Motivational Story

Interview question-why you want this job ?

This is a story about a married woman about the experiences and hardship she faced in her life . When she went for an job interview HR asked her interview question-why you want this job ? Read the story to know the answer.

Before marriage

A married woman who was also a mother went for an interview in a company. She was very nervous as this was the first interview post delivery. Although before marriage she worked for 6 years in a reputed company. In addition she did a fabulous job there. She worked hard everyday because she wanted to prove to her parents that she has the talent. After graduation she was staying in the city away from her parents. Also she maintained her own expenses without depending on anybody. All these years from childhood to adult she knows that her parent’s home is her home and they are her family.

Waiting for her turn

While she was sitting in the queue for the interview all the memories are coming as if yesterday only she was staying with her parents. She is such a positive girl that she thinks after marriage she will get 2 more parents. And she will actually have 4 parents. Moreover she will spend all the quality time taking care of her new parents.

She will never give up. She wonder why people go for a domestic violence report. There must be something wrong with the woman only. Later she saw the report of increasing divorce cases which made her to think that maybe it’s because they went for arranged marriage instead of love marriage. And there must be mismatch between the families. Then she started to find answer to Interview question-why you want this job ?

Old lady came with glass of water

She started collecting all her reason to find a proper answer that will always motivate her . While she was waiting for the interview an old lady came with a glass of water and asked her “madam do you want some water”. she replied no thank you. When she took a glance at the old lady she was wondering that she might have seen her somewhere before. Then she realized that she was the mother of her friend who was studying with her in the same college.

She could easily recognize her. Since she visited her friends house many times for notes when they were studying in the same class in the same college. She also remembered that her friend was having a girlfriend too. But he is working in an MNC company with a good salary then why his old mother has to work here at such an old age .

But she was looking familiar with the lady who was having a small tea stall in front of the company where she came for the interview. Then she must be working here to earn for her livelihood. That means it is clear her son is not looking after her. She was shocked to see how he abandoned his mother like this.

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My parents don’t visit me anymore

So is it possible that her own brother has also abandoned her parents. Because her brother also got married to a woman of his choice. But he did a love marriage how can there much be a mismatch between them. In fact he might have went for his love forgetting his parents love . But my parents always love their daughter-in-law so much. Even my parents gave away all the property in the name of my brother and his wife . In conclusion, my parents don’t have much money after giving away all the property. So this must be the reason why they don’t come to visit me anymore.

Time for Interview

While she was about to enter the room for the interview she thought she and her husband never abandoned my in-laws and I have always taken care of them. She knocked at the door and asked can I come in . The interview panel said please come in and sit down. The first question they asked her was tell me something about you. She answered the question beginning with her name ending with her 3 year old baby.

She was selected for the job

The next interview question-why you want this job ?. She answered it saying ” I want this job and I am in need of this . Even after having experience for 6 years in a reputed company I got married to a person I loved so much . While I was leaving the house post marriage my dad said that now this is not your home your in laws home will be your home . When I started to live with them every alternate day I heard that this is not your home this is your in-laws home . So sir I don’t have a home and if I get this job I can buy my own house and I have the talent to do so. I will work hard day and night “.

Last wish

She was selected for the job but while she was returning home seeing the old lady she promised to herself that she didn’t want to purchase the home out of ego but to prove that she has a home to stay. Also she also promised herself that she will take care of her in-laws as well as her own parents thinking her husband must be happy in heaven seeing his wife. She remembered her husband’s last wish, “please take care of my parents as I have taken care of you , I love you”.

Quotes on interview

“An interview is not just an opportunity to showcase your skills; it’s a chance to share your story and demonstrate your potential.”

“An interview is a conversation where your qualifications meet opportunity, and your passion shines through.”

“In an interview, every question is an opportunity to leave a lasting impression and show the interviewer why you are the right fit.”

“An interview is the moment when preparation meets opportunity, and your true capabilities are put to the test.”

“In an interview, your attitude and enthusiasm can speak louder than words, showcasing your readiness to take on new challenges.”

“An interview is not a test to pass; it’s an opportunity to connect, engage, and build rapport with your potential employer.”

“In an interview, it’s not just about having the right answers; it’s about asking thoughtful questions and demonstrating your curiosity.”

“An interview is a chance to demonstrate your unique value proposition and showcase how you can make a meaningful impact.”

“In an interview, your authenticity and self-confidence can be the keys that unlock the door to your dream job.”

“An interview is a moment of mutual discovery, where both the candidate and the employer evaluate if there’s a match made in professional heaven.”

Quotes on preparation for interview

“An interview is your chance to shine, to show the world what makes you unique and why you are the perfect fit for the job.”

“In an interview, every answer you give is an opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, showcase your accomplishments, and leave a lasting impression.”

“An interview is a dance between confidence and humility, where you showcase your strengths while remaining open to growth and learning.”

“In an interview, your body language speaks volumes. Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and let your enthusiasm radiate.”

“An interview is a stage, and you are the star. Embrace the spotlight, embrace your potential, and let your brilliance shine.”

