireless Arduino Game Controller

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Wireless communication, game interfacing
  • Components: Bluetooth module, buttons, joystick, Arduino
  • Description: Create a wireless game controller for PC, mobile, or Arduino-based games. You can use buttons, joysticks, and accelerometers to control the game.

157. Auto Shutdown for Appliances

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Time-based automation, power control
  • Components: Relay, RTC module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system that automatically shuts down appliances after a set period. For example, you can set a timer for a fan or light to turn off after a certain number of hours to save energy.

158. Smart Doorbell with Video Streaming

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Video streaming, camera integration, IoT
  • Components: Camera module, Wi-Fi module, buzzer, Arduino
  • Description: Design a smart doorbell with video streaming capability. The system will alert you when someone is at the door and stream video to your smartphone, allowing you to interact remotely.

159. Automated Solar Panel Tracker

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Solar energy, robotics, sensors
  • Components: Servo motors, light sensors, Arduino
  • Description: Create a system that automatically adjusts the position of solar panels to follow the sun’s movement throughout the day, maximizing energy collection.

160. Smart Mirror with Data Display

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Data display, user interface, IoT
  • Components: Mirror, display, sensors, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart mirror that displays useful information like time, weather, calendar, and news. You can add voice commands and other interactive features to enhance its functionality.

161. Smart Trash Can with Weight Detection

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Weight sensing, automation
  • Components: Load cell, HX711 module, servo motor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a trash can that detects when it’s too full and automatically opens the lid. The system will use a load cell to measure the weight of the trash inside, triggering the lid to open when it reaches a certain weight.

162. Gesture-Controlled Robot Arm

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Gesture recognition, robotics
  • Components: Accelerometer, servos, Arduino
  • Description: Create a robotic arm that moves in response to gestures you make. An accelerometer detects the angle of your hand, which is then translated into movement in the robotic arm.

163. Arduino-Based Light and Temperature Logger

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Data logging, sensor integration
  • Components: Light sensor, temperature sensor, SD card, Arduino
  • Description: Design a system that logs light levels and temperature over time. The data can be saved on an SD card and analyzed later to track environmental changes.

164. Smart Mirror with Facial Recognition

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Facial recognition, data display
  • Components: Camera, display, sensors, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart mirror that can recognize your face and display personalized information like weather, calendar events, or news. The system uses facial recognition to identify users.

165. Arduino-Powered Smart Water Quality Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Water quality sensing, automation
  • Components: pH sensor, turbidity sensor, temperature sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Create a water quality monitoring system that detects the pH, turbidity, and temperature of the water. This could be used for an aquarium, pool, or environmental monitoring system.

166. Smart Coffee Maker with Scheduling

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Time-based automation
  • Components: Relay, RTC module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a coffee maker that can be scheduled to start brewing at a specific time. The system uses an RTC module to set the time, and a relay to control the coffee maker.

167. Arduino-Powered Smart Lock with Biometric Fingerprint Access

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Biometric security, motor control
  • Components: Fingerprint sensor, servo motor, Arduino
  • Description: Design a smart lock system that only unlocks when a registered fingerprint is scanned. The system can be enhanced with features like a backup password or notification alerts.

168. Bluetooth-Controlled Home Automation System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Bluetooth communication, IoT
  • Components: Bluetooth module, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Create a home automation system that lets you control lights, fans, or other devices via Bluetooth using a smartphone app. This is a great entry project for IoT and automation.

169. Arduino-Powered Smart Bicycle Helmet

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Safety, LED control, IoT
  • Components: LED strips, accelerometer, Bluetooth module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart bicycle helmet that includes features like turn signals, emergency braking alerts, and accident detection. The helmet can have built-in LEDs to indicate turning or stopping, improving rider safety.

170. Home Automation System with Voice Recognition

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Voice recognition, IoT
  • Components: Voice recognition module, Wi-Fi module, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Create a smart home system that allows you to control appliances (lights, fans, etc.) with voice commands. The voice recognition module listens to commands and communicates with the Arduino to control devices via Wi-Fi.

171. Autonomous Lawn Mower Robot

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Robotics, sensor integration, autonomous systems
  • Components: Motors, ultrasonic sensors, servo motors, Arduino
  • Description: Design an autonomous lawn mower robot that can navigate a yard, avoiding obstacles while mowing. It can use ultrasonic sensors for navigation and a motor for cutting grass.

172. Smart Fridge with Expiry Date Reminder

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Expiry date tracking, automation
  • Components: RFID tags, LCD display, temperature sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart fridge system that tracks the expiry dates of items stored inside. It can alert you when something is about to expire and display reminders on an LCD screen.

173. Weather Prediction System Using Arduino

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Weather prediction, sensor data analysis
  • Components: Temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors, Arduino
  • Description: Create a simple weather prediction system using data from various sensors. The system analyzes temperature, humidity, and air pressure to predict weather patterns and display the result.

174. Laser-Targeting System for Shooting Games

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Laser technology, sensor integration
  • Components: Laser pointer, photodetector, motors, Arduino
  • Description: Build a laser-targeting system that can be used for shooting games or as a target practice system. The system tracks the movement of the laser on a screen and calculates the precision.

175. Arduino-Powered Smart Plant Health Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Environmental monitoring, automation
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, temperature sensor, light sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Design a system to monitor plant health by tracking factors like soil moisture, light exposure, and temperature. The system can notify you when plants need attention.

176. Voice-Controlled LED Strip

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Voice control, LED management
  • Components: Microphone, LED strip, Arduino
  • Description: Build a voice-controlled LED system where you can turn the lights on and off or change their colors using voice commands. Use a simple microphone module for basic voice recognition.

177. Arduino-Powered Smart Sleep Tracker

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sleep tracking, sensors, data logging
  • Components: Accelerometer, temperature sensor, SD card, Arduino
  • Description: Create a smart sleep tracker that monitors your sleep patterns, movement, and room temperature. The system will record the data on an SD card for later analysis.

178. Smart Air Purifier

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Air quality sensing, automation
  • Components: Air quality sensor, fan, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart air purifier that turns on automatically when poor air quality is detected. The system uses an air quality sensor to assess the environment and activates the fan when necessary.

179. Arduino-Based Traffic Light Controller

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Timing, LED control
  • Components: LEDs, resistors, Arduino
  • Description: Design a simple traffic light system with working LEDs and a timing function. The system will cycle through red, yellow, and green lights at fixed intervals, simulating a real traffic light.

180. Home Security System with Motion Detection

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Motion detection, security, automation
  • Components: PIR sensor, buzzer, camera module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a home security system that detects motion and triggers an alert. When motion is detected by the PIR sensor, the system can sound an alarm or send an alert to your phone via Wi-Fi.

181. Smart Air Conditioning System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Temperature control, IoT, automation
  • Components: DHT11 or DHT22 sensor, relay, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Design an air conditioning system that turns on or adjusts the temperature based on room conditions. This system can be connected to your smartphone to allow remote control of temperature settings.

182. Auto Bed Maker

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Robotics, automation
  • Components: Motors, servos, pressure sensors, Arduino
  • Description: Build an automatic bed-making system that straightens and tidies your bed with a series of motors and actuators. The system detects the bed’s state and arranges it to look neatly in place.

183. DIY Robot with Obstacle Avoidance

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Robotics, sensor integration
  • Components: Ultrasonic sensor, motors, wheels, Arduino
  • Description: Create a robot that can move around and avoid obstacles automatically. The robot uses ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and change direction to avoid collisions.

184. Arduino-Controlled Servo Motor for Animatronics

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Servo motor control, animatronics
  • Components: Servo motor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a simple animatronic system where servo motors are used to create realistic motion. This can be applied to create moving parts for Halloween decorations or small robotic models.

185. Solar-Powered Arduino Weather Station

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Solar power, weather data collection
  • Components: Solar panel, DHT22 sensor, wind speed sensor, LCD screen, Arduino
  • Description: Create a weather station that runs entirely on solar power. It can measure temperature, humidity, wind speed, and atmospheric pressure, displaying the data on an LCD screen.

186. Smart Personal Assistant

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Voice recognition, IoT
  • Components: Microphone, speaker, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Create a basic smart personal assistant that can respond to voice commands. This assistant can provide weather updates, control smart devices, or answer simple questions.

187. Bluetooth-Enabled Plant Care System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Bluetooth communication, IoT
  • Components: Bluetooth module, soil moisture sensor, water pump, Arduino
  • Description: Build a plant care system that allows you to monitor and water your plants remotely via Bluetooth. The system will notify you when your plant needs water and can be controlled via a smartphone app.

188. 3D Printed Hand with Arduino

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Robotics, motor control, 3D printing
  • Components: Servo motors, 3D printed hand, Arduino
  • Description: Design and build a 3D-printed prosthetic hand controlled by Arduino. The hand will use servos to mimic the motion of a human hand, providing a basic mechanical hand for prosthetic use.