“In an interview, preparation is the key that unlocks the doors to success. Research the company, anticipate questions, and show that you are invested in the opportunity.”

“An interview is a two-way street. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, assess the company culture, and determine if it aligns with your values and aspirations.”

“In an interview, don’t underestimate the power of storytelling. Use anecdotes and examples to bring your experiences to life and create a memorable impression.”

“An interview is an opportunity to turn obstacles into stepping stones. Embrace challenges as growth opportunities and show resilience in the face of adversity.”

“In an interview, remember that you are not just a candidate; you are a potential asset to the organization. Believe in your abilities and let your passion shine through.”

Quotes on dynamic nature of interview

“An interview is a chance to leave a lasting impression, so bring your A-game, be prepared, and show them why you’re the best candidate for the job.”

“In an interview, your resume opens the door, but your personality and attitude are what make you memorable.”

“An interview is an opportunity to showcase your skills, experience, and passion. Don’t be afraid to let your light shine brightly.”

“In an interview, remember that it’s not just about selling yourself; it’s about building a connection and demonstrating how you can contribute to the company’s success.”

“An interview is a golden opportunity to share your unique perspective, ideas, and solutions. Be bold, be innovative, and show them why you’re a game-changer.”

“In an interview, confidence is key. Believe in yourself, your abilities, and what you bring to the table. Let your self-assurance shine through.”

“An interview is a chance to turn your passion into purpose. Share your enthusiasm, let them see your genuine excitement for the role, and inspire them to believe in you.”

“In an interview, it’s not just about impressing the interviewer; it’s about building a relationship. Be authentic, be personable, and leave a positive and memorable impression.”

“An interview is an opportunity to show your adaptability and problem-solving skills. Be ready to showcase how you can thrive in challenging situations.”

“In an interview, remember that every setback is an opportunity for growth. Embrace the lessons learned, show resilience, and demonstrate your ability to overcome obstacles.”

Quotes to showcase unique strength during interview

“An interview is a window of opportunity where you can showcase your potential, exceed expectations, and open doors to new possibilities.”

“In an interview, preparation is the key that unlocks your full potential. Research, practice, and be ready to seize the moment.”

“An interview is your chance to let your true self shine. Be authentic, be genuine, and let your personality leave a lasting impression.”

“In an interview, confidence is magnetic. Believe in yourself, trust your abilities, and let your self-assurance guide you through.”

“An interview is a platform for storytelling. Craft compelling narratives that demonstrate your experiences, achievements, and growth.”

“In an interview, active listening is as important as speaking. Pay attention, show interest, and engage in meaningful conversations.”

“An interview is a gateway to growth. Embrace feedback, learn from each experience, and continually strive to improve.”

“In an interview, resilience is key. Embrace challenges, handle setbacks with grace, and show your ability to bounce back stronger.”

“An interview is an opportunity to demonstrate your problem-solving skills. Show agility, creativity, and a proactive mindset.”

“In an interview, remember that confidence without humility can overshadow your true potential. Stay grounded, remain humble, and show gratitude for the opportunity.”

Quotes on challenges of interview

“An interview is a chance to showcase not only your skills but also your passion and enthusiasm for the role. Let your genuine excitement shine through.”

“In an interview, confidence is essential, but it’s equally important to remain humble and open to feedback. Show that you are willing to learn and grow.”

“An interview is an opportunity to connect on a personal level. Be attentive, ask meaningful questions, and demonstrate your genuine interest in the company and the role.”

“In an interview, preparation is the key to success. Research the company, understand the industry, and come prepared to demonstrate your knowledge and insights.”

“An interview is a chance to highlight your unique value proposition. Identify your strengths, articulate them clearly, and show how they align with the needs of the role.”

“In an interview, it’s not just about what you say but also how you say it. Communicate with clarity, confidence, and professionalism.”

“An interview is an opportunity to show your problem-solving skills. Share examples of how you have overcome challenges and made a positive impact in your previous experiences.”

“In an interview, remember that authenticity is key. Be true to yourself, be honest about your experiences and skills, and let your genuine self shine.”

“An interview is a moment to demonstrate your professionalism and work ethic. Show up on time, dress appropriately, and communicate with respect and courtesy.”

“In an interview, never underestimate the power of a genuine thank you. Follow up with a thoughtful note expressing gratitude for the opportunity and reiterating your interest in the role.”

Quotes to demonstrate their passion

“An interview is a chance to showcase your unique blend of skills, experiences, and perspectives that make you an invaluable asset to any organization.”

“In an interview, your ability to effectively communicate your value proposition can make all the difference in standing out from other candidates.”

“An interview is an opportunity to demonstrate your adaptability and resilience, showcasing how you thrive in dynamic and ever-changing environments.”

“In an interview, authenticity is the secret ingredient that captures the attention of employers and creates a genuine connection.”

“An interview is a platform for self-discovery, where you gain insights into your own strengths, aspirations, and areas for growth.”

“In an interview, active listening is just as important as articulating your own thoughts. Show genuine interest in the interviewer’s perspective and the company’s vision.”

“An interview is an invitation to tell your career story with conviction and passion, illustrating the trajectory that has led you to this moment.”

“In an interview, demonstrating your problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills can showcase your potential to overcome challenges in the workplace.”

“An interview is an opportunity to display your professional presence and demeanor, leaving a lasting impression of your polished and composed nature.”

“In an interview, preparation is the foundation of success. Practice, research, and anticipate potential questions to ensure you’re ready to shine.”

Quotes on embracing authenticity

“An interview is a moment of opportunity, where you have the chance to turn your potential into reality and make a lasting impression.”

“In an interview, remember that confidence is not about knowing all the answers but about being open to learning and showing your willingness to grow.”

“An interview is an opportunity to demonstrate your passion and commitment. Let your enthusiasm shine through and inspire those around you.”

“In an interview, your body language speaks volumes. Stand tall, maintain eye contact, and convey your confidence through your non-verbal cues.”

“An interview is a conversation, not an interrogation. Engage with the interviewer, ask thoughtful questions, and show that you are genuinely interested in the opportunity.”

“In an interview, the way you handle challenges and setbacks speaks volumes about your resilience and problem-solving abilities.”

“An interview is an opportunity to showcase your unique perspective and bring a fresh and innovative outlook to the table.”

“In an interview, authenticity is key. Be true to yourself, stay genuine, and let your true personality shine through.”

“An interview is a chance to demonstrate your ability to work well with others. Showcase your teamwork, collaboration, and communication skills.”

“In an interview, remember that every experience, even if it doesn’t lead to an offer, provides an opportunity for growth and self-reflection.”

Quotes on proving your skills

“An interview is a chance to showcase your true potential and prove that you are the best person for the job.”

“In an interview, your preparation and confidence are the keys to unlocking doors of opportunity.”

“An interview is a moment to demonstrate your ability to think on your feet, adapt to new situations, and solve problems creatively.”

“In an interview, remember that your attitude and mindset can be as important as your qualifications. Show that you are ready to embrace challenges and contribute to the team.”

“An interview is an opportunity to make a memorable impression. Leave a positive mark by being genuine, enthusiastic, and engaged.”

“In an interview, communication is paramount. Articulate your thoughts clearly, listen actively, and engage in meaningful dialogue.”

“An interview is a chance to show your potential employer that you are not just a candidate but a valuable asset who can make a significant impact.”

“In an interview, remember that every question is an opportunity to highlight your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. Be prepared to showcase your unique value.”

“An interview is a moment to build a connection and establish rapport. Be personable, show interest, and let your personality shine through.”

“In an interview, remember that it’s not just about securing a job but finding the right fit. Assess if the company aligns with your values, goals, and aspirations.”

Quotes on interview communication

“An interview is a moment of opportunity where your qualifications, experiences, and personality can converge to make a lasting impression.”

“In an interview, be the best version of yourself, confidently showcasing your skills, knowledge, and passion for the role.”

“An interview is an invitation to demonstrate your ability to thrive under pressure, adapt to new situations, and excel in a competitive environment.”

“In an interview, show that you are not just seeking a job but a meaningful career that aligns with your aspirations and values.”

“An interview is a chance to highlight your unique strengths and qualities that set you apart from other candidates.”

“In an interview, remember that building rapport and connecting with the interviewer can be as important as answering the questions.”

“An interview is an opportunity to convey your professional story, showcasing the progression, challenges, and achievements that have shaped your journey.”

“In an interview, demonstrate your commitment to continuous learning and growth by sharing examples of how you have embraced new skills and knowledge.”

“An interview is a moment to exemplify your professionalism, reliability, and dedication to excellence.”

“In an interview, remember that success is not solely defined by getting the job but by the valuable insights, experiences, and connections gained throughout the process.”

Quotes interview process

“An interview is an opportunity to showcase your potential and prove that you are the right fit for the role. Seize it with confidence and conviction.”

“In an interview, every question is a chance to demonstrate your expertise, passion, and ability to contribute meaningfully to the organization.”

“An interview is a platform to share your unique story, illustrating how your experiences and skills align with the company’s vision and goals.”

“In an interview, your ability to articulate your strengths, accomplishments, and future aspirations can leave a lasting impression on the interviewer.”

“An interview is a gateway to new possibilities and growth. Embrace it as a valuable opportunity to showcase your potential and expand your horizons.”

“In an interview, your attitude and demeanor can be just as important as your qualifications. Show that you are a positive and collaborative team player.”

“An interview is a chance to connect on a personal level, building rapport and demonstrating your ability to thrive in a professional environment.”

“In an interview, active listening is crucial. Pay attention, ask thoughtful follow-up questions, and show genuine interest in the conversation.”

“An interview is an invitation to demonstrate your problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities, showcasing your ability to tackle complex challenges.”

“In an interview, remember that authenticity is key. Be true to yourself, stay composed, and let your unique qualities and experiences shine through.”

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