189. Smart Temperature-Controlled Fan

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Temperature control, automation
  • Components: DHT11 or DHT22 sensor, fan, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart fan that automatically turns on or adjusts its speed based on the room temperature. This could be particularly useful in places where temperature fluctuates and cooling is needed.

190. Arduino-Based Smart Wristwatch

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Wearables, real-time clock (RTC), display technology
  • Components: RTC module, OLED display, Arduino
  • Description: Create a custom wristwatch with Arduino that displays time, date, and other useful information. Add features like alarm, stopwatch, or calendar.

191. Smart Refrigerator with Inventory Tracking

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: RFID technology, inventory tracking
  • Components: RFID tags, RFID reader, display, Arduino
  • Description: Design a refrigerator that keeps track of its contents. Use RFID tags to label food items and an RFID reader to monitor what’s inside, ensuring you always know what’s available.

192. IoT-Based Smart Parking System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: IoT, automation, sensor integration
  • Components: Ultrasonic sensors, relay, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build an IoT-based smart parking system that detects the availability of parking spaces using ultrasonic sensors. The system can send notifications about available spaces to a mobile app.

193. Wireless Power Transfer System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Wireless communication, power transfer
  • Components: Coil, capacitor, transmitter, receiver, Arduino
  • Description: Create a wireless power transfer system where energy is transferred from a power source to a device without the need for physical connections. This project demonstrates basic principles of wireless charging.

194. Arduino-Powered Smart Door with Facial Recognition

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Facial recognition, security systems
  • Components: Camera, servo motor, Arduino
  • Description: Design a smart door that uses facial recognition to unlock. This system can be used to secure a room or building, allowing only recognized individuals to gain access.

195. Arduino-Powered Home Automation System with Sensors

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Automation, sensor integration
  • Components: Temperature sensor, PIR motion sensor, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Build a comprehensive home automation system that controls lights, fans, or other appliances based on environmental conditions, such as motion or temperature.

196. Personal Health Monitoring System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Biometric data, sensor integration
  • Components: Heart rate sensor, temperature sensor, OLED screen, Arduino
  • Description: Build a health monitoring system that tracks your vital signs such as heart rate and body temperature. The data can be displayed on an OLED screen or logged for later analysis.

197. Voice-Controlled Smart Home System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Voice recognition, IoT, automation
  • Components: Microphone, speaker, Wi-Fi module, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Create a fully functional voice-controlled smart home system. Use voice commands to control lights, appliances, or even the thermostat. It can be expanded to interact with multiple devices in the house.

198. Autonomous Drone with Obstacle Avoidance

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Drone control, robotics, sensors
  • Components: Drone kit, ultrasonic sensors, motors, Arduino
  • Description: Build an autonomous drone that can navigate through space while avoiding obstacles. The drone uses ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles and change direction to avoid collisions.

199. Smart Pet Feeder

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Automation, time-based control
  • Components: Servo motor, RTC module, food dispenser, Arduino
  • Description: Create an automated pet feeder that dispenses food at specific times. The system uses an RTC module to set feeding times and a servo motor to dispense food.

200. Arduino-Based Digital Piano

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sound synthesis, sensor integration
  • Components: Keypad, buzzer, Arduino
  • Description: Build a simple digital piano using a keypad to generate different musical notes. The buzzer or a speaker will produce the sound when a key is pressed.

201. Smart Mirror with Gesture Control

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Gesture control, display technology, sensor integration
  • Components: PIR sensor, LCD screen, Arduino
  • Description: Create a smart mirror where you can interact with the mirror via hand gestures. This could show your calendar, weather updates, or other useful information while you’re getting ready for the day.

202. Smart Wallet with Bluetooth

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Bluetooth communication, IoT
  • Components: Bluetooth module, battery, Arduino, RFID tag
  • Description: Build a smart wallet that alerts you when you leave it behind using a Bluetooth connection to your phone. The system will notify you with a sound or vibration when the wallet is too far away.

203. Automated Aquarium System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Automation, environmental control
  • Components: Temperature sensor, pH sensor, water pump, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Create an automated aquarium system that controls temperature, water filtration, and light. It can also notify you when the water pH or temperature is out of the safe range for your fish.

204. Smart Glove with Feedback System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Wearables, haptic feedback, sensor integration
  • Components: Accelerometer, vibration motor, Bluetooth module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart glove that provides feedback through vibrations when performing specific tasks, such as grabbing or releasing objects. It can be useful for virtual reality, robotics, or helping individuals with disabilities.

205. Remote-Controlled Car

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Remote control systems, motor control
  • Components: DC motors, Bluetooth module, motor driver, Arduino
  • Description: Create a simple remote-controlled car using an Arduino and Bluetooth. The car can be driven using a smartphone or custom remote control.

206. Automated Plant Watering System

  • Skill Level: Beginner
  • What You Learn: Automation, sensor integration
  • Components: Soil moisture sensor, water pump, relay, Arduino
  • Description: Build a system that automatically waters your plants when they are dry. The soil moisture sensor detects the moisture level, and the water pump turns on when needed.

207. Smart Toilet Paper Dispenser

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sensor integration, automation
  • Components: Infrared sensor, servo motor, Arduino
  • Description: Create an automatic toilet paper dispenser that detects when the user is near and dispenses paper automatically. It can also track the remaining amount of paper and notify you when it’s low.

208. Autonomous Delivery Robot

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Robotics, autonomous navigation
  • Components: Motors, ultrasonic sensors, camera, Arduino
  • Description: Build an autonomous robot capable of navigating a room or corridor to deliver items. The robot uses ultrasonic sensors to avoid obstacles and a camera to identify delivery destinations.

209. Smart Bicycle Lock

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Security, Bluetooth communication
  • Components: Servo motor, Bluetooth module, keypad, Arduino
  • Description: Create a smart lock system for your bicycle that unlocks with a Bluetooth connection or a password input on a keypad. It will add security and convenience to keeping your bike safe.

210. Automated Blinds Control System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Motor control, automation
  • Components: Servo motor, light sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Build an automated system that opens and closes your blinds based on light levels. For example, the blinds will open during the day and close at night to regulate room temperature.

211. LED Matrix Display for Notifications

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: LED matrix, messaging systems
  • Components: LED matrix, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Create a notification board using an LED matrix. This could display custom messages, weather updates, or notifications from your smartphone via Wi-Fi.

212. Gesture-Controlled Car

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Gesture control, robotics
  • Components: Accelerometer, motors, Arduino
  • Description: Build a car that is controlled by hand gestures using an accelerometer. When you move your hand in a certain direction, the car follows suit.

213. Smart Garbage Bin with Proximity Sensor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Sensor integration, automation
  • Components: Proximity sensor, servo motor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a smart garbage bin that automatically opens when it detects the presence of your hand nearby. This will make throwing away trash much more hygienic.

214. Light-Based Home Security System

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Security, light sensing
  • Components: Light sensor, relay, alarm, Arduino
  • Description: Build a home security system that turns on lights when motion is detected, creating the illusion that someone is home. This can be especially useful for deterring burglars.

215. Arduino-Powered Dog Tracker

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: GPS integration, IoT
  • Components: GPS module, GSM module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a device that tracks your dog’s location using GPS. The tracker can send location updates to your phone via SMS or an app, allowing you to keep track of your pet.

216. Solar-Powered Arduino IoT Weather Station

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Solar power, IoT, sensor integration
  • Components: Solar panel, Wi-Fi module, temperature/humidity sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Create a weather station that uses solar power to monitor environmental conditions (like temperature, humidity, and air pressure) and upload the data to the cloud via IoT.

217. Wi-Fi-Controlled Home Heating System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: IoT, automation
  • Components: Relay, Wi-Fi module, temperature sensor, Arduino
  • Description: Build a home heating system that can be controlled remotely over the internet. You can turn on/off the heater based on the temperature in your home using your smartphone.

218. Real-Time Heart Rate Monitor

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Biometric data, sensor integration
  • Components: Pulse sensor, OLED screen, Arduino
  • Description: Create a real-time heart rate monitor that shows your heart rate on an OLED display. This could be a great tool for fitness enthusiasts or individuals wanting to track their health.

219. Arduino-Powered Smart Shoe with Step Counter

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • What You Learn: Wearables, sensor integration
  • Components: Accelerometer, step counter, Arduino
  • Description: Design a smart shoe that counts your steps throughout the day. The shoe can give you feedback on your daily activity levels and even sync with your phone.

220. Arduino-Powered Gesture-Controlled Home Automation System

  • Skill Level: Advanced
  • What You Learn: Gesture control, IoT, automation
  • Components: Gesture sensor, relay, Wi-Fi module, Arduino
  • Description: Build a home automation system that lets you control your devices using hand gestures. For example, you could turn on lights or control a fan just by waving your hand in a particular direction.

